I have to hurry now.
I just got back from Gary Bencivenga's
seminar in New York and I didn't want to write all the
details about MY seminar until his was finished. He and I
are not competitors and I didn't want anyone thinking they
had to make a choice between going to my seminar or going to
He has never given a seminar like this
before. Never will he ever again. He deserved his turn in the
limelight and to shine in public. And boy...
Did He Ever Shine!
His seminar was only about
copywriting. It was very straight forward and revealed
exactly what you have to do to be a world-class copywriter
for the world's biggest clients. What came through to me
more than anything else, was the amount of work and
discipline involved to be such a great copywriter. On
average, it seems on each new project Gary Bencivenga would
spend (over a period of 90-days) 40% of his time doing
research, 40% of his time writing, and the remaining 20% on
"polishing" his work. As near as I can calculate, that's an
average of more than 748 hours of work on each new project.
He's retiring. I would be too. Even if I
didn't have the money, I'd be forced to retire out of sheer
He and I are very different animals. He made
his reputation on ability, talent, iron-clad discipline, and
a monstrous amount of work.
On the other hand, I have concentrated more
on strategy, marketing breakthroughs and "cheap tricks"
which increase response and profits.
Yes, in the beginning, I did an enormous
amount of study. I still study marketing because it
fascinates me. But I don't study it like the crazed fiend I was at the
beginning. I used to write copy during the day, study it in
the evening, and dream about it at night.
That's a recipe for burn out. It was a
price I felt needed to be paid and I was willing to pay it.
There was no other choice. You see back then, there was no
one like ME to teach me. If back then, I would have had ME
to teach me, I could have...
Shortened That Learning Curve By 95%!
Think of it like this: Let's say there is a
bank vault with a 13-digit combination lock. That means,
there are millions of possible combinations and only one of
them will open the vault. Then, let's say I spend 10 years
trying every single combination until I hit the right one.
Then, suppose I write the correct combination on a piece of
paper and give it to you. Maybe it's 6794302187656.
There it is. In less than 10 seconds,
you have reaped the benefits of 10 years of my hard
work. And that's rather what my June "Fusion" seminar is
going to be like. In three days, myself, Mark Joyner,
John Carlton, and Michel Fortin, are going to give you...
Answers That Took Us Collectively
More Than 40 Years To Discover!
When I go to seminars, I am always somewhat
mobbed by people who want to thank me, get my autograph, or
take my photograph,
and so on. At Bencivenga's seminar, one lady
fought her way to get to me. She wanted to show me a letter
I taught her how to write. The letter brought in over
$1,000,000... and... that same letter can be used over and
over to sell hundreds of different products and services.
She gave me a copy of that letter and I will
give you a copy when you attend my seminar in June.
I will also give you several other letters
that, with minor modifications, can be used to make large
profits in 90% of all selling situations.
There's a LOT more you're going to get at my
"Fusion" seminar... but... before I tell you about all that,
I'd like to pause and tell you right now about the logistics
of the seminar.
First of all, I'm going to hold the seminar
on June 17, 18 and 19. That's on a Friday, Saturday and
Sunday. The seminar will start at 10:00 a.m. on Friday
(that's because some people are coming in from overseas) and
go till 5:00 p.m. On Saturday, we'll start at 9:00 a.m.
until 5:00 p.m. And on Sunday, it will go from 9:00 a.m. to
12:00 noon or the latest, 1:00 p.m.
The seminar will be held at the Marriott
Miami Airport Hotel on LeJeune Road in Miami. Don't
bother to rent a car. Just grab a cab or catch the shuttle.
The hotel is only about 10 minutes from the airport. You can
either call the Marriott directly at (305) 649-5000
and ask for reservations... or... you can call their
toll-free number at (800) 228-9290. Be sure to tell
them you're attending the "Halbert Fusion Seminar" to
get the discounted room rate of $109 per night. (Their
original rate was $169 per night but Theresa wrestled with
them until they finally caved in with that $109 rate.)
The cost to attend the seminar is $3,750 and
you can bring as many other guests as you want, each at
half-price which is $1,875. By the way, since a requirement
for attending my seminar is ordering and reading "The
12-Month Millionaire", you can deduct the price of that
product ($297) from the price you pay to attend my "Fusion"
seminar. In other words, rather than the full $3,750, you
only to have to pay $3,453.
The best way to pay the attendance fee for
my seminar is by credit card and faxing your credit card details to us. You'll find
instructions how to do that at the end of this letter. We were originally trying to
use PayPal but it seems many times when someone orders
something in excess of $2,000 through PayPal, there are a lot of hassles
Also, previously I asked anybody who was
coming to my seminar to send me their telephone number so I
could speak with them on a personal basis. I am now going to have to reverse
that. I have so much work to do to get ready for my seminar,
I simply don't have enough extra time to chat with people as
I would like.
Anyway, back to more of what you are going
to get at my "Fusion" seminar.
I told you John Carlton would be helping me.
John is not only a world-class copywriter, he is also very
ingenious. Often, when I myself am stumped for a creative
solution to a problem, I just pick up the phone and call
John. More often than not, he immediately rattles off a
great solution to the problem that has been causing me so
much grief. I'd rather have John at my side when people are
asking me for answers than anyone else in the world.
Remember how I told you often you can take
one letter and use a modification of that letter to sell
hundreds of products? Well, John has used modifications of
basically the same letter to sell over a hundred golf
products and another hundred self-defense products.
John and I, along with Mark Joyner and
Michel Fortin, intend to spend as much time as possible
giving INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION to each member of the audience.
That's possible because this is going to be a relatively
small seminar... and... many of your basic questions will
have already been answered by your having read "The 12-Month
Millionaire" and all of my newsletters posted on my website.
Now let's talk about Mark Joyner and Michel
Fortin. Why am I having these two guys help me with
this seminar? The answer is very simple. You see, the
Internet now has truly come of age. Personally, I tried to
ignore the Internet as long as humanly possible. But now,
that's like trying to ignore my need for oxygen. When you
combine off-line effectiveness with on-line efficiency... what
you get in a word is...
There are people using Internet
marketing strategies which produce in excess of a million
dollars in 24-hours. When you combine off-line effectiveness
with on-line efficiency (if you do it the right way), it is
possible to create marketing miracles, the likes of which
the world has never seen. And, as far as I know, there is no
one better qualified to teach you how to effectively market
on the Internet than Mark Joyner and Michel Fortin.
Let me tell you a little bit about these two
First, in addition to answering individual questions,
Mark is going to be explaining:
* The source of the "Nile Theory" of Internet
* The "Integration Marketing" which you can
use to pull money out of thin air!
* How to design "truly viral" systems!
* The "Copulation Rate Theory" of viral
* Some very sobering information on exactly
how and why affiliate and network marketing might... destroy
your business!
Just for the record, Mark wrote an e-book
called "Search Engine Tactics" which was downloaded over one
million times by 1998, when he finally just stopped
counting. Many credit Mark with writing the first e-book. But Mark corrects that by saying the first e-book was
technically any book in electronic format, including Word
documents. He will (quite rightfully however) accept the
credit for popularizing the format and probably the term
itself ("e-book") long before Stephen King.
Much of what Mark will reveal to you at this
Has Previously Only Been Revealed
To His $2,000 Per Hour
Consulting Clients!
For example, the exact process used
to make his last book a #1 best seller, beating out Rudy Guiliani's book
titled "Leadership", which was being
promoted by CNN every 30-minutes.
When Mark talks at our "Fusion" seminar,
you'll probably see me furiously taking notes along with the
rest of the attendees. Why? Because I expect to be learning as much
from him at this seminar as the attendees will be learning!
Now let me tell you about Michel Fortin.
In the last few years, Michel Fortin was
instrumental in selling several millions of dollars' worth of
products and services for a wide variety of Internet clients
who were promoting hundreds of different (and unrelated)
One of his recent successes is a sales
letter he wrote for John Reese which produced a record
breaking $1.08 million in online sales within just 18 hours
of its launch!
A curious fact about Michel is he was
born with a minor physical disability and was emotionally
abused by an alcoholic father (who is now institutionalized).
As a result, Michel lived a secluded childhood in an attempt to
avoid his father (and the rest of the world) because he had
an overwhelming fear of rejection. When Michel discovered
his unique ability to write persuasively, he first used his
skills to write ads and sales letters that attracted
qualified clients to him... and... not the other way around.
That way, he no longer had to fear rejection. The people who
wanted to work with him were approaching him... and not...
vice versa.
Michel Fortin became the top sales producer
for a Fortune 500 company. In the last decade alone, he
generated over $35 million in sales for clients all over the
globe. Clients in Canada, Australia, Europe, China, Russia
and the United States.
He has written for, or helped out on,
the sales copy with the likes of:
Yanik Silver
John Reese
Simon Grabowski
Stephen Pierce
Kirt Christensen
Jay Abraham
Ted Ciuba
Frank Kern
Terry Dean
Shawn Casey, Esq.
Jason Potash
Dr. Neil Shearing
Nitro Marketing
Mark Joyner
Miguel Alvarez
Bill Hammond, Esq.
Jeff Mulligan
Michael Kimble
What's more important (as far as my seminar
is concerned) is Michel is known for his remarkable
teaching ability. He's a former college teacher in
Marketing, Personal Selling, Sales Management, Marketing
Management, eCommerce, and Internet Marketing.
Michel and his articles have appeared in
over 500 publications, including Internet.com, Home Business
Magazine, Web Promote, Wealth Building Magazine, Office.com,
Marketing Power! and others.
On the personal side, Michel currently lives
in Ottawa with his beautiful wife, Rhonda, and teenage
daughter, Megan. He is also a musician and the drummer in a
local band.
And last but not least, we're going to make
all that "killer information" you read in "The 12-Month
Millionaire" come alive for you. There are 44 chapters in
"The 12-Month Millionaire" and each of them contain
multi-million dollar secrets. I'm not going to list them all
here since you should have just read the book. But I do want
to make a few comments about Vince James (the author) who
will also be at my "Fusion" seminar.
Vince is the only person in the world
(besides myself) who has actually followed a few pieces of
advice I have given to hundreds of clients. All the rest of
the people I've given these suggestions to considered them
"silly" and too unimportant to bother with. They thought
what I was telling them couldn't possibly be true. That
reaction has been so universal, most of the time I don't
even bother giving the advice any more. Well, I am going to
reveal, once again, those few secrets at my June "Fusion"
seminar. This time, I intend to have Vince James on stage
with me to HELP ME HAMMER HOME the value of this advice.
Remember how I told you Gary Bencivenga's
seminar was attended by the largest mailers on earth? Even
those mailers will not follow these few pieces of advice.
And they don't know it but...
It Has Cost Them
Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars!
These are a few of the CRUCIAL
secrets Vince James learned from me which enabled him (and
remember, he's just one guy) to generate over $100
million in sales.
You know what's funny? Vince didn't get in
touch with me because my advice helped him generate that
$100 million in sales. No, he got in touch with me because
his failure to listen to one other piece of advice (which
even he thought was "silly") caused him to lose more than
$48 million in a single day.
It's all going to be explained in lurid,
graphic detail to you at my "Fusion" seminar next month.
As I said, it's going to be a relatively
small seminar where my small "band" of money-making
maniacs and I are going to do our best to teach you...
Everything You Need To Know
To Be A Success At Both
Online And Offline Marketing!
And remember... we are also keeping this seminar relatively
small so we can...
Give Each Attendee
As Much Personal Attention
As Humanly Possible!
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert