Dear Friend and Subscriber,
Dr. Larry Patterson, possibly
the best eye surgeon in America, looked up from his instrument
and said…
"Gary, It's Official. You
Are Legally Blind!"
His words were no surprise.
My vision had been troublesome all my life and, during
the last year, had gotten exponentially worse. One eye
was nearsighted, one eye was farsighted, both had astigmatism,
both were scarred from sloppy radial keratotomy surgery
and both eyes had cataracts obstructing my vision.
It was increasingly difficult
to navigate my life. Where a normal person would see two
headlights coming from a car at night, I would see perhaps
eighteen. I couldn't read my computer with my nose against
the screen. I couldn't recognize my youngest son's face
from across a small room in San Diego. Couldn't read a
book, couldn't watch a movie and couldn't even enjoy pornography
unless they would start producing it in brail.
For much of last year I've
been traveling with a seeing-eye Jew from Brooklyn, Sam
Markowitz. I've been teaching him to write world class-copy
(boy he's good!) and he's been helping me cross streets
like a little old lady and making sure I use the men's
room instead of the ladies.
But, The Nightmare Is Now Over Due To
The Genius Of Doctor Larry Patterson!
He performed the delicate
surgery I needed in Crossville, Tennessee, and now that
my two eyes have healed I can see almost perfectly! Isn't
that a miracle? That a man like Larry Patterson can change
a person from legally blind to almost 20/20 vision in
a matter of minutes?
By the way, did you know
anything beyond 20/400 is considered legally blind? They
mostly don't even bother measuring beyond that. Here's
what that means: if you have 20/20 vision and you are
looking at a car 400 feet away, for me (before surgery)
to see what you were seeing I would have to walk until
I was only 20 feet from the car. That kinda limits a guy's
act, doesn't it? And guess what? I personally know a man
whose uncorrected vision is 20/1000. Wow! I wonder what
he thought about the world before he got his corrective
And so, after 20 years,
I pretty much stopped writing this newsletter. It wasn't
the logistics were insurmountable (they weren't), it's
just somehow I didn't have the spirit to do it. Oh. I
could write for clients, OK. Maybe better than ever. You'll
see some samples of my recent work before you finish this
letter. It's silly but I just sort of consider this letter
sacred and I just didn't want to grapple with it when
I am any way impaired. (I'd be a treat for a shrink, wouldn't
So, now you know (sort
of) why I haven't posted a newsletter for quite some time.
It's partially a spiritual reason I don't completely understand
Anyway, I Want To Apologize For All The
And Trauma I Have Caused You!
You see, when my newsletter
isn't posted at least once a month, my info starved, truth
seekers are forced to get by with written dribble from
second rate marketers like Clayton Makepeace, John Carlton,
Gary Bencivenga, Dan Kennedy, Michael Fortin and all the
others who are so pathetic they are hardly worth mentioning.
Let alone reading.
Oh, shut up! You know I'm
kidding, don't you? I've admired Clayton Makepeace's copywriting
genius ever since I finally met him in Provo, Utah way
back when he was writing for the hard money crowd. John
Carlton? King of what I call the "muscle writers." I'd
like John to take a crack at the Mickey Spillane novels.
I bet he'd be great at it. Gary Bencivenga? The only thing
I can say about him is…
We Gotta Keep Him In Retirement!
Michael Fortin specializes
in the net and knows more about it than I ever will or
desire to know. And Kennedy? He and Makepeace are both
so prolific they make me sick with guilt. I gotta find
the source of the batteries those guys run on.
But, as good as all those
guys are, I bring something to the table that all of them
lack. You see…
It Is Only I Who Can Justifiably Claim
Title OF The Supreme Alpha Shitweasel!
And guess what? As of today, the Alpha Shitweasel is
back! And being back, I've decided I want to give my vision
a treat in this newsletter. I want to publish something
that is a treat for my newly renovated eyes. So I've decided
to publish a breathtaking photo of my girlfriend. My son
Kevin took this photo and I never get tired of looking
at it. Here it is:

Lord, she's pretty isn't
she? And as nice and loving as a woman can be. We've been
together nearly six years now and you know what? Every
time I see her or a photo of her I still marvel that she
is my girlfriend. She dances in rock and roll videos and
on my last trip to Costa Rica I was kicking back watching
Latino MTV and all of the sudden her video was playing
on the tube. It's a treat to see her and her girlfriends
dancing on the tube in my hotel room. When we travel around
Costa Rica people are always recognizing her as the lottery
girl or the rock and roll dancer or the model who looks
forbidding sitting astride a Tico Motors chopper. Its
all just fun and I'm happy to be the bump on the log that
blends into the background. Now listen: you know that
photo of Sirian you just saw in black and white? Well,
I'm a little afraid some of my sickly, infirm readers
may have a heart attack or stroke if they see that same
photo in full color. But I checked the law for deaths
caused by looking at a photo of a pretty girl and there
seems to be no penalty. So if you've got the nerve to
chance it
see my Corazon in color at sirianincolor.
Actually, let me be slightly
sober for a moment. It's true I like to show off my girlfriend
from time to time. But that's not the total reason for
what I just did. See, I sort of believe people in general
tend to like black and white photos better than color.
Anyway, I wanted to know if that's true for a long time.
So I'd appreciate it, after looking at both photos, if
you would send an email to
and tell me which photo you like best. I'd be much obliged.
Maybe this info will lead to more efficient marketing.
Who knows?
All right, now that we've
got some eye candy for this issue, let's keep the good
vibes going by listening to a little spectacular ear candy.
Have I got a treat for you! It appears there's this guy
who keeps a tape recorder always handy right beside his
phone. Then, when a telemarketer calls he scares the poor
guy half to death and records the event. He shows the
poor telemarketer no mercy and literally turns him into
a nervous wreck. You're gonna enjoy this! Click here to
listen: telemarketer.
Okay, enough fun and games.
Let's get serious and learn something useful about marketing.
Listen, although I've been legally blind most of this
year, it only interfered with the writing of my newsletter.
It didn't interfere whatsoever with the work I do for
my clients. Some of that work, I think, is spectacular.
And, maybe, one or two of them flopped? So, here we go
again; you gotta guess which ads or letters did well and
which did not. Make your decisions and send your conclusions
to And don't forget to let me know
if you like the black and white photo or the color photo
I'm sending you three promotions
to evaluate with this issue of my newsletter. I'll send
more for your consideration in future issues.
Promotion #1:
"Researchers In FDA Certified
Lab Discover How To Triple Your Energy!"
Donald A. Elgie
Camp Verde, Arizona
Thursday, 2:11 p.m.
December 07, 2006
Dear Friend,
My name is Donald Elgie
and, I think you may want to call me after reading this
letter. If so, my number is 000-000-0000. And if you'd
like to visit me, my office is located at 123 Elm Street
in Massillon, Ohio. That's right across the street from
the Public Library and two blocks south of the Massillon
Police Station.
You see, if you feel tired
more often than you'd like and… you want more energy all
throughout the day… this may be the most important letter
you will ever read.
Here is why:
There is an unusual man
who lived in the 17th century named Athanasius Kircher.
He was born in 1601 and died in 1680. He was an Archeologist,
Mathematician, Biologist, Physicist, Vulcanologist, and
Egyptologist. And many people consider him …
The Last Person Alive To Know Everything
There Is To Know In The World!
Listen: If you walked into
Harvard's library in 1638, you could have read every book
they had. There were only 400 of them. At a pace of one
book a week, you would have read 50 books a year and,
finished all 400 books in eight years. Today, there are
15 million books in that library.
The world is very different
now. Some experts estimate the world's knowledge now doubles
every 2 to 3 years. We live in a society where the daily
newspaper can be so big we cannot read it all before the
next day's issue comes out. When we turn on the TV, we
have hundreds of cable and satellite channels to choose
from. And every time we blink we get a new email!
Life can be rather overwhelming.
We have more things to do than we can handle. We have
more choices to make than we have time to think. And while
we try to juggle work, health and our relationships, we
are constantly interrupted by hundreds of other things
life throws in our way.
All This Leads To Stress!
No wonder the most common
complaint doctors get from patients is 'tiredness' and
'low energy! We get very stressed out by the constant
change and fast pace of life and… this drains our energy
The result is we are tired,
sleepy, exhausted and worn-out. In the morning we want
to hide under our bed sheets. In the afternoon we wish
to crawl into a corner and take a nap. And in the evening
we just want to eat dinner and fall asleep to the TV.
However, there is good
news. You see, stress does rob us off our energy. But
there is another reason for being tired you probably never
heard before. And once you know this reason, you will
no longer have to be tired. Instead, you will be able
to have loads of energy all throughout the day!
Listen closely:
Your body is 70% water.
In fact, you have about 10 gallons of water in your body.
Whether you know it or not, there are a number of acids
floating in this water. These include cholesterol, uric
acid and ascetic acid. If there are too many acids, your
body becomes acidic. The opposite of acidic is called
Scientists measure acidity
and alkalinity on the pH Scale. It ranges from 1 to 14.
Anything below 7 is acidic and, the lower the number the
more acidic it is. Anything above 7 is alkaline and, the
higher the number the more alkaline it is. And in order
for you to be healthy and energized, the pH of your blood
should be 7.365 which, is slightly alkaline.
But there is a problem:
95% Of All Food Sold In The
Supermarket Is Acid Forming!
It's true. Meats, eggs,
bread, cheese, coffee, chocolate, sugar, rice, milk, cereal,
cookies, crackers and many other foods create acids in
our body. More so, the foods we eat are so acid forming
that most people have 'acid overload.' This makes it very
difficult for our body to remain alkaline as it needs
to be.
What does this mean? Well,
acid overload causes our blood cells to clump together.
This makes it hard for them to travel to all the tiny
capillaries in our body and deliver oxygen to our cells.
But our cells need oxygen for energy. And simply put,
by not getting enough oxygen we have less energy! With
less oxygen our cells have to work a lot harder which
makes us tired and drains our energy. This is the most
unknown yet… the major reason we are so tired and have
little energy!
Aren't there foods that
are not acidic? Sure. For the most part they are fruits,
vegetables, and a few nuts and grains. But only eating
fruits and vegetables for the rest of your life is not
the solution.
Reason 1: Most people
find it difficult to give up meatloaf, mashed potatoes,
chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, chocolate cake, grilled
cheese, hamburgers, potato chips and, all the other foods
we love.
Reason 2: Even if
you only eat fruits and vegetables, you may still have
too much acid in your body! That's because any type of
physical or mental stress causes your acids to increase.
Even an annoying phone call increases acid. And we've
seen earlier how much stress we tend to really be under.
Reason 3: As we
get older it becomes increasingly difficult for our body
to deal with acids and keep us alkaline. This is especially
true if you are over 40.
In short, the foods we
eat, the stress we have and, the aging process all add
to the acid buildup in our body. This drains us of our
Is there a way to stop
acid overload? You bet. It's really simple and… your energy
levels will triple! But first, there is one more thing
you ought to know.
Acid Overload Damages Your Health!
You see, acid overload
drains so much of your energy that your body doesn't have
enough energy to fight off viruses and disease. In other
words, your immune system is weakened.
More so, when your body
is overly acid you become vulnerable to germs, yeast,
bacteria, molds and fungi. Why? Because all these microorganisms
thrive in acidity! In an alkaline environment they are
weakened and cannot multiply as well. Therefore, by keeping
your body alkaline you can prevent colds, the flu, and
many other illnesses.
In fact, acid overload
is associated with many health problems and diseases.
Here are just a few of them:
Weight And Fat Gain:
To protect against acid buildup, your body begins to create
and store fat. Even if you are on a weight loss diet and
you exercise, your body will try to hold on to this fat
because it is important for protection against acids.
That's why many people that restore alkalinity in their
body find it incredibly easier to lose weight.
Osteoporosis And
Weak Bones: Another way your body protects against
acid buildup is with calcium. 99% of the calcium in your
body is located in your bones. When there is too much
acid in your body, it begins to withdraw calcium from
your bones making them weaker. Over time this may lead
to Osteoporosis.
Heart Disease:
Cholesterol is an acid. When the body becomes too acidic
it gets difficult to flush cholesterol out of your system.
Instead, your body defends itself by solidifying cholesterol
in your blood and depositing it in the cells of your blood
vessels. Over time this cholesterol buildup can lead to
many common heart problems including heart attacks and
Another acid in your body is uric acid. Like cholesterol,
your body deals with an excess of uric acid by solidifying
it into a salt that tends to build up in your joints.
This can damage cartilage and irritate your joints. The
result can be joint stiffness and arthritis.
Accelerated Aging:Evidence
suggests an over acidic body is a prime cause for aging.
Also, your skin is your body's largest detoxifying organ.
When you have too much acid in your body, your skin has
trouble eliminating all of it. And what shows up on your
skin is a reflection of what's going on inside your body.
As you can see, having
too much acid in your body not only robs you of your energy
but it also robs you of your health! And eating regular
foods, experiencing stress and getting older makes your
body overly acidic. The good news is I put together a
team of health experts at the Institute for Vibrant Living
(in Camp Verde, Arizona) to find a solution that will
guarantee to restore your alkalinity.
Finally, we created a unique
formula in an FDA (Food And Drug Administration) Certified
Laboratory that flushes out the acids from your body and
keeps you alkaline. As a result it:
Triples Your Energy Levels… Strengthens
Your Immune
System And… Restores Your Health!
It increases mental clarity!
It regulates your blood sugar!
It helps you drop fat and lose weight!
- It
restores clear bright eyes!
- It
rejuvenates your skin!
- It
improves your digestive tract!
- It
even revitalizes your sex life!
Even more, thousands of
people who use this formula report:
- Improved
strength and stamina!
- Quicker
recovery from illness and disease!
- Lower
- Glowing,
youthful skin!
- Heartburn
- Greater
flexibility and mobility!
- Relief
from aches and pain!
- Increases
in memory alertness!
Sustained energy all day long!
All in all, this formula
may be the best thing you can do for your overall health
and energy levels. You see, I identified 37 ingredients
that (together) work like magic in your body. They include
herbs, herbal extracts, grass juices, vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants and bioflavanoids. All the ingredients are
combined into a simple powder you could mix with water,
juice or your favorite smoothie.
Just one tablespoon exceeds
the nutritional equivalent of five servings of fruits
and vegetables. And that's without the calories and carbohydrates.
This formula is specifically designed to be powerful enough
to alkalize your body regardless of your diet, stress
levels and age!
This formula also works
in many different ways to flush acids from your body and
make you healthy and energized. Here is just one example:
Acid overload drains your body of important minerals.
To restore health and alkalinity, potassium, magnesium
and calcium are necessary. That's why this formula has
nearly 25 times the potassium of wheat, 37 times the calcium,
more than twice the magnesium and 5 times the iron!
Ingredient Has A Unique And Necessary Purpose!
It would take hundreds
of pages to describe how each of the 37 ingredients works
together in your body to make you healthy and energized.
However, here is a very brief description of these 37
vital ingredients:
1. Chlorella-Cracked Cell- 200mg (May reduce blood
pressure, lower serum cholesterol levels, accelerate wound
healing, and enhance immune function)
2. Certified Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder
- 850mg (Contains highest alkaline pH factor in food)
3. Choice Spirulina Powder - 800mg (Contains the
world' richest natural source of vegetarian B12 and highly
absorbable organic iron)
4. Nova Scotia Dulse - 20mg (Rich source of vitamins
and minerals including potassium, iron and vitamin B12)
5. Cactus Powder - 20mg (Powerful anti-inflammatory
agent. Relieves joint discomfort)
6. Soy Lecithin Powder (99% Oil Free) - 1300mg
(May positively effect cholesterol and triglyceride levels
in the blood)
7. Apple Pectin - 300mg (Lowers cholesterol and
removes unwanted metals and toxins)
8. Apple Fiber - 300mg (Helps maintain normal
functioning of GI tract )
9. Red Raspberry Powder - 500mg (Helps promote
healthy bones, teeth skin and nails. A good source of
calcium and B vitamins)
10. Acerola Berry Juice Powder - 120mg (Good source
of Vitamins A,B,C,D,E and zinc)
11. Certified Organic Flaxseed Meal - 120mg (Contains
essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 oils)
12. Aloe Vera Juice Powder - 500mg (The world'
best skin healer, moisturizer and softener)
13. Certified Organic Beet Juice Powder - 120mg
(Contains liver-healing antioxidants such as beta-carotene)
14. Watercress Juice Powder - 370mg (A great body
mineralizer containing sculpture, chlorophyll and calcium)
15. Yucca Juice Powder - 500mg (May decrease LDL
cholesterol levels in blood plasma and improve gastrointestinal
16. Parsley Juice Powder - 500mg (Good for cleansing
the kidneys and controlling the calcium in the body. Great
source of potassium)
17. Ginger Powder - 370mg (Helps cleanse the colon
and stimulates circulation)
18. Spinach Juice Powder - 90mg (A potent mineral
source containing potassium and silicon. Helps increase
tissue oxygenation)
19. Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid (Natural) - 380mg
(The best all-purpose antioxidant for tissue growth and
20. Rose Hips/Acerola - 400mg Each (One of the
best sources of natural vitamin C)
21. Bioflavonoids (Citrus) - 60mg (Helps enhance
the absorption of vitamin C. Useful in relieving muscle
22. Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol succinate) -
200iu (Helps improve circulation, repair tissue and promote
healthy skin)
23. Royal Jelly (5% 10-HDA) - 90mg (Contains all
the B-complex vitamins. Regarded as the ultimate food)
24. Licorice Root Powder - 60mg (Helps cleanse
the colon and decrease muscular spasms. Regarded by the
Chinese as the essential energizer)
25. Horsetail - 190mg (An herbal source of silicon
for healthy nail, hair, and bone development)
26. Suma (Pfaffia paniculata) - 40mg (Combats
anemia and stress. Acts as an immune booster)
27. Siberian Ginseng Ext. (Eleuthero Root) - 40mg
(Strengthens the adrenal and reproductive glands. Enhances
immune function)
28. Damiana - 40mg (Used as an energy tonic and
sexual stimulant for men and women)
29. Silymarin Silybum Marianum Std. (80% Ext.)
- 40mg Prevents free radical damage by acting as an antioxdant
for the liver)
30. Astragalus membranaceous- 40mg (Acts as a
tonic to protect the immune system)
31. Echinacea Angustifolia Std. Ext. (5% Echinacoside)
- 40mg (Beneficial for the immune and lymphatic systems)
32. Ginkgo Biloba Std. Ext. (24% Ginkgo Flavoglycosides)
- 10mg (Improves brain function by increasing circulation)
33. Green Tea Catechins Std. Ext. (60% Catechins)
- 30mg (Powerful antioxidant that combats mental fatigue)
34. Grape Seed Std. Ext. (Proanthocyanidins 68%)
- 30mg (This potent antioxidant is 50 times stronger than
vitamin E and 20 times stronger than vitamin C)
35. Stevia - 14mg (A potentially effective aid
in regulating blood sugar. Used as flavoring)
36. Enzymes - Natural Plant (Protease, Cellulase,
Amylase & Lipase)- 200mg (Helps ensure that you actually
absorb all the nutrients in this formula)
37. Carrot Juice Powder - 250mg (Good for cleansing
the liver and promoting good eye health)
As you can see, these ingredients
are so powerful and beneficial they are really like 'superfoods.'
Combined, these 37 superfoods can have a tremendous impact
on your health and energy. And the amazing thing is how…
All 37 Superfoods Are Available In
One Easy To Take Formula!
But that's not all! Here
are some more amazing things you should know about
this formula:
- It's
made in an FDA certified laboratory! That means only
the very best
and top quality ingredients are used.
are no common allergens! It does not contain wheat,
bee pollen, garlic,
MSG, yeast, egg, kelp, coloring, alcohol, preservatives,
salt, starch, maltodextrim, corn, fats, oils, stabilizers,
casein or any
dairy/animal products.
- It's
certified pesticide and herbicide free! It contains
no dies and nothing
is irradiated. Ecologically friendly cultivation methods
vital, healthy and pure ingredients.
- There
are no fillers! This concentrated formula contains no
bran, rice, or
oat fillers.
- It
blends easily! The finely-milled 100% dissolving powder
produces a
light, refreshing consistency, not coarse or thick.
- It's
easy to digest! Your body absorbs this formula very
quickly. That's because
your body receives it as a whole food rather than as
a supplement.
It Also Tastes Great!
One of the qualities people
are most amazed by is how great this tastes. It's easy
and pleasurable to drink. And so you know, this formula
is sweetened with stevia which is safe for diabetics and
also aids in weight loss!
All you have to do (once
a day) is mix one tablespoon of the powder in water, juice
or your favorite smoothie. Drink it and enjoy! It won't
take long before you start seeing your health improve
and your energy increase all throughout the day!
In fact, I am so confident
this formula will work for you that I guarantee it will…
Your Energy In 60 Days
Or… Your Money Back!
This means if you are not
overjoyed with this formula, you can return it for a full
60 days and receive your money back without any questions
or hassles. However, I bet you won't do that. If you're
like most people who try this formula, you will experience
so much energy and better health that you will never want
to stop taking it!
It's easy to order. All
you have to do is call (toll-free):
Simply tell the friendly
operator you would like a one month supply of ALL DAY
ENERGY GREENS (that's the name of the formula). She'll
then ask you for your name, address and credit card details
and you'll immediately be rushed your first month supply.
And if you call within
the next three days, you could have a one month supply
of ALL DAY ENERGY GREENS for a special low investment
of only $39.95 plus 6.95 shipping and handling (total
46.90). That's a tiny fraction of what it would cost for
you to get all these 37 miracle ingredients separately.
But wait!
When you order, your credit
card will not be charged for 30-days! That means if you
don't like the product… you can return it within 30-days
and your credit card information will be destroyed in
a paper shredder and… you will never be charged for this
And remember, you are also
backed by a 100% ironclad 60 day money-back guarantee.
Why am I doing this? Because I know this product will
have a tremendous impact on your energy and health and
I think…
You Will Want To Become A Customer For
You should call now while it's still on
your mind. Again, the number is:
Ink Signature Goes Here
A. Elgie
Institute for Vibrant Living
P.S. Because of the great customer demand, you may have
to call two or three times before
getting through on the phone. Don't stop trying… it's
more than worth it.
P.P.S. Here is a tiny sample of the amazing and real
life success stories taken from my files:
"This product helped
restore my body's Ph balance, stabilize my blood sugar
and got rid of food cravings. I started to shed excess
water weight, fat and I got my energy back. The first
year I lost 45 pounds. Today I am 65 pounds thinner and
I feel 10 years younger." -Ryan Michaels, Hollywood
Actor and Stuntman
"…Before starting these
greens, my cholesterol was almost 300 and triglycerides
were 398. After using this product for one month, my cholesterol
results were under 200, and my triglycerides cut in half
to 201." -Sam Pace
"Within a week of starting
all day energy greens, my energy level had improved so
much I couldn't keep the grin off my face! I no longer
sleep 12-13 hours a night, nor do I take a nap every day.
Life is great!" -Mary Sellers, Palestine, Texas
"I now wake up after
a nights sleep with a total sense of alertness, and no
longer feeling sluggish. My beautician also commented
that my hair is healthier now with no breakage, which
means its growing." -P.S. Chicago, IL
"I have lost 80 pounds,
my blood pressure is normal and I have more energy then
I know what to do with." -Rebecca Watkins of South
"Thank you Energy Greens
for putting high-energy fuel in my tank when I used to
get run down. When other 52 year-olds are dragging, I
feel like I've got an extra boost that carries me past
the late afternoon slump." -J.W. Mpls, MN
"I am 75 years old and
was having a miserable amount of heartburn until I started
taking the Energy Greens." -Sarah Ewing, Memphis,
"This is the first winter
I can remember we have not had the flu or a cold." -Judith
Schmidt, Farmington, IA.
"All day energy greens
actually did increase my stamina. I am an elementary school
teacher and I also found a greater sense of patience and
improved skin tone when taking this product." -A.M.
Hayerhill, M.A.
"…Good taste, plenty
of energy, softer skin, and even wrinkles almost fade!"
-F.G.M. Costa Mesa, CA.
"…I've been taking your
product for about 5 months now. I can say heartburn, gas
and bloating is the thing of the past. I have more energy."
-B.I. Afton, OK.
"I'm 53 years old and
have found after using your product my beathing (I'm a
smoker) has become very, very good. I have more energy
and stamina than when I was a teenager." -Michael
J. Lewis, Redford, MI
"The first thing you
notice about all day energy greens is how easy it mixes
with water… Next thing you notice is how good it tastes…It
has a wonderful delicious taste…It gives me extra energy,
a sense of well being. I seem to be more alert and less
stressed. I sleep better and wake up feeling better. This
is a product I will always use." -Jon Styre, Robins,
Promotion #2:
You won't believe how much money is involved!
Do You Have What It Takes
To Be
A Day Trader In The Hottest
Financial Market In The World?
Dear Friend,
This message is
going to make a lot of people very nervous.
Why? Simply because
this message is going to jump-start the greed glands of
almost everyone who reads it.
Not only that, it
is going to tap into that pocket of ice-cold fear that
lies hidden in the soul of nearly every person who walks
the earth! Greed and fear. That's what pure investing
is all about.
Are you ready?
Ok then, let's roll:
I'm going to start
by telling you 7 facts about the FOREX market. As you
may already know, FOREX is the acronym for "The Foreign
Exchange Market."
This market concerns
itself with the buying and selling of the currencies of
just about every country on earth. This market is BIG!
So big, in fact, it's hard to wrap your mind around the
size of it.
Listen to this.
The FOREX has an average daily volume of...
Two TRILLION Dollars Per Day!
I'm going to try
to bring that fact home for you: The New York Stock Exchange
has a daily volume of approximately 25 billion dollars.
That means the FOREX is 200 times larger than the NYSE.
Actually, the daily
volume of the FOREX is triple the size of all other investment
markets combined! In spite of its size, the FOREX does
not have a physical location or a central exchange. It
operates through an electronic network of people, banks
and companies that specialize in trading one currency
for another.
Almost all FOREX
trades are executed on the internet by someone sitting
at a computer with a high-speed connection. So, if you
don't like working with a computer you may as well stop
reading... will be left out.
Still with me? Good.
Now chew on this:
Because the FOREX does not have a physical location or
a central exchange, it is able to operate on a 24 hour
basis leapfrogging from one time zone to another across
the major financial centers of the world.
The FOREX market
actually follows the sun around the globe... because...
as one country is closing for the day, another is just
opening up. This market is open 24 hours a day, six days
a week from 5:00 PM Sunday (East Coast Time) to 4:00 PM
Friday (East Coast Time). This 24 hour access combined
with its huge trading volume makes this...
Most Liquid Market On Earth!
Except for Saturdays,
you can enter or exit the FOREX market anytime night or
day. This market has no gaps whatsoever and your stop-loss
orders are guaranteed.
Can you imagine
that? The multi-trillion dollar liquidity, combined with
24-hour trading access virtually guarantees your stop-loss
orders will be executed without slippage.
Just try to get
that kind of guarantee from your stockbroker!
The stock and futures
markets cannot offer you this guarantee because the limited
trading hours create frequent gap opens. Nearly all Forex
brokers make sure their hours of operation coincide with
the hours of operation of the global FOREX market.
Let's see, what else?
Oh, yeah, no one
can corner the market. The FOREX market is so huge and
has so many global participants that no single individual
nor entity... not even a central bank... can control the
market for any significant period of time.
Is No Insider Trading!
Because of the vast
size of the global FOREX market and its non-centralized
nature, there is no chance whatsoever for disruptions
caused by insider trading. There is less chance for fraud
in the FOREX than in any other investment market.
There are no commissions.
Yep, you read it right. No exchange fees, no closing fees,
no government fees, no brokerage fees. This all adds up
to a very low retail transaction cost. If you select your
broker properly, your round-trip transaction cost could
be as low as .07 percent.
And know this, a
very desirable by-product of extremely high liquidity
is almost instantaneous transactions executed with blinding
speed. You can leverage your trades by a factor of 50
to 1, 100 to 1 and even 200 to 1.
Not only that, you
can trade with a very low margin with relative safety
compared to the disastrous potential of margin trading
found in other financial markets.
And finally, if
you get really great at currency trading, your potential
financial reward is so big it can make your head swim!
Just how big can
the financial rewards get for the absolute top currency
traders in the world? I'm glad you asked. Consider: Warren
Buffet has invested more than $10 Billion in currencies!
Gee, I wonder why.
Consider: George
Sorous correctly guessed the British pound was going to
tank and...
Made Over One Billion Dollars In A Single Day!
Consider: When President
Richard Nixon devalued the dollar, it lost 10% of its
value in just 24 hours. Can you even guess how valuable
it would have been for you to know what was going to happen
when you are trading with leverage as high as 200 to 1?
Is there any downside
to FOREX CURRENCY TRADING? You bet there is! If you are
not careful, the FOREX market will clean your clock?
How can you put
the odds more in your favor? Well, imagine you have to
make your way through 500 miles of dangerous jungle. Guess
what you need more than anything else to insure a safe
passage? The answer is easy...
Need A Very Experienced Guide!
And, I'm sure it
will come as no surprise to you that I have just the person
who, in my opinion, is the best qualified person on earth
to guide you through what I think of as the FOREX Jungle.
His name is XXXXX. He's an Israeli Jew and, when it comes to money,
he is the most ruthless, cold-hearted person I've ever
If you've got the right mindset, he'll be happy to take
you by the hand and lead you safely through the FOREX
Jungle. If you do not have the right mind set, he'll probably
hang-up on you very early in the conversation.
So, what is the
right mindset?
Well, if you are
a well rounded, well-adjusted person who leads a balanced
life, the sad truth is,
XXXXX Will Not Give You The Time Of Day!
No- what
he wants is to work with people who are fanatics about
trading. People whose idea of bliss is to sit focused
in front of a computer for as long as 14 hours per day.
People who give trading a higher priority than sex, religion,
family, friends and politics.
He wants to interact
with people who are obsessed with being obsessed. XXXXX
is not cheap. Just the opposite. He's expensive. Very
expensive! In fact, when I reveal how much it will cost
to get him as your FOREX Jungle tour-guide, 97% of people
are going to immediately stop reading.
You see, most people
know the price of almost everything yet, they don't know
the value of anything. I'll tell you what he charges very
shortly, but first, I want to tell you what he brings
to the table.
First, he is a very
experienced and very successful FOREX trader. 70% of his
trades are winners. Only 30% are losers. And, get this:
Wins Are, On Average, 4 Times Larger Than His Losses!
So, the first thing
he will do... if... you become a member of his inner circle
is, he will let you "look over his shoulder" as he enters
and exits the FOREX market. Actually, if this was all
he did for you, it would be the bargain of a lifetime.
But, of course, that is
Lifetime of Trading Success!
you read the Davinci Code? If so, you already know about
the earth-shaking secret of FIBONACCI numbers. Leonardo
Fibonacci was a great Italian mathematician who lived
in the thirteenth century who first observed certain ratios
of a number series that are regarded as describing the
natural proportions of things in the universe, including
price data.
The primary ratios
are used as price retracement levels and are used in trading
as possible support and resistance levels. Traders all
over the world are placing buy and sell orders at these
levels. This means Fibonacci support and price retracement
targets become a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Odd as it may seem,
a true understanding of Fibonacci numbers will give you
an enormous trading advantage in every investment market,
especially the FOREX.
But, how do you
learn how to use this valuable tool? Fear not, XXXXX
will teach you. He'll do this by personal consultation,
a full-length DVD and five special printed reports.
In fact, if you
have the right mind-set, XXXXX will teach you everything
you need to know to be a successful FOREX trader. From
a basic understanding of FOREX, to the mechanics of trading
to how to intelligently decide how and when to enter and
exit a trade.
All you need is
a high-speed internet connection, XXXXX's information
and the proper mind set and...
Are On Your Way!
Now, for the heartbreaker.
To find out if you qualify to have XXXXX mentor
you, you must have a personal conversation with him. There
is no other way. But, don't call him unless you are virtually
obsessed with the possibility of day-trading the FOREX.
And, if you do have the courage to call him, you must
be prepared to pay $7,000 if he accepts you as his student
and a member of his inner circle.
Think that's too
much? Then, your decision is very simple:
Call Him!
But, if you've got
the right stuff including the money, the ambition and
the attitude... and... the ability to know when opportunity
is knocking at your door with a vengeance (as it is right
now) call him immediately.
You can call anytime
night or day. People like XXXXX not only march
to the beat of a different drummer, they also have a complete
disregard for the daily rhythms of normal people. His
number is...
Promotion #3:
"How Almost Any Man Can
Non-Stop Sex... While… He Is
Waiting To Meet His Dream Lover!"
If you are a man who would
like to start getting non-stop sex, this will
be the most exciting message you will ever
is why: A certain Mr. Corey Wayne has written
a curious book called "How To Be A 3% Man:
Winning the Heart of the Woman of Your Dreams."
This book is all about how to find your dream
lover and then, capture her heart forever.
wait. Although he believes your goal should
be to meet and win the heart of the woman
of your dreams... he also... says it is not
fair for him to judge what it is you want.
He says maybe you just want a date for the
weekend. Maybe you want a girlfriend. Maybe
you want to date multiple women. Maybe you
want to get married. Maybe you want to put
the passion back into your marriage or relationship.
Or, maybe...
You Just Want To Get Laid,
Over And Over!
that is the case, he says, "My book makes
it easy and methodical. Anyone who reads it
can use the strategies to have ten girlfriends
or one. It's his choice. When he tires of
the ten, he can pick one to date long term
and marry if he so chooses. He will be able
to keep her in love with him for life. He
will never, ever have to worry about getting
dumped again. He will always be the dumper
and not the dumpee."
Wayne also has a curious observation about
Hugh Heffner. Here is what he has to say about
the world's #1 Playboy: "Hugh Heffner does
not know shit about women. Yes, he has all
these hot women using him for fame and money,
but he is always the one that gets dumped
by his former wives and girlfriends. He gets
used until they get what they want and then
they are gone."
guess what? Even though Corey Wayne more or
less sneers at the lifestyle of Hugh Heffner,
his book explains exactly how an average guy
(if he is that shallow) can live that same
lifestyle. Here's how he puts it: "If getting
laid constantly is what a guy wants, my
book can teach him how to zip through
a night club in under an hour and walk out
with phone numbers from several beautiful
women that are interested in him. Then he
can move on to the next night club with another
fresh batch of women to gather more numbers.
During the week he can have a different date
with a different woman every night if he so
chooses. Soon, he will have women fighting
over him and calling him to go out. He will
be able to meet women anytime, anyplace and
Well, gosh!
It sure would be shallow if all of us just
wanted something like that, would it not?
"…he can have a different date with
a different woman every night if he so chooses…"
I love this
book! It was written by a God-fearing Christian
man who thinks it is wrong for us men to be
pussy hounds... yet... he gives great advice
on how to be a womanizer. His book reveals
great places to meet women most of us would
never think of. He explains which date nights
to avoid and why. He explains exactly how
to meet women on the internet.
This book was
written, I believe, by a man who is massively
confused about himself. He honestly believes,
I think, that he will only achieve true happiness
when he is in a romantic relationship that
is right out of the movies. However, he rather
reluctantly seems to acknowledge that, us
men, unfortunately, have a darker more animal
side to us... and... he gives expert advice
on how to go out and satisfy the lust that
lives within us all.
Does the book
actually give advice of the softer more politically
correct agenda on how to meet and capture
the heart of the woman of your dreams? Yes,
it does. It gives a lot of excellent advice
on this subject. And, I personally will be
a lot more interested in all that... as soon soon as... I use his "throwaway" advice
to satisfy all
my dark desires.
Let me tell you what
I consider the very most valuable wisdom this
book reveals: Imagine you go to a strange town
and you start hitting on women and for some
reason you decide to keep notes. After you have
approached 100 women, you review your notes
and here is what you discover: Of the 100 women
you hit on, 79 gave you a polite "not interested."
Three of them were truly foul bitches who acted
like you had no right to even say "hello" to
them. There were 11 who were friendly and gave
you a telephone number. But, that number turned
out to be fake. Seven others gave you their
real number. And, you dated five of them
and hit the "jackpot" with two of those women.
Not bad, really.
But now, you read Corey Wayne's book before
you go "hunting" again. Once more, you keep
notes and after you've hit on this batch of
100 you review your notes. This time it's
a very different story. An unbelievable 89
out of 100 were friendly to you. You are astonished
to find that 67 gave you their home telephone
number and 53 of those numbers were real.
You can't tell how many of those 53 are going
to turn out to be "jackpot" dates... because...
You Don't Have Enough Time
To Date All Of Them!
Trust me, after
you read this book it WILL be something like
that. Why? Because in his book, Corey Wayne
teaches us something about women… that...
women don't know about themselves!
Get this book.
You can't go wrong. Priced at $37.00, it's
dirt cheap compared to what you get. It comes
with a money-back guarantee and it will give
you secrets you won't find anywhere else.
It's easy to order. Just whip out your credit
card and call...
You can call
anytime, 7 days a week, 24-hours per day.
Thank you for reading this message.
Okay Buckwheat,
that's it for this issue. Except one last thing. I hope
you consider this issue as more or less my Christmas gift
to my readers. After all, it has a treat for your eyes,
a treat for your ears and, a little stimulation for your
brain. And maybe, for some of you, the holidays will be
a little merrier because… Gary is back!
I know that being able to re-connect with my readers
is a very special Christmas treat for me!