
North of Jewfish Creek


Dear Friend & Subscriber,

The first thing I want to tell you is, we were totally unprepared for the flood of orders we received for "The 12-Month Millionaire". In fact, we got so many orders so fast...

We Sold Out Our Entire Supply

In Less Than 30-Minutes!

This caused us to go into an almost "panic mode" and work frantically nearly 24-hours per day to get more product created and shipped out.

But, all the orders have been filled and shipped now and, as I write these very words, you should have had enough time to have already devoured all the wisdom and money-making secrets contained in that product.

I hope so... because... if you have not already studied all that info at least two or three times already, you are truly beyond all hope.

Anyway, now I want to tell you something which relates to "The 12-Month Millionaire". Something very important and, I'll tell you just how it relates toward the end of this letter.

Some time ago, I wrote in this newsletter how I believed I had achieved the right to call myself "The World's Greatest Copywriter". I truly believe in my mind (the only place that matters to me) I am the world's best.

But, I also revealed I had another goal which was...

I Wanted To Become The

World's Greatest Copywriting TEACHER!

I now think maybe I have achieved that goal also.

Remember how I told you I was mentoring a young (21-years-old) man from Ireland? Well, before I started mentoring him (his name is Caleb O'Dowd) I learned he had never even seen a direct response sales letter or an ad because...

They Don't Have Any Such

Thing Like Them In Ireland!

Well, he's just completed his first sales letter which will be mailed next Saturday. When I read it, I was stunned! I actually believe it is so good (it sells a product having to do with male potency) that neither me, John Carlton, Gary Bencivenga nor any other copywriter could have written it any better. It is so good you may be tempted to think I wrote part of it. I didn't. I corrected a few typos, and had him eliminate one paragraph I felt didn't belong in the letter. Other than that, I never wrote even one word of Caleb's sales letter. It's 100% all his. How good is it? 

I'm glad you asked. Judge for yourself:


Finally, a safer more effective answer for 250 million men worldwide…


“After 7 Years Of Intense Research, Scientists Finally Reveal

The Safest, Most Potently Effective Method For Super Charging

Your Sex Drive… For Completely Curing Impotency… And…

For Having The Most Intense, Mind Melting Orgasms…

Humanly Possible!”


Experts finally put their money where their mouths are and promise to dramatically increase your sex drive, give you longer STRONGER erections… and… completely re-invent your sex life in 90 days, (or less) … or… you’ll receive a check for $259.94…guaranteed!

Shameless over-promising? Not at all!





Dear Friend,

If you’re even remotely interested in discovering how the latest scientific discovery can dramatically turbo charge your sex life, multiply your libido, and completely cure any, (and all), forms of impotency, giving you rock hard erections when and wherever you want them, each and every time… then this is going to be the most exciting little letter you’ll ever read!

Here’s why: A recently discovered herb, (found only at the foothills of the Peruvian mountains, Peru), has been proven… so effective… in completely curing impotency and dramatically reviving your sex life, that it’s totally taken the male sexual enhancement industry by storm… and… turned it’s industry leaders on their heads!

This soon to be patented herb has been scientifically proven safe, by some of the world’s top scientific authorities, and has already made it to the Food and Drug Association’s “Safe List”. Yet tests carried out in research facilities across the United States, (and Europe), have shown “Lepidium Meyenii” to be…

The Safest, Most Potently Effective Medicine Known
To Man For completely Curing Impotency, For Dramatically
Increasing Penis Strength, And For Replenishing, and Increasing
Libido Levels By As Much As 450%!

Endless studies have undoubtedly revealed, men who have been treated with this “magic herb” for a short period of time, (as little as 90 days), have been completely cured of all forms of erectile dysfunction and have totally regained as much as 98% of their lost libido.

In fact, after 137,000 tests, and independent studies carried out across the globe, research continues to reveal “Lepidium Meyenii” to be as much as 3 times more effective in curing male impotency, and restoring lost libido, than the strongest chemical, (Yohimbine Hydrochloride), which is found in almost every prescription drug on the market today for curing impotency and restoring lost libido!

And the best part is, you don’t need to be a certain weight, you don’t need to diet, or eat certain foods… and… certainly you don’t need to take any dangerous or unpredictable drugs for you to see these kinds of amazing results. Actually, you don’t even need to change, or do anything in order for this to work.

Listen up: Approximately 10 million American men over the age of 35 are searching for a safer, more effective and less costly alternative to most industry leading drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

In an independent study carried out by Hamden Medical Centre, Glostershire England, Dr. Anthony Blane revealed, 61.7% of men said the reason why they stopped taking “chemically created” impotency/male enhancement medication, was because of negative side-effects such as vomiting, painful prolonged erections, cramps, upset stomach, back pain, dangerous increase in blood pressure, hypertension, rash and…

Increased Risk Of Heart Attack!

In the same study, Dr. Blane found 32.1% of men said they stopped taking these prescription prescribed drugs because of the enormously high cost for just one single pill.

This is why “XXXXXXXXXX” have gone to extraordinary lengths to research and originate a brand new patent pending, “all natural herbal formula”, containing Lepidium Meyenii and 17 more of the most potently effective, (yet completely harmless), scientifically proven herbs known to man for dramatically reviving your sex life.

Here’s how it all works: You see, in order for us men to get “Turned On” or to get an erection, our neural system needs to produce a chemical called “Nitric Oxide” which initiates a series of events, one of which, is the release of another chemical known as “Noradrenaline”, which is sometimes referred to as the “Erection Hormone”

What Nitric Oxide does is…it sends the chemical Noradrenaline down the spinal cord, into the penis, and causes the erectile tissue to relax.

Once this happens, blood begins to rush from the arteries to two thin chambers in the penis called “Corpora Cavernosa”. As the erectile tissue is flooded and engorged by blood from the arteries, the penis begins to lengthen and expand.

Then, as more and more blood is pumped into these two chambers, the penis becomes increasingly hard and more rigid. During sex, the penis stays rigid because it is being stimulated, which causes the blood to become trapped in these chambers by what’s known as, involuntary reflex valves.

What most industry leading drugs do in order to “temporarily” cure impotency is they release certain chemicals which “react” with the erectile tissue, causing it to relax so the blood can flow into the penis… But…

They Do Absolutely NOTHING To Repair
The “Root Cause” Of The Problem.

This is where “XXXX” comes in! Each, and every, ingredient in this pill is designed to work like “busy little bees” inside your system to seek out and pin-point your bodies own nutrient reservoirs, which are lacking in these vital chemicals.

You see, unfortunately for us, our levels of these vital chemicals begin to steadily drop off by between 1 and 2% each year after the age of 30, taking with it, (at an equally steady pace), our libido, strength and muscle mass.

What XXXX does is… it supplies the natural vital nutrients and chemicals our bodies need to regain our youthful functionality. Just like a dry cloth soaks up a wet spill, our nutrient deficient reservoirs soak up the much needed supplements, which then spread throughout our bodies depositing the naturally occurring chemicals wherever, and whenever, they are needed!

XXXX is able to completely cure the problem at the source, (where the difficulty began in the first place), by super charging, or “topping up” any dead or depleting sources of nutrients and chemicals, for a much more permanent… and natural solution to any, and all forms of sexual dysfunction…

And The Best Part Of All Is… Each And Every
Herb Found In Our Formula Has Been Scientifically Proven
Safe By Thousands Of Experts Worldwide!

Just take a look at exactly what our three main herbs have been scientifically proven to do, after just a short time of using this “Miracle Pill”.

EPIMEDIUM EXTRACT – Has a two thousand year history of use as a sex-enhancer. Scientific tests carried out by top medical doctors in Shanghai reported: “Epimedium Extract boosts libido and improves erectile function by as much as 315%”.

Many other tests and studies carried out also reveal, Epimedium Extract has been proven to:

  • Replenish lost or depleting Nitric Oxide and Noradrenaline levels!

  • Dramatically increase libido and erectile functions!

  • Supercharge your sexual desire!

  • Completely cure premature ejaculation by strengthening the PC muscle!

  • Radically increase sperm production, causing longer, more satisfying orgasms!

  • Stimulate sensory nerves which multiply orgasm sensitivity by double digit numbers giving you some of the most intense, mind melting orgasms of your life!

  • Improve blood circulation and increase metabolic rate by as much as 300%

L-ARGININE A crystalline like powder which has been proven to dramatically improve erections, while at the same time benefiting cardiac blood vessel reactivity. It is also an important factor in muscle metabolism and aids in transportation, storage and disposal of nitrogen, (a much needed sexual chemical), throughout the body.

After many years of research, tests have proven L-Arginine to:

  • Dramatically increase blood flow to the penis, causing each erection to temporarily increase by almost 20% its normal size!

  • Increase energy levels and sexual stamina, which will result in you feeling much younger and more capable of having extended sexual activities!

  • Restore sexual vitality and performance!

  • Dramatically increase stamina, strength, endurance and sexual energy levels!

  • Increase life expectancy, by supplying rich sources of highly targeted nutrients which play a major role in longevity!

  • Cure urinary tract, liver and kidney disorders!

LEPIDIUM MEYENII In studies, subjects given Lepidium Meyenii instantly experienced greater sexual orgasmic intensity, increased energy, and stamina. This plant has been used for thousands of years by the Incan people in Peru, to restore sexual vitality, enjoyment, performance… and… for completely curing impotency. This is one of the oldest, and still, one of the most potently effective aphrodisiacs in the world today.

After thousands of scientific studies carried out across the globe, Lepidium Meyenii has been proven to:

  • Improve mental awareness and encourage proper hormonal functions!

  • Completely cure Impotency!

  • Improve lipid levels and lower cholesterol levels!

  • Improve nerve growth and increase resistance to disease!

  • Stimulate the central nervous system causing a more heightened, intense sexual experience!

  • Quickly decrease stress levels and even play a major role in overcoming depression!

  • Turbo charge you libido levels!

  • And much, much more!

Now, I know you’re probably a little skeptical right now, but let me tell you, EVERYONE who has tried XXXX out for themselves, have openly admitted… it is… beyond a doubt…

The Most Effective Solution
They Have Ever Used!

Just take a quick look at what these three people had to say just weeks after jumping at the chance to get their hands on this amazing pill:

“I’m almost speechless! The results I received from using XXXX are better than I ever imagined. I had difficulty experiencing an orgasm before I tried your product. Now I’m having the most amazing sex I’ve ever had in my life. I’m knocking the socks of my girlfriend every time we make love. I can’t believe it and she can't believe it either! Thank you!” XXXX, XXXXX, WA

“I was beginning to feel really depressed. I have been experiencing erectile dysfunction for about 12 months now. My wife was very supportive, but I could tell she was beginning to get frustrated over this. I went to my doctor, who prescribed me Viagra, and it was great for a while. Then I started to experience heart palpitations and was immediately taken off the drug. I was desperate to find something before things started going back to the way they were. Then I started using XXXX. I can honestly say after 12 months of having my confidence shattered and my entire masculinity taken away from me, this has been an absolute blessing. Now I’m able to get an erection when, and even, wherever I want.” XXXX, XXXXX, Canada

“I'm very grateful to you for bringing such miraculous changes to my life. I’m almost 69 years old, and because of you and your “Miracle Pill” I have became more passionate and sexually attracted to my wife then I have been for 30 years. I have only been using your pill for 8 weeks, but already I can make love to my wife whenever I want to, and that’s probably the best part of all. I have the sex drive of a 20 year old kid and I'm just happy!!! Thank you so much and good luck to you.” XXXX, XXXXX, FL

I could go on for pages with more examples. You see, these are just three of literally thousands of men just like you who have experienced exactly what the potency of XXXX can do for them.

These people have almost completely turned their sex lives around because of the miraculous powers of just this one little pill!

Let me ask you this: Do you want to continue putting up with the embarrassment of not being “capable” of satisfying your partner?

I sure don’t, and I don’t believe you do, either. It’s time you take care of this yourself, and stop hoping your sex life is just going to get better. Impotency will not cure itself… and your sex drive will not magically re-appear on its own. Why? Cause the simple truth is…

It Just Doesn’t Work Like That!

You see, this pill is based on what works. It’s designed to combat what really goes on inside your body. It’s been tested… it’s been proven. And this is why XXXXXXXXXX, (the only company licensed to sell XXXX in the United States), is quickly becoming the number one choice among hundreds of thousands of men across America, who are desperately seeking to enhance their sex life in the safest, most potently effective way they know how!

What you have just read here, in this brief little letter, is an overview of what I believe is, the safest, most potently effective blend of all natural herbs known to man for completely restoring your libido, increasing the intensity of your orgasms and for completely curing any, (and all) forms of erectile dysfunction… in 90 days or less.

But I’m not even going to dream of asking you to take any financial risk if you think this scientifically proven formula is exactly what you have been looking for. No! I’m going to make it as easy, and as simple, as is humanly possible for you to try this amazing new pill out for yourself… without risking a single dime of your own money.

Double Your Money Back No-Nonsense

If you’re not convinced… beyond a shadow of a doubt… that this pill is everything I’ve said it is… a completely safe, potently effective method for completely curing all forms of impotency… and… for giving you the most intense, mind melting orgasms, humanly possible… after trying it for a full 90 days, then I insist you return the remaining bottles to me, and I will immediately send you a personal check for double your money back.

There will be no hard feelings and we can still be friends. I trust in this product, and I believe after you have experienced the same results as thousands of men who have tried XXXX before you, you will find it impossible to take me up on my “almost too good to be true” guarantee.

But Wait, There’s More!

I’m going to hold your check, or credit card order, for at least 30 days before I deposit, or cash it. (You can even postdate your check for 30 days ahead, just incase you are skeptical about the effectiveness of this amazing little pill).

That means if you don’t like XXXX… for any reason… you can return it within 30 days and get back your un-cashed check… or… if you ordered by credit card… I will simply destroy ALL credit card information you gave me, and your card will NEVER be charged a single cent!

But why am I willing to give you a, pay no money for 30 days, 6 month, double your money back guarantee? Because, I do not think you are going to return these pills once you have experienced what XXXX will do for you. I think you are going to love it… and… I think once you try these pills out for yourself…

You Are Going To Be So Insanely
Happy With The Results Of These
Pills, You’ll Probably Never Want To
Do Without Them Again!

That’s a darn good, no-risk-on-your-part guarantee! And it means there is absolutely no reason in the world for you not to try these incredible Pills out for yourself.

Here’s the deal: For the fastest possible service, all you need to do is call my office at XXX-XXX-XXXX between the hours of 9am to 5pm, (Eastern Standard Time), and have your credit card details ready. Or, if you prefer to pay by check, simply make it payable to XXXXXXXXXX at the following address:

XXX Company
Dept. XXX
City, State  ZIP

That’s all there is to it. As soon as I receive your order, the package will be sent to you by federal express priority overnight delivery! The price for this 90 day supply of XXXX is dirt-cheap, too cheap in fact, at just $129.97, plus $14.95 shipping and handling, ($144.92 altogether), it’s an absolute steal when you consider how much Viagra, Livitra and Cialis are charging. (These companies are charging upwards of $13 “Per-Pill”).

But that’s not all: If you call, or send your check, within the next 48hrs, I will personally send you an extra 30 day supply of XXXX… Absolutely FREE. I will ship you a neat little package containing a full four month supply of this amazing new pill, at absolutely no extra cost whatsoever!

All that’s left to do is go NOW and call my office or send me an envelope with your check in it, and you’ll be seeing the very same results thousands of men have been seeing for themselves, in lightening quick time. Go and do it right now, while it’s still fresh in your mind!

Don’t put this off… Remember… you will not find this pill, (or this offer), anywhere else on the planet. There’s a very real, and very serious, chance this offer won’t be around for very long! And if you don’t get your supply of XXXX right now, you may never see this offer again… EVER!

Don’t let that happen! You stand to lose nothing, and yet what you can gain is worth a thousand times its weight in gold to any man who wants to totally super charge his sex life in the fastest time humanly possible!



Vice President

XXX Company

PS. If you have any questions, or queries about XXXX, then please don’t hesitate to call me “personally” on my office phone number below, (just ask for me). It’s sometimes nice to know there is a real person behind the words and I will be more then happy to talk with you between business hours 9am to 5pm.

My Personal Office Phone Number:




So how does this tie in with people who bought "The 12-Month Millionaire"?

Here's how: As I revealed in an earlier issue of this newsletter, I'm having a seminar in June. Earlier, I said I thought the seminar would probably start on or about June 24, 25 and 26. Actually, the seminar which I've titled "Fusion" will be held one week earlier on June 17, 18 and 19, 2005.

By having my seminar on those dates, I was able to get my friends, John Carlton and Michael Fortin, to help me teach at this seminar. You probably already know quite a bit about John Carlton. He most certainly is one of the top copywriters in the world. And there is a special chemistry between he and I when we work together at a seminar. We are able to educate, amuse, and enlighten the attendees in a far-more effective way... than if... we were working separately.

As far as Michael Fortin goes, I have to grudgingly admit he is hands-down the best sales letter writer on the entire Internet. Remember that sales letter recently put out my friend, John Reese, which did more than $1,000,000 in sales in less than 24-hours? That letter was more than 80-pages long... and... Michael Fortin is the one who actually wrote it. 

Anyway, as you already know you cannot attend the seminar unless you have already ordered and studied "The 12-Month Millionaire". As you also already know (if you've been reading my recent newsletters) you get to DEDUCT the cost of "The 12-Month Millionaire" from the attendance fee to my seminar. The attendance fee for my seminar is $3,750 MINUS the $297 you paid for "The 12-Month Millionaire". AND you can bring a guest with you for $1,875. Actually, if your friend has purchased his own (or her own) "12-Month Millionaire" he or she can DEDUCT the $297 from their attendance fee. In other words, your guest can come for only $1,578.

To make it all as clear as possible, the price of my seminar is $3,750... LESS... the $297 you paid for "The 12-Month Millionaire"... which means... you only pay $3,453 attendance fee.

The price for your guest to attend my seminar... IF... they purchased their own "12-Month Millionaire" is only $1,578. Otherwise, they'll have to pay the full $1,875 to attend my seminar.

 And just what will you learn at my "Fusion Seminar"? Check this out:

1)   We will discuss, dissect and amplify all the information and inside secrets you learned from "The 12-Month Millionaire". In other words, we will make the information in that product "come alive" for you.

2)   You will learn 15 ways to make Internet websites more profitable than you can learn from anyone except myself. (Except, of course, Mark Joyner, to whom I have finally revealed these profit-enhancing website secrets.)

3)   Other really tricky ways to make profits from Internet marketing from the masters Mark Joyner and Michael Fortin.

4)   You will get a crash course in copywriting mastery. This will work when you are writing sales pitches... either online or off-line.

Now, let's get real. At the end of my seminar, will you be as good a copywriter as Caleb O'Dowd? The answer is... absolutely not. To be as good as Caleb, you you would have to be born in a country where you had not already been brainwashed with bad advertising... and you would have to be born with a natural talent for writing copy... and... you would have to work night and day, seven days a week, personally with me under brutal (almost combat-like) conditions. You see, Caleb is now a "master" copywriter. He is, in my opinion, already one of the ten best copywriters in the world. (Can you believe I was able to teach him how to accomplish this in less than three months?)

However, even though you will not be as good a copywriter as Caleb by the end of that seminar, you are going to learn something EVEN MORE VALUABLE about writing copy. I am going to teach you a formula for writing one "killer" sales letter after another... by using the Internet in a secret way... and then... combining that knowledge with the copywriting secrets I will teach you at my seminar.  (By the way, I have NOT YET taught even Caleb about this truly unique secret. He'll learn about it at the same time you do... WHEN... you attend my seminar.) 

By the way, I think anyone with an emerging talent in any field should be nourished, uplifted and appreciated. So, if you would like to send Caleb a few positive comments about his astonishing copywriting ability, you can e-mail him at

After reading Caleb's first sales letter and learning just how good he is, I bet some of you would like to hire him, wouldn't you? Well Ha! Ha! Guess what?

You Can't!

This guy is only going to work on his own proprietary projects owned by him and his brother, John (the guy who worked personally with Michael Dell for years.) Other than that, Caleb will be working... only... on projects I personally am involved with. 

Let's face it. The truth is, if you don't come to my "Fusion Seminar" on June 17, 18 and 19, you are out of your mind. Probably never again in your life will you have the opportunity to be taught by the likes of myself, John Carlton, Michael Fortin, and the legendary Mark Joyner. There's going to be enough creative energy in that seminar room to light up every neon sign in the city of Las Vegas.

Now, I'm going to ask you to do something curious. If you plan to attend this seminar, even before you pay, I'd like you to do me a favor. I'd like you to send me an e-mail to and give me your personal telephone number. I also need to know when is the best time for me to return your call. And because I'm not as good as Theresa at figuring out all the different Time Zones around the world, please tell me the best time based on Eastern Daylight Savings Time. Rest assured, I will NOT be calling you frivolously. And I will do my best to return all calls promptly.

Why am I asking you to do this? I don't know exactly... except... I'd like to (if possible) have a brief conversation with everyone who is going to be at my upcoming seminar. I'd like to know a little about your business. If you're not in business, I'd like to know what your goals are. This information will help me to "tailor" the seminar to the needs and desires of the attendees.

I would also like to chat with those of you who have already signed up for the seminar. (Can you believe some people are coming all the way from Australia and the United Kingdom and other countries all over the globe?)

Again, the dates of the seminar are now firm. They are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 17, 18 and 19, 2005 in Miami. That means, you can already make your travel arrangements but we're still in the process of negotiating the best possible room rates for you. As soon as we have that, we'll be sending you an e-mail notice. Be on the lookout for that information in the next few days.


Gary C. Halbert



P.S.  If you want to attend my "Fusion Seminar" in June, remember to e-mail me at with your name, telephone number and the best time to return your call... and... please do this RIGHT NOW! (If you don't do this promptly, it's very possible the seminar will be sold out... and... you will be unable to attend.)


That would be a real tragedy. It would be even worse than the day the hogs ate up my lil' sister.



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