Gary Halbert Fans Are The Best

I just want to say thanks to all the fans of my father and his web site, almost every day I hear someone tell me how he's profoundly changed their life forever.

It's been a couple of years since he has passed and now it's clear to me that, like the great Claude Hopkins, he will be relevant forever.

Claude Hopkins, as most of you probably already know the bulk of my father's marketing philosophy was in lock step with his.

Just in case you've never read Claude Hopkins'-Scientific Adversting, as a thank you, I'm making it available right here right now, for FREE in PDF format (Click Here).

His book is now in the public domain and I found it online.

When I first read the book I broke out my highlighter, it was of little use, I might as well have dipped the whole book in yellow ink. If anyone has concise list of all the major points of the book I would appreciate a copy.


Kevin Halbert

The Prince's Prince of Print

PS I'm contemplating putting a section together where the fans and I can tell stories and anecdotes about my father, if you ever met him, you never forgot him.

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