Here's an example. Do you remember Jake LaMotta? At
one time he was the middleweight champion of the world and the movie
"Raging Bull" starring Robert DeNiro and based on his life.
Well anyway, he and his wife Vikki have been divorced
for a long time now and Vikki LaMotta has her own cosmetic business.
She's a gorgeous woman and she's the oldest woman ever to pose for
Playboy magazine. She looks great, she's got an interesting life
story... and... according to my girlfriend, Paulette...
Her Cosmetics
Are Great!
So, as it turns out, I'm in Manhattan on a
business trip and I happen to meet the executives who run Vikki
LaMotta Cosmetics and I get to talking to them about doing a cable TV
show. And, to make a long story short, before long, they were on the
air with a show that ran on several national cable networks for more
than eight months.
And It Didn't Cost
Them A Cent!
Would you like some of this action? If so, and if
you can come up with what I call the three "S's", there's a good
chance you too can have a hot cable TV show. Here's what's needed:
"S" #1: A Star: someone who is an authority on what
the show is all about (real estate, lowering cholesterol, looking
younger, etc.) or a star in the form of a celebrity
spokesperson like Art Linkletter or some other well known person with
"marque value."
"S" #2: A Story: something we can talk about in a TV
interview format like "how I went from rich to poor by becoming a
chicken farmer" or "how I learned to buy real estate with no money
down" or maybe, "how I lost 200 pounds and lowered my cholesterol
level more than 150 points." Etc.
"S" #3: A Solution: this is the most important "S" of
all. Does your product or service solve a problem such as poverty,
hemorrhoids, obesity, boredom, hunger or the need to be rich and
So, are you marketing something that has all
these elements? If you are, stay tuned because this section is going
to open your eyes and, perhaps, a whole new window of opportunity for
First, some background. Listen: Cable TV is big.
In fact, if it hasn't happened already, it will soon come to pass more
people watch cable TV than broadcast TV. And, what this means is cable
TV networks and independent cable stations are virtually starving for
However, even though it's changing, right now, most
quality programming goes to the big broadcast networks which are ABC,
CBS and NBC. But, who or what is going to fill all those big holes in
cable available time known as "avails"?
Enter The Entrepreneur
What's happened is many cable stations now,
instead of paying some independent producer for the rights to
broadcast his game show are, instead, getting paid to air certain
programs created by self-serving entrepreneurs. The way this works is
the entrepreneur will create a 1/2 hour TV "talk show" that interviews
a real estate guru who explains how he learned to buy real estate with
no money down. Then, during the commercial breaks, instead of selling
TV spots to soap companies or something, the entrepreneur uses that
commercial time himself to sell something related to the subject of
the show.
Like, for example, a home study course with audio
cassettes and written material created by the "star" of the show which
will teach you how to buy real estate with no money down.
Now pay attention to this: These shows won't work
unless they have a unique angle and/or some news value to them. In
other words, if you own a car lot and you want someone to do a show
about you just because you want to sell more cars, you can forget it.
If, on the other hand, you have discovered a way to buy "cocaine
Cadillacs" which have been confiscated from drug dealers... and... you
can teach others how to do the same and get real bargains...
well... that's a different matter.
See what you could do in a case like this is create a
set of eight audio cassettes along with some written instructions
which will show others how to do it. Then, what you do is contact
someone (like me) who is interested in new TV ideas and, if
that person likes the idea, he may very well put up all the money and
expertise to make it happen.
Here's how it might work. You talk to a producer and,
if he's interested at all, you send him your cassette course. Then,
the producer will outline the show, arrange for a camera crew and
studio time and tell you when to show up at the studio. When the show
is taped, you will be interviewed by an expert TV host who will ask
you questions designed to draw out the interesting story about how you
learned to buy all these confiscated vehicles at dirt-cheap prices.
Then, during the commercials, a professional announcer
will extol the wonders of your cassette course and tell the viewers
they can get in on all this hot action by calling a toll free 800
number and using his or her credit card.
Now, let's say the retail price of your cassette
course is $195.00 plus $3.50 for shipping and handling. O.K., what
will happen when the orders come in is the producer will keep about
$140.00 of the money and give you the other $58.50 from which you must
fill the orders.
And, supposing you can fill your orders for less than
$30.00... that means... you net $20.00 on every order.
With No Risk!
No Investment! And
Very Little Hassle!
Where do you find these producers? Actually, I am
connected to several of them, but I am deliberately not going
to give you their names and phone numbers in this section.
Here's why: These producers get pitched all the time,
and, very often, the pitch comes from someone who hasn't done his or
her homework. And, those people, all they do is burn your time.
Usually, they haven't studied cable TV enough to have a feel for what
might work and, secondly, they are unrealistic about how valuable
their "precious idea" really is.
Look, if you are really interested in this
opportunity, what you do first is start watching a lot of cable
TV "sellavision" shows until you get a feel for the medium. Then after
you're satisfied you may have something that will fit this format, you
start watching the "credits" at the end of the show. You also take
note of the address given in the commercials. And, what you do after
all that is, you use that info to locate a producer whose show you
like and you make your pitch.
Or, as an alternative, you could contact me.
Say, but what if you don't want to split the loot with
anybody else? Then, how much will it cost? Actually, it's surprising
how little if you take the time to learn the ropes. What it should
cost you is roughly about $15,000 to put a 1/2 hour show in the can
and maybe another $5,000 to $10,000 to buy enough air time to test it.
And, how much can you make? The truth is staggering.
You see, if you do this right, you might, like some of my other
newsletter readers...
Gross Up To 26 Million
Per Year
Think about it. Give it your attention.
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert |