North of
Jewfish Creek
Dear Friend & Subscriber
I just
came back from attending John Reese's seminar on Internet marketing.
It was,
hands down, the best, most informative seminar I've ever attended.
Actually, it was almost too much. He packed so much useful info about Internet
marketing into three days, it set every attendee's mind literally on fire. In
fact, my mind was so fired up, I've been suffering a temporary "brain meltdown".
I once
told Ed Dale I thought I knew more about how to increase website profits than
anyone else in the world.
bullshit. John knows... so damn much... about how to profit from the
Internet, he makes me (and everyone else I've ever met) seem like we are just
learning the alphabet... while he... is already writing best-selling novels.
When it
comes to making Internet profits, John Reese is truly the 500-pound gorilla.
Nobody else can touch him. If you ever get a chance to go to a seminar where he
is teaching, you are insane if you don't attend. I told him at the seminar he
had presented me with a challenge. Which was, "How the hell am I going to
take credit for all your ideas and breakthroughs?"
He made
a very gracious (and I believe heartfelt) reply. He said, "Gary, you can take
credit for a lot of this information because it was your newsletters (and the
information from a few other marketing gurus) that blazed the trail for me and
got me going."
be told, he would have gotten to where he is without me. But, I am
conceited enough to believe my teachings and writings may have shaved a few
years off the time it took him to get where he is.
If it's
not true, don't tell me. I've found it useful to believe what I LIKE to believe,
whether it's true or not.
after all that, is there anything else you need to know... even if... you did
attend John's seminar?
I think
there is... and... I'm going to give my own seminar which I think will give out
some very important info never before revealed. My seminar is titled:
A Website Pitch |
That Will Make You
Rich! |
comment I made at John's seminar was about how I believe all Internet marketers
should study non-Internet marketing... and... pre-Internet marketing.
see, if someone already knows how to write a great print ad or direct mail
letter, he'll be able to put all the website secrets he knows on steroids!
All writing of sales pitches are related. Learning to write a great direct mail
pitch will help you write a great newspaper ad, a TV commercial, etc. But, there
are differences between certain things you need to know to write for each
different media. Much will be the same but, there will be important
Especially When It Comes |
To Writing A Website
Pitch! |
I'm gonna teach you how. My seminar will probably be held somewhere in the first
two weeks of May. I've given seminars that range in cost from $7,000 to $12,000.
This one's NOT going to be nearly as expensive. It's NOT going to have a "give
away" price either... but... it IS going to be low-priced enough so money will
NOT be an excuse for anyone not to attend.
I don't
know exactly where this seminar will be held. But, I do know it will be
in either Miami or Orlando. It's going to depend on the best hotel for rooms and
a conference center my Trusty Assistant, Theresa can arrange.
tell you all the details very soon... but... in the meantime, DON'T make any
other plans for the first couple weeks in May.
In the
meantime, I've got something to offer you. I think you're going to be VERY
interested in this. And, here's a little secret: My brain was so impacted with
all the GREAT info from John Reese's seminar, I had Theresa write the copy that
follows. So, take it away Theresa...
Whether you're a novice,
intermediate or a skilled copywriter...
you need to know... |
How To Get Your
Hands On |
"The Motherload"! |
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
By now, I'm sure you've read a number of my newsletters I publish for free
on my website.
And I'm sure by now, you realize I am a no bullshit,
teach-them-what-they-need-to-know kinda guy.
But what you may not know is, I have NOT given you everything
I have to offer on my website.
You see, in addition to haven written hundreds of newsletters over the
years, I have also written hundreds of sales letters. Sales letters
for myself and for my clients. Pitches selling everything from high-ticket
seminars ($6,950)... to low-end books ($19.95)... and of course,
everything in between.
Last week I attended a seminar where a number of attendees had what I
consider, enormous Internet skills. They know their stuff down cold when
it comes to getting any and everywhere on the worldwide web.
But, I have to admit, I was surprised at their lack of marketing
skills. What good is it to be able to find your way around the web...
if... you don't stand a chance of selling anything?
That's when it hit me! These people (and I'm sure many others like them)
need my help. And I remember my mama always telling me...
"Teach Them By Example!"
But before I get into the "guts" of this letter, I have a little exercise
for you to do. Let me ask you a couple questions and be honest when you
answer them. Since no one will see your answers, go ahead and put a check
mark (√)
in each block where the situation applies to you:
Question 1: |
Do you
cringe at the mere thought of having to come |
up with a
"killer" headline? |
Question 2: |
Do you get
writer's block knowing you basically |
have the
first 30 to 60 seconds... the first paragraph or two... to catch
your reader's attention? |
Question 3: |
Do you
suffer from migraine headaches trying to write body |
copy that
whets your potential customer's appetite... forcing him to read from
one paragraph to the next to the next? |
Question 4: |
Do you come
up empty on "bullets"? |
Question 5: |
Do you flop
around like a fish out of water in your closing? |
Question 6: |
Do you need
a captivating P.S. to pull the "maybe I'll buy" |
over to the paying side? |
Question 7: |
Do you go
blank when it comes time to write an order coupon? |
If you checked off even one of the above boxes, then you need my...
"Motherload Collection |
Of Marketing Masterpieces!" |
What's amazing about this "Motherload Collection" is the wide variety of
subjects... the vast amount of copywriting techniques... the humongous
examples of strategies... that, when applied to your advertising (whether
online, direct mail letters, newspapers or otherwise) will improve your
Dramatically... |
And... Instantly! |
I've put together a combination of hundreds of sales pieces including
sales letters, newspaper ads, and website promotions which you can use as
a template to get your own advertising in high gear. Here's a taste
of some of the HEADLINES you'll get:
Here's How You Can Get |
The Tapes Of My $6,250.00 |
"Seminar Of The Century" |
Would You Accept A Bribe Worth |
$2,855 To Renew Your Subscription |
To Gary's Newsletter? |
How To Use The Secrets Of "Killer" |
Advertising To Get More New
Customers Than |
Your Business Can Handle! |
Free Video Tapes Reveal |
11-New Ways To Make Extra |
Money In 1996! |
An Open Letter To Anyone Who |
Has Just Finished Reading My Book
And |
Is Now Ready To Make Some Serious
Money! |
An Embarrassing Situation |
Revealed By Gary's |
"Trusty Assistant" Theresa |
The Amazing Marketing Miracles |
Created By Sir Gary Of Halbert! |
Free Report Reveals |
46 Hot Products You Can Sell |
By Computer Or Mail Order! |
An Open Letter To Every Attractive |
Woman In Miami Who Is Serious About |
Having A Career As A Professional
Model |
But maybe headlines come to you easy. Maybe you're one of the lucky few
who can rattle one off the top of your head. But then... ah then... you
have to start writing! And you have to write such compelling copy in the
first opening paragraphs, your mind goes blank. Where to start?
With examples like these, you ought to be able to get out of the "starting
If you
would like to double or triple your income in 1996, this may be the
most important letter you will ever read.
Here is why:
Until a short time ago, there was a place in Key West, Florida
called "The College of Millionaires". It was created by a man named
Gary C. Halbert. What Halbert and his "college" became famous for,
was giving intense "secret" 3-1/2 day seminars... which cost... each
attendee $6,950... just to get in the door! (NOTE: This price
did not include travel or hotel expenses!) |
Would you like
to know all about several low-cost advertising "tricks" that can get
you more new business than you could ever hope to handle?
If you are
already a professional model or, if you'd like to be, this is going
to be the most exciting message you will ever read. |
On the
other hand, if you want to be a model... but... you don't really
have what it takes... this message can save you thousands of dollars
and a great deal of misery and heartbreak.
I am
sending you, along with this letter, a small gift. |
If you
have just finished reading my book, "How To Make Maximum Money In
Minimum Time" you already know my advertising secrets have
generated millions of dollars. |
Would you
like to get your share of some of this money? If so, here is good
news. Recently, I conducted a seminar (yadda yadda) |
Do you
have the guts to do... whatever it takes... to protect
yourself, your family and your home?
Here's a
true story that makes me feel a little bit stupid. |
Have I
ever got a deal for you! |
Do you
remember the letter I sent to you with a $1.00 bill attached to
the first page? |
Have I
ever got a deal for you! |
Listen: I
am about to make you the most interesting proposition you've ever
heard. And, if you go along with my idea, you can get the tapes of
my mind-blowing seminar (and all the other material that came with
the seminar) at no cost whatsoever! |
My name is
Larry Williams and I'm going to get right down to business. |
I'm going
to fill you in on a little secret and you must keep it between you
and me. You see, if the "Head Hauncho" found out what I'm doing...
A few days
ago I sent you a 12-page letter with a free audio tape scotch-taped
to the first page. |
If you can make it past those two "hurdles" (writing a "killer" headline
and a captivating introduction), the next part of writing copy ought to
come more easily to you. After all, it's basically writing a story. A
story about why the customer should give you his hard-earned money.
Does your story... your "body copy"... compel the reader to continue
reading? Compare your own copy with these tidbits from my "Motherload
I was
embarrassed. I didn't know what to do. I felt like a fool. So, what
I did was, I put a fifty dollar bill on the table, mumbled something
about how that should cover lunch... and... I got the hell out of
there. I went back to work, closed the door to my office and buried
myself in work. I didn't feel like talking to anybody, especially
Lauren. |
In these
FREE video tapes and FREE reports, Halbert teaches you the right
way to use these powerful money-making weapons... plus... how to
raise money without borrowing... how to get movie and TV stars to
help you with your selling efforts... how to get free advertising...
and... many other little-known insider secrets. Here is a brief
"preview" of what you will learn when you watch these FREE tapes and
read the FREE reports: |
That's the
bad news. The good news is, before closing the doors, Halbert gave a
"mini-version" of his famous "Seminar for Millionaires" and... for
the first time... |
This is a
"win-win" deal for everybody. I get new subscribers to "The Gary
Halbert Letter" in the fastest way possible... and... the people
(like you) who are mailing the sales letters get both "hands-on"
experience... and... good profits! Here are the most common
questions people are asking: |
I've also got to tell you that, in addition to the money you've got
to lay out for this incredible offer, you must also know there are
two "strings" attached:
You must listen to all the tapes before (yadda yadda)
STRING #2: You must
schedule your hot seat with me before (yadda yadda) |
Before I
tell you in detail about everything you get, I'd like to take a
moment to explain why I've decided to make this offer. As
I've often said, whenever (yadda yadda) |
Here then, is a list of all
the components which, except for #1, I am free to tell you about in
glowing detail:
Complete access
to my secret network of "money |
people" as described above. |
Approximately 30
hours of video tape (VHS) |
Approximately 37
hours of audio tape (on cassettes). |
All seminar "pass
out" materials. |
If you
answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you should try Gary
Halbert's "crazy idea". You'll learn all about it when you watch the
FREE video tapes and you should remember this: That "crazy letter
idea" brought in... |
But, the
people Lee likes to train most of all... are fathers. Men
with families to protect. Men who take very seriously the obligation
to protect their wives, children, other loved ones and their homes.
"The worst thing a man can face" says Lee, "is to have his
family attacked and not be able to do anything about it." |
recently, nobody knew about this except certain people (like
Princess Diana!) who were very rich and who lived in Europe.
Now, however, some of the most famous faces in Hollywood have
learned about this secret treatment and they are raving about it. In
fact, Lisa showed me some "before and after" pictures of Suzanne
Sommers and you wouldn't believe the difference. She looks years
younger! |
attendees had to pay $6,250 to get this info. They also had to pay
it all up front (no credit, no discounts) and they had to spring for
their own hotel and travel expenses. And, since the attendees came
from all over the globe (one man came from France and brought a
private interpreter; another flew in from Johannesburg, South
Africa), many people paid over $15,000 to $20,000 to get this info!
And, if you accept my proposition, you get it all...
Free! Free! Free! Free! |
no bullshit way to financial independence. My attendees are raving
about this seminar even though... |
you've got to know exactly how to do it. You know, it took
Halbert 15 years to discover this neat little trick... but now... by
simply watching the FREE video tapes, you can learn how to use this
dirt-cheap little money-maker in just 15 minutes! |
OK, that's
it. You've just read a detailed description of what you can learn by
watching the video tapes of Halbert's recent seminar and reading the
exact same money-making reports he gave everybody who attended. Why
is Halbert willing to send you these reports and video tapes...
and... send them FREE? The answer is simple: It's a bribe!
It's a shameless bribe to get you to sign up for a trial
subscription to his unique marketing and money-making newsletter
called "The Gary Halbert Letter". |
And every good copywriter knows you HAVE to break up a sales letter or
newspaper ad or even website copy with "eye relief". One key way to do
that is with "bullets".
"Bullets" are usually very short... and very concise... hard-hitting tasty
nuggets that make your reader say, "Yes! I want to know that!" or
"Yes! I need to have that!" or "Yes! That describes me exactly!"
And once you've got them saying, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" then, my friend,
you've got them right where you want them...
Ready To Fork
Over |
Their Money To
You! |
Let's see if I can get you saying, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" with any of
these bullets from my "Motherload Collection":
Are you a salesman who needs more leads?
Do you have a furniture store, a restaurant, a car dealership, a hot dog
stand or some other kind of establishment you'd like to see swamped with
Are you an M.D., a dentist, a chiropractor, an optometrist, a therapist or
any other kind of health care professional who would like to see your
waiting room just bursting with new patients?
How to use envelopes to "induce guilt".
The exact words you should use to write a money-back guarantee that...
increases sales... and... reduces refunds!
The most important key to making really serious money.
Examples of winning formulas and "double customization".
A good "boilerplate" P.S. that can make your sales letters twice as
The ultimate layout for an order coupon.
8 things you should have at hand before you start to write an ad or direct
mail piece.
A special treatment a woman should give to her face when she turns 30!
Another special treatment a woman should give to her face when she turns
Another special treatment a woman should give to her face when she turns
And finally, a special treatment a woman should give her face
every day
after she turns 60!
Where to get a special outfit costing only $38.00 which will make a
woman's body look up to 25 pounds lighter... the moment she puts it on!
Another way to bring "eye-relief" to your
reader without losing him, is to throw in occasional "subheadings". These
priceless jewels can accomplish one of two things:
1. It can bring the preceding paragraph to
a head... or...
2. It can inform the reader of the next
direction you are heading.
Subheadings do not always have to be short. Nor do they have to be long.
Sometimes a simple statement works best. Other times a question is posed.
Want to get a sneak peek at some of the countless subheadings you'll be
able to tweak and twist for your own advertising? I thought so...
Know How You Feel
Halbert Will Not
Process Your |
Credit Card Charge
For At Least |
31-Days! |
Why Would
Anyone Pay Almost $7,000 |
To Attend A 3-1/2
Day Seminar? |
How To
Make Your Ad In The Yellow Pages Pull |
In 400%
More Business Than It Does Now... |
At No
Extra Charge! |
Who Needs This Secret? |
Here's The Clincher! |
Should Pass |
On This Offer! |
An Amazing Secret That Can Make |
Your Newspaper Advertising Up To |
750% More Profitable! |
Your Check Will Never Be
Cashed... |
OR... Your Credit Card Will |
Never Be Charged! |
What Could Anyone Learn In Just A
Few Hours |
That Could Offer Such Outstanding
Results? |
More Than 7,300,000 Replies! |
What shocks me as I read other people's pitches, is their inability of
closing the deal. Not necessarily the "give-me-your-money" ordering
instructions. What I'm talking about is the segue, the transition... into
why your customer should put his hands in his pockets and hand you
his moola.
Here are a few examples from my "Motherload Collection":
If you
think you can get what I have to offer from some $10.00 "Lazy Man's"
book you are sadly misguided. If you think you can buy some mail
order course or get all this somewhere else for $30.00 to $40.00 or
some such price, you are welcome to try. However, if you sincerely
want to stop messing around and finally get the facts from someone
who knows his business cold, then, my friend, I'd love to meet you.
How much
is your subscription to my newsletter? A lot. In fact, I
suspect when you see the price on the subscription form (it's inside
the yellow sheet of paper enclosed with this letter) you are going
to gasp.
That's OK with
me... I know what I am worth! So, after you recover from your
mild case of "sticker shock" try to remember:
This Offer Is 100% Risk-Free... |
And... The
Price Is Less |
Than 1% Of
The Value! |
Here's the
deal: If you will agree to a 1-year trial subscription to his
newsletter, Halbert will send you all of the video tapes and the
money-making reports you've just read about... and... he'll send you
all this FREE! And, to make it even better, if you decide to cancel
your subscription at any time within the year, he will immediately
send you a full and complete pro-rata refund... and...
He Will
Still Let You Keep The Free |
Video Tapes
And Reports! |
But no matter how compelling your headline,
your body copy, your bullets, your subheads, your closing, you will always
find some customers still need a little push, a little last minute nudge,
to convince them your product or service is exactly what they need. And
just how do you accomplish that?
I'm glad you asked.
It's called a "P.S." A "postscript" an "afterthought."
Sometimes, I'll tug one more time at my reader's greed glands by throwing
in a bonus in the P.S. Other times I'll remind them of my refund policy.
And a good P.S. is to let them know there is a deadline for them to act.
And speaking of "greed glands", I know by now you're all worked up and
want to see a few samples of my own P.S.'s. Being the "guru of giving",
here you go:
P.S. Would you like to have a free
100-year-old silver dollar? If so, just read the enclosed "HOT
FLASH" pink sheet and you'll see an extra "bonus reason" why you
should give this letter your immediate attention!
P.S. Of course, we always stand
behind Gary's refund policy. If for any reason at all (or as he
says, "for no reason at all") you decide to cancel your
renewal subscription, you'll receive a full pro-rata refund for the
issues not mailed to you. |
P.S. It would be appreciated if you
would call even if you are going to pay by check. I need to know the
response to this offer as soon as possible in order to make sure it
doesn't get out of hand. |
guarantee, you will not find a better "swipe file" of such world-class
marketing anywhere else on the entire planet. Some will be in letter
format, others in newspaper format, and for those of you hot on the 'net,
in website format. It's a HUGE 3-ring binder and something this huge and
this awesome cannot be delivered to you via the Internet.
What you've got to remember is... no matter what format I used originally,
you can take those same concepts, tactics, layout, techniques... and twist
and tweak them for your own marketing pitches. Consider them your
"roadmap" to riches!
For some, my "Motherload Collection Of Marketing Masterpieces!" will be a
"basic training camp". These ads can get you out of the trenches and onto
the playing field!
For others, my "Motherload Collection Of Marketing Masterpieces!" can get
you out of the poor house and into mansions (like the ones Robin Leach
featured on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous")!
And finally, for those who have Internet know-how... but... have been
missing the boat for true independence and financial freedom, my "Motherload
Collection Of Marketing Masterpieces!" can get you from being tied to your
computer waiting for your ship to come in... to... sailing the 7-seas
yourself any day of the week!
I'm not some college professor with a bunch of "theories" about how to
write copy. I'm not an ad agency trying to get you to spend a fortune so I
can get fat on a 15% commission. What I am is a
down-in-the-dirt, shirt-sleeve-rolled-up marketing master who knows what
it means to have to make his advertising work. I have to know my
stuff because I've got a Costa Rican fiancée to keep happy, my suite in
Miami to keep up, #1 Assistant Theresa to pay, and on and on and on!
Here's How To Order!
All you have to do is write your name and address and the words "Motherload"
on a piece of paper and mail it to us with your check or money order
(sorry, no credit cards for this hot deal). Your check needs to be made
payable to "Cherrywood Publishing" in the amount of $297.00. I'm even
going to "eat" the cost of shipping this box to you! You can send your
order by FedEx, UPS or even "snail mail" to:
Cherrywood Publishing |
3101 S.W. 34th Ave. #905-467 |
Ocala, FL 34474 |
That's all there is to it.
As soon as I receive your order, I will send the 3-ring binder to you
immediately by Priority, First-Class Mail.
There's nothing more I can
say about this collection of masterpieces... except...
Are Priceless! |
remember Theresa wrote all that copy and assembled all the examples. NOT me. I
SWEAR. I did none of it. It's pretty darn compelling, isn't it?
she asked me what we should charge for "The Motherload". I think this is a
priceless collection but, we're going to let it go for $297.00.
guess what? I've decided what I'm going to charge for my seminar I'm going to
hold in May, "How To WRITE A Website Pitch That Will Make You Rich!" It's
guess what else? If you buy "The Motherload" right now, I'll take $1,000.00 off
the price of my seminar if you decide you want to attend.
deal is simple. You spend only $297.00 for a priceless "swipe file"...
plus... you get a $1,000 discount off the price of my seminar if you decide to
attend. (NOTE: "The Motherload" all by itself should vastly improve your ability
to write sales copy... even if you don't come to my seminar. But, if you do
attend my seminar, you'll get information and energy that can't be transmitted
in print which will put your ability to write world-class advertising copy...
literally on steroids!)
again, it's easy to order. All you have to do is write your name and address on
a piece of paper with the words "Gary's Motherload Collection" and send it
immediately with your check (sorry, no credit cards accepted for this hot
tamale) in the amount of $297.00 made payable to "Cherrywood Publishing" to:
Cherrywood Publishing |
3101 S.W. 34th Ave. #905-467 |
Ocala, FL 34474 |
all there is to it. As soon as Theresa gets your check, she'll send you "The
Motherload"... and... in the meantime, I'll be working as fast as I can to get
the details of my upcoming seminar sent to you.
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert |
"The Best Website Copywriter |
In The World?" |
P.S. I think I am the best website
copywriter in the world. Again, if I'm not, don't tell me. It's a
vacant title and, I'm claiming it!
P.P.S. If you want to check out John
Reese AKA The 500 pound gorilla's site it is at
Copyright © 2003 Gary C. Halbert. All Rights
Reserved. |