In my enthusiasm to send a newsletter that
would make a nice holiday gift for all my readers interested
in Internet marketing... as hard as it is to believe... I,
Sir Gary of Halbert, left something out in that newsletter.
To refresh your memory, what that newsletter
was all about was how you could promote your newsletter or
product (especially if it has a broad appeal) in 1/4-page
ads in thousands of newspapers for the low price of
approximately $2.50 to capture the attention of 1,000
subscribers. And since there are an average of two readers
for the same newspaper (husband and wife or two business
partners) that equals 2,000 sets of eyeballs.
What I neglected to tell you is how to
contact Nancy Jones, the woman who will make this
possible for you. But, before I give you her contact
information, let me tell you a little bit about Nancy.
She's a very nice lady. She's probably the
best newspaper space buyer in the entire world. Nancy's so
much in demand, she doesn't have time for "chit-chat" and a
lot of questions. You already know the answers to ALL of the
questions you should be interested in anyway.
Number 1: You can buy 1/4 page ads in almost
any newspaper in the United States for only $2.50 per every
1,000 subscribers.
Number 2: There is no Number 2. There's
nothing else you really need to know. You are either ready
to take advantage of this incredible opportunity... or...
you are not.
I sincerely request that, if you are NOT
ready, you do NOT bother Nancy. However, if you ARE ready
(and the sooner the better) you should call her immediately
at (727) 535-7899 (that's in Florida).
I have a suggestion for all of you: If
you're running a Google ad word campaign, you only have
about 17 characters and that includes spaces and punctuation
marks to attract a customer. If you run a 1/4-page ad
campaign in the newspapers, you can actually use over 1,000
words and that does not include spaces or punctuation marks.
So if you are at all interested in this, why not try a
newspaper and see how well it works for you? Gosh...
It Would "Set You Back" A Little Over $250...
But... You Would Have An Answer That Is
Potentially Worth Millions Of Dollars!
Well, that's it for today. If you're
interested... and SERIOUS... give Nancy a call and see how
much of a boost this traffic-building technique will give
your business.
Oh yeah, one more thing: If you "spread the
word of my wonderfulness" like I mentioned in yesterday's
newsletter, please send the "You Owe Me" email to me at
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert