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Hot New 4-Hour Seminar Sponsored by Key West College of Millionaires Reveals 11 Amazing Secrets That Can Make Huge Profits for Any Business in America … Even During the Coming Recession!

Inexpensive Miami “mini-seminar” offers all the core information from the famous (and outrageously priced) “full load” 4-day seminar on how to flood any business with customers and earn a solid fortune through smart marketing … in 4 of the most exciting and practical hours you’ll ever spend!

DATELINE FLORIDA – Have you been to the Key West waterfront recently? If you have, then you’ve probably seen the new home of the Key West College of Millionaires.

It’s located smack in the heart of the historic waterfront section of this island city at 423 Front Street and takes up the entire 5,000 square-foot 2nd floor of the world-famous Harbor House. This majestic 115-year-old red brick building (which is on the register of historic places) sits flush on Front Street, just beyond Mallory Dock. You can’t miss it.Historic Harbor House

The college is a constant bee-hive of activity, with a daily staff of 24 people and an international network of three dozen “teachers” on the faculty, including many of the most visible experts on making money in America today.

But don’t look for any fresh-faced kids wandering the halls. The Key West College of Millionaires is about as far from a conventional college as you can get – the entire curriculum is designed for business owners and entrepreneurs and other people who are finally ready to make some serious money. In fact, the college bills itself as “an institution of higher earning”, and makes perhaps the most daring guarantee ever offered in American education:

“You will receive more legitimate, hard-core money-making information in 4 days from the Key West College of Millionaires than you could ever receive in 4 years from any conventional college or university!”

The full-load seminars given by the college cost $6,950 per attendee just to get in the door (and does not include travel, food, or lodging expenses!), last for 4 entire days, and are always sold out months in advance. Past “campuses” for these seminars have included the Pier House in Key West, the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, the Jefferson Institute in Provo, Utah, and Hawk’s Cay Resort on Grassy Key (where the college’s parent company, Everett & Lloyd, Inc., also filmed their cable TV pilot show “Get Skinny With Marilyn” last summer).

Why Would Anyone Pay Almost $7,000 To Attend A 4-Day Seminar?

The answer is simple. The benefits of attending one of the college’s amazing seminars are enormous. According to Gary Halbert, founder of the college and the creative force behind Gary Halbert Advertising, an astounding number of graduates from these seminars have gone on to earn staggering sums of money.

Gary Halbert Picture

For example: 
A California businessman named Rick Neiswonger listened to Halbert for no longer than an hour, yet used what he learned to triple his income into millions over the next 12 months. Bill Williams, a physicist/inventor from the Northwest, used Halbert’s advice to bring in $43 million in new business. One Arizona follower earned $30 million from a single idea of Halbert’s – part of the college’s basic curriculum – and an Atlanta businessman took in $9 million with just a simple technique he learned.

And these are not isolated cases! It’s nearly routine for graduates of these seminars to go home and use their new skills to double and triple their income almost overnight. The college literally has file cabinets overflowing with success cases from all over the world.

And these are not isolated cases! It’s nearly routine for graduates of these seminars to go home and use their new skills to double and triple their income almost overnight. The college literally has file cabinets overflowing with success cases from all over the world.

But here’s the real news you need to hear: The Key West College of Millionaires is currently sponsoring…

A Special 4-Hour “Mini-Version: of Their Full Load Seminar in Miami – FOR ONLY $79 PER ATTENDEE!

Why would the college practically give away the basic information they offer in their sold-out $7,000 seminars?


Not at all. The reason they are offering this special 4-hour mini-seminar is just good business practice. According to Halbert: “We can easily teach any savvy, hustling, ethical businessman so many new and useable secrets and strategies about making money in those 4 hours, that he (or she) can actually start doubling and tripling their bottom-line profits very quickly. And then, of course, they are going to be extra-eager to attend our full-load seminar – and that $7,000 attendance fee is going to seem like the bargain of a lifetime, and can be paid out of the mound of fresh income this mini-seminar started.”

“Sure, it’s sneaky,” says John Carlton, one of the principal teachers for the college, and a recognized expert on advertising. “But it’s perfectly ethical. In fact, all we’re doing is ‘bribing’ prospective graduates with a taste of the wealth an success they can expect from the full course.”

What Could Anyone Learn in 4-Hours That Could Offer Such Astounding Results?

Halbert admits he can’t teach you everything he has to offer in just 4 hours – but he insists that what he can teach you will be more than enough to allow you to go out on your own and bring in some serious money fast.

“Unless you are lethargic or brain-dead beyond belief,” says Halbert, “what you learn will allow you to quickly flood your business with new customers who will beg you to take their money. Or it can help you create a new business that will smash all competition. Or, if you want to, you can even set up a part-time profit center in your home or office that brings in money with little or no effort on your part.”

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

Halbert’s message is clear and to the point – the key to making really serious money is to be able to multiply your selling efforts.

No matter how good a salesman you are personally, or how well you understand your business or the needs of the people who buy your product or use your services, you can only reach so many people in-person each day.

That’s why this seminar is so effective. It reveals all the secrets and techniques and sales methods of the best marketers and ad-men in the country. Halbert and his “mob of experts” are specialists in taking business owners and showing them…

How To Get Their Sales Message in Front of Thousands of Potential Customers At A Very Small Cost – AND SOMETIMES AT NO COST WHATSOEVER!

It’s not magic, and it’s not crazy gimmicks or tricks. On the contrary, says Halbert – there are literally dozens of ways for a business owner to deliver a high-powered sales message to large sections of the population simultaneously. It’s just that most business owners have a very limited knowledge on how to use these “sales vehicles” effectively.

The difference between using these vehicles correctly and not using them at all is often the reason why so many businesses fail, even while competitors thrive. And with the economic devastation now expected from the current recession, these ideas and strategies can make sure you’re still around and making big money no matter how vicious the shake-out gets.

For example, Halbert is credited with being (among other things) the most knowledgeable man alive today when it comes to selling through direct mail, and in this seminar you will learn many of the secrets he has used to rake in millions of dollars for clients and for himself over the years. You’ll learn:

  • The “personal” secret behind the 1-page letter he wrote that brought in over 7,300,000 cash-with-order replies – an amazing sales message from a “small-town nerd” that eventually reached nearly every household in America!

  • The ingenious “info-recycling” technique that allowed a famous publisher to bring in droves of new subscribers (and hundreds of thousands of dollars) without doing a minute’s worth of extra work! (You can use your expertise with this technique to do the same thing.)

  • The single most easy and simple way for almost any business to double or even triple their profits immediately – an obvious strategy that nevertheless eludes 9 of every 10 business owners! (This one revelation could make the entire seminar a million-dollar experience for you!)

  • How to avoid the really dumb mistakes most businesses (and nearly all ad agencies) make with their mail – and how to turn “loser” or marginal campaigns into blockbuster money-makers!

But that’s not all you’ll learn. Direct mail is just a fraction of the arsenal of useable information presented in this seminar. Here’s a sample of what else is in store for you during this furious 4-hour presentation:

How To Make Your Newspaper and Magazine Advertising As Much As 750% More Profitable! No matter how many inches of ad space you now run, or would like to run in print, chances are you’re doing it all dead wrong. Really smart marketers have developed some truly nifty techniques for boosting the “pulling power” of their ads without making their ads larger or adding to their insertion costs!

If you suspect your ads aren’t bringing in enough new customers, or, worse, aren’t being read at all by your audience, Halbert says he can show you how to turn your profit picture around instantly…without spending a dime more on space (and sometimes even dropping your costs dramatically)! Kacey Fine Furniture used this strategy to more than double their monthly profits, even while the rest of their furniture store competition in Denver suffered from a strangling recession.

You need this important information!


How To Make Sure People Read Your Yellow Page Ad Before They Read Anyone Else’s! 

Are you one of the many businesses that have to rely on the Yellow Pages for finding most of your customers? Most advertisers haven’t got a clue how to make a Yellow Page ad as powerful as it can be. But this seminar reveals 3 secret ways to represent your ad so that it instantly wipes out all the competition in your specific category.

How To Get Yourself or Your Product Featured On Cable TV At No Cost Whatsoever!

Halbert has been responsible for 14 one-half hour “infomercials” that have generated millions of dollars in profits, and has deep connections with influential producers and investors. He says it’s easy even for a small business to get in on the enormous wealth available through TV, once you understand the secrets of the industry. (You’ve probably seen many of Halbert’s successful shows and TV commercials, starring Nancy Kwan, and the now-famous Vikki LaMotta cosmetic show.

How To Get Movie and TV Stars to Help You Sell Your Products and Services!

Halbert has often used celebrities to send ad campaigns through the ceiling profit wise – and he says the worst thing you can do is to go through a star’s agent and pay the outrageous fees they demand. Halbert knows how to contact nearly every celebrity on the planet, and he can show you exactly how to find the perfect spokesman for your business, and how to hire them for a fraction if their “public rates”. Halbert has worked with many stars, including Ernest and Tova Borgnine, Vikki LaMotta, Playboy model Becky LeBeau, and Geoffrey Scott (from “Dynasty” and “Dallas” fame).

And more! You’ll also learn: 

    • An incredibly effective way to get FREE advertising in hundreds of national and local newspapers. (A man named Harold Moe used this amazing technique to be featured in dozens of newspapers, and received over $1 million in orders!)
    • How to use “reference radio” spots to inexpensively boost your newspaper ads by as much as 3 times!…How to use simple postcard mailings to create a thriving profit center in your business! (George Zangas followed Halbert’s advice and raked in almost $2.50 for every 25 cent postcard he sent out for his vitamin business.)
    • The single best way ever discovered to sell a house... and... sell it fast!
    • How you can legally tape any telephone call you get from a collection agency... and... how to use that tape to scare the hell out of them... and... even use it (legally) to make them pay you  a big settlement!


    • How to use cheap little classified ads to make as much as $10,000 a day! (One California man is actually doing just that – and hundreds of others are using this simple strategy to bring in piles of cash-rich leads every day from hundreds of newspapers across the country.)
    • How to mail up to 100,000 letters per week at no cost whatsoever – not even postage! (This is one of the hottest, yet virtually ignored marketing techniques available today. Savvy business owners are making fortunes and finding a flood of customers they would never have found any other way!)
    • How to use the phone company’s 976 numbers locally and the new 900 numbers nationally to get people to pay you to hear your sales pitch! (Only very foolish marketers believe these numbers are only for sleaze offers – there’s a multi-million dollar goldmine out there in legitimate markets going begging!)
    • How to get all the money you need to “roll out” your tested campaigns, and get it without borrowing! (The college’s nationwide network of professionals includes many heavy-hitting investors who are aching to back winning projects. Once you learn how to correctly approach these “money bags”, getting the cash you need is easy!)

Also, because it has been proven so many times over the years, you’ll learn

How to use sex appeal to increase profits without offending your customers! 

This has been done tastefully in the Wall Street Journal (bumping response 400% for a financial ad), on cable television (bumping response through the roof on real estate shows), and even on recorded messages used in lead generation campaigns (turning a “loser” into a money-machine).

All of this is guaranteed to be revealed to you at this seminar – and there’s a whole lot than may be taught if there’s enough time. Remember, the college is only doing this to set up a “feeder line” of successful people who will want more information down the road! There will be no sales pitches and no products sold – this is strictly an information seminar.

However, There is Just One Little Catch!

The marketing techniques and advertising secrets revealed to you in this special seminar are among the most powerful and effective sales tools in the world. Small businesses have used them to become giants in their field, large companies have used them to annihilate the competition, and entrepreneurs and even beginners have used them to earn fortunes in a very short time. What you learn can change your life forever, as it has for so many others.

But not everyone is free to come.

Halbert says he is not interested in sharing this powerful information with anyone who sells tobacco, alcohol, anything to do with multi-level marketing, or any kind of scam or injurious scheme. He doesn’t care if it’s completely legal – if it’s unethical, he doesn’t want anything to do with you.

He is utterly serious when he says that, since what he has to teach can generate such huge profits so easily, he wants to restrict access to the college’s materials to people who actually intend to deliver something of value to mankind.

Also, notes Halbert, you should not look at your attendance as some sort of “day off.” You shouldn’t plan to attend if you are going to be tired, hung over, stressed, or negative. Because, he says…

This Will Be The Most Intense 4-Hours of Your Life, And You Must Be Prepared To Take Hundreds of Notes!

You can believe the information is going to come fast and furious. And it is Halbert’s experience that, often, it is just one idea that really sets someone off on the right track with their business. Gerald McCarthy, a chiropractor-turned-entrepreneur from the East Coast, used a single idea that took just 5 minutes to sink in and brought in more than $60,000 in new profit over the next few weeks.

So be sure to bring lots of paper and pens. No tape recorders will be allowed; no cameras, either. No exceptions.

It’s Easy To Register

This incredible seminar is only $79, and you can pay be credit card of check beforehand, or you can pay at the door…BUT YOU MUST REGISTER BY PHONE RIGHT AWAY!

The reason for this is that, because the seminars fill up so fast, the college’s staff must be able to know when to cut off the registration. Space is severely limited – so limited, in fact…

We Can Only Tell You Which Major Miami Hotel The Seminar Is Being Held At When You Call.

This is a prudent move to avoid any last minute flood of people wanting in and causing the college a lot of grief with the fire marshall. (One of Halbert’s 1985 advertised gatherings nearly created a riot when 10 times the number of people expected showed up at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles.

SO CALL NOW! The college’s phone number in Key West is


… and you want to tell the staff member who answers that you want to register for the Miami Mini-Seminar. They’ll take care of everything else. The date for this seminar is

SATURDAY, JAN. 26, 1991

… and, incidentally, there are no plans to have another seminar in Miami at this time. This seminar starts precisely at noon and runs until 4:00 p.m. YOU MUST BE ON TIME. There is an incredible amount of material to be covered and very little time to do it, and because of this…



What People Say About Gary Halbert and the Key West College of Millionaires:

“I paid Gary $15,000 for just one day’s worth of advice, and you know what? I got my money back a hundred times over! I think this stuff is the bargain of a lifetime.” Robert Allen, author of “Nothing Down” (the best-selling book that opened up the real estate market to everyone)

“Gary Halbert’s reputation for helping anyone with any sense at all to make lots and lots of money is unassailable. He gives innovative million-dollar advice that beginners and long-time business owners can use right away to earn fortunes.” Jay Abraham, perhaps the world’s highest-paid “marketing wizard” consultant (at $2,000/hr.!)

“Gary Halbert is a genius. Using just one of his techniques sent my fledgling business flying – in less than a month profits soared 100% and went into seven figures!” M. Kaplan, Arizona

“I’ve made more money following Gary’s advice than in all my 12 years of marketing.” Blade Thomas, former vice president of marketing for Entrepreneur Magazine

“Halbert told us how to simply change our advertising, and within a few weeks we were blowing away the competition and more than doubled our new sales. The advantage he gave us is almost unfair, and I love it!” Sam Fishbein, owner of Kacey Fine Furniture, Denver.

“Gary showed me an easy way to ‘mine’ my customer base that I had never thought of before. The result was a simple postcard mailing that immediately brought in $10 for every dollar I spent. And I’ve used that same postcard 5 times now, with fabulous results!” George Zangas, owner of Marathon Nutrition and Distribution Company

“I don’t care if you are a housewife, a ditch digger, or president of General Motors – this information is so good that anybody can use it and really make a bundle!” Chase Revel, founder of Entrepreneur Magazine

“This stuff represents the freshest and most exciting money-making secrets available today!” E. Joseph Cossman, millionaire original marketer for Ant Farms, Spud Guns and more, and mentor to thousands of entrepreneurs.

“I’ve turned a handful of original Halbert ideas into an international, multi-million dollar company.” Dennis Haslinger, creator of the Alpha masterfile

“Only a complete fool would ever dismiss what is taught at these seminars. I used what I learned from a single one hour speech Gary gave, and last year I tripled my income!” Rick Neiswonger, California.

“I can afford the best creative talent in the industry, and I know whereof I speak when I tell you this seminar is absolutely overwhelming in terms of ideas and strategies and new ways to make money.” Ted Nicholas, publisher

“Gary makes complicated, lucrative marketing philosophies so simple that even a child could understand and apply them.” Jerry Buchanan, publisher of T.O.W.E.R.S. Club USA.

“Gary’s ideas helped me sell over $25 million in merchandise.” Fred Rowe, gemstone importer, Greenville, Kentucky.



Gary's Signature

   Gary C. Halbert

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