
North of Jewfish Creek


Dear Friend & Subscriber,

Yesterday I had a "killer idea" about how I can help many of my subscribers make a great deal of money.

You know when this idea occurred to me? I swear to God it happened right in the middle while...

I Was Having A Root Canal

There I was, for two solid hours, with a small Puerto Rican person of the feminine persuasion constantly poking and scraping inside my mouth with very sharp steel objects... and... what pops into my mind is this idea.

Listen: I'm going to have a seminar. This seminar is going to be very different from any seminar I have ever given. Or anybody else has ever given for that matter. There is only going to be one speaker (me) at this seminar. And this seminar is going to be cheap enough for any of you who are not on welfare to attend. 

Yes, at this seminar you will learn quite a bit about copywriting. But that's NOT the BIG thing. The BIG thing is, I am going to teach you exactly what you have to know besides writing copy to make your fortune in direct marketing.

Not only am I going to do that, I am going to have a tiny handful of people at that seminar who can help you (if you need it) to finance your project, take care of your merchant account needs, print and do the lettershop work, set you up with phone answering services and fulfillment houses, etc.

Plus, at this seminar, I am going to deal with every attendee PERSONALLY and give each of them EXACT instructions on what they need to do if they want to be wealthy.

I'll give you a lot more information about this seminar later on. But right now, I want to tell you a few things... and...

I Need Feedback From My Readers!

First of all, I've already decided I want to have my seminar in either Miami or Orlando, Florida... or Phoenix, Arizona... or Los Angeles, California.

Secondly, I'm thinking it is going to start on either Friday, December 2 or Friday, December 9, and continue through the weekend.

But, my assistant Theresa, said when I gave the dates of previous seminars, many of you said you would rather come during the week (as opposed to a weekend). So if that's true, I will adjust the dates. But the seminar  will still be within that time frame (3-days in December).

Here Is What I Am Asking You To Do:

UPDATE: 2015 This Seminar Is Now Complete

You Can Order The Recordings By Clicking Here
(Please excuse the crude sales page but your order is completed on Paypal's Secure Website & the recordings are in stock and you can start listening to the first day instantly while we ship you the complete set)

If you have any questions you can write us


1) If you even think you might be interested in attending this seminar, I want you to email me right away at .

2) In that email, tell me which city you would prefer the seminar be held. The only options are: Miami, Florida; Orlando, Florida; Phoenix, Arizona; or Los Angeles, California.

3) Tell me which Friday you prefer I start the seminar. The two choices are either December 2 or December 9.

4) And finally, tell me if you would rather attend my seminar if it was in the middle of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) as opposed to a weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

I need your response RIGHT AWAY because we have to book the hotel early or there will be no vacancies for us.

Please do me this small favor. Just send me a really short email (at with the name of the city and the dates you prefer. By the way, sending me this email does NOT obligate you in any way to actually attend the seminar. I'm going to use it for planning purposes only.

My next newsletter will be much longer than this one. It will contain a very valuable marketing lesson. But right now, because of the root canal I had yesterday, I have an excuse to curl up into a fetal position for a couple days and suck as much pity as I can from everybody near me.

Thanks for your prompt reply to this request.



Gary C. Halbert



P.S. If you want to send me some kind words offering your condolences for the horrible, almost unbearable pain I endured yesterday, I would appreciate that also.


I'll be back at you within the next two weeks with a "killer" long copy marketing lesson. But for now, I'm going to take this opportunity to do some world-class sulking.





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