From: John Carlton
The most
ripped-off copywriter on the Web…
I just now hung up the phone after another
marathon gab-fest with my good friend Gary Halbert… and he asked me to write
this little note to you.
So, while snow pummels my hovel here in the
comfy bosom of the Sierras -- a continent away from where Gary basks in tropical
warmth -- I’m gonna let you in on a big damn
Namely… almost everything Gary has been telling
you over the years …
Is True.
I know. I was
there for much of the mayhem, chaos and adventure.
Watching, participating, sometimes
rescuing… and always, always learning. (The stories I can’t
vouch for are mostly about his past sex life. I’m pretty sure he’s
exaggerating, or at the very least deluded.)
My years hanging out with Halbert
were an astonishing ride. Wealth, fame, disaster, discovery and one amazing
marketing adventure after another.
It will truly be a shame if I go to that Big Ad
Agency In The Sky before he does, because I
won’t get to write that shocking biographical expose I’ve been
threatening him with for a decade.
And, despite the fact I’m over 13
years younger, I wouldn’t bet on him going first, either -- the man has
the health and determination of a prime bull. He still has more piss and
vinegar in him that most twenty-something’s I know.
I think the bastard is gonna outlive us all,
just for spite.
Anyway, what I have to share with you here is
vastly important for anyone who’s been following Gary… and who
is just itching to finally dive into your own entrepreneurial adventure
of hitting it rich… or to put your existing biz on hyper-overdrive and
finally start sucking up the major fungolas that have been eluding you.
In other words… if you’ll let me… I’m gonna
offer to deliver the kick in the butt you require to finally put your
life and your business on the fast track to attaining the kind of
cash-overloaded… pleasure-filled… and
excitement-guaranteed success you DON’T deserve.
No one is truly worthy of the
capitalistic wet-dream now available to those who bother to learn the insider
secrets, and put them to work. It’s just too lavish and over-the-top wonderful.
Still, it really can be yours. If you want
Here’s the
story: Gary’s gonna hate me for bringing up age, because we’re both
piling up the years. The bad part of being a veteran businessman is that you
can feel a bit cheated that so much time has slipped by. (No matter how
much raw adventure you’ve packed into each day.)
But the good part is that our experience
and knowledge -- both in business and in living life large -- is so vast
and deep, we never need to justify our position as teachers.
We have the goods. We’re the real
There are lots and lots of
wannabes out there pretending to have the savvy of a hardened veteran…
but in truth, they’ve never been through a recession, let alone an entire
business cycle.
experience stuff becomes more and more critical as the world changes
around us.
The bottom line of your quest for wealth and
fame will always and forever be your ability
to craft a killer sales pitch. No matter what business you’re in,
and no matter what you’re selling.
And the reality of our world is…
The Technology Of Delivering That Pitch
Will Always Change,
And Change Abruptly.
You can be the hottest whiz-kid on
the Internet today… and be toast tomorrow, when Google changes the rules,
or smarter competition pulls the rug out from under you, or -- shudder --
the overburdened infrastructure of the Web collapses. (You know that Intel,
Apple, IBM and Yahoo are already putting together an alternate Web,
right? Because they’re convinced the current configuration cannot
withstand the onslaught of millions of Chinese logging on over the next, oh,
year or so?)
Gary and I
aren’t like other veteran marketers, and never will be. Too many of
our colleagues over the years became afraid of technology, and are
spending their time complaining about how horrible things are now, and great
they used to be.
Or, just as bad, they get locked into ONE way
of marketing on the Web. Put all their cookies into one basket, and lose sleep
every night wondering when the hammer will fall.
That’s just
a horseshit way of doing business and living your life. Both
Gary and I, in our brief time here on the planet, have already blown through six
or seven MAJOR technological changes in the way a sales pitch gets delivered to
a prospect… and we’ve mastered them all.
Infomercials, toll phone numbers, fax blasting,
email blasting, heck, even the battle between Federal Express and the Post
Office (which has made express delivery a dream marketing tool for smart
marketers with super-targeted lists) have all radically changed the
landscape of the advertising game.
This never-ending roller coaster scares the
pants off most marketers.
But the
truly savvy veterans just shrug, and get busy exploiting each new
delivery system as it arrives. And count up the money.
Newbies who think the Web has always been with
us, and will never change, may have stumbled on ways to rake in a few bucks… but
their lack of experience is setting them all up for a vicious wake-up
I LOVE the constant change going on. It’s been
this way my entire career, and every time some technology burp causes everyone
to run around screaming about how it’s all “different” now, I just laugh… and
The way you deliver your sales message
may change radically.
But what
you PUT into that message will still be based on the “classic” tools of
world-class salesmanship.
carefully: You can hire geeks to wrangle with the technology for
But guys who know how to craft a
sales pitch that forces people to yank money out of their wallet and throw it at
you will always be rare…
outrageously well-paid… and always seated comfortably in the front
row of the marketing show.
Remember this:
Nothing Happens
Until The Copy Gets Written.
Zilch. Nada. Ads don’t run,
Websites don’t get posted, sales letters don’t mail. Stick strategies don’t go
out. The communication between you and your buying audience grinds to a halt…
and the money pipeline shuts down.
That’s why
this message is so important. Between Gary and myself, you are in
the presence of the two most effective and experienced teachers in
Unlike almost everyone else in the market
today, you have the CHOICE of learning how to be the “go to guy” in your
niche… where you can dominate your competition, rake in the most cash, and enjoy
the best reputation.
Discovering veterans like us (who know how to
teach) is like finding a secret path under a vast mountain range. While
everyone else kills themselves struggling to climb over the obstacles, you’ll
just zoom though to the other side and be well on your way to the
Promised Land before they learn their first real lesson in making money.
It’s a heck of a choice to have -- the
option to SHORTCUT your way to glory and wealth.
And, Damn, But It’s FUN
When This Simple-Yet-Advanced Marketing Stuff
Kicks In.
I first met Gary Halbert at a Jay
Abraham party way back in the go-go 1980s. (At the time, I was trading copy for
free run of Jay’s office… a genuine bargain, since I was in my “suck up every
scrap of knowledge from the geniuses” mode.)
Gary was easily the most arrogant, dismissive
and self-aggrandizing SOB I’d ever met.
I liked him
When, a few months later, he suggested that I
drop everything and become an overworked copywriter slave for him, I
agreed without hesitation.
You’ve got to understand -- at that point,
I was already well on the path to being
a superstar copywriter for the “big mailers” like Agora and Rodale and
Phillips and Boardroom.
I had made a name for myself in
Los Angeles as the hot-shot freelancer who got snuck in the back door at
the major agencies (to do the critical ad copy their own lame staff couldn’t
pull off).
And I’d already apprenticed as a
ghost-writer for Hall-of-Fame proven copywriters like Jim Rutz (for whom I wrote
a financial package studded with real pesos that mailed profitably for eight
literally walked away from a career worth millions… because, in
my gut, I knew I was an ill-fit in that corporate world of big mailers and fancy
Gary, to my
mind, was where the real action was -- the exploding
entrepreneurial world. Where no one wore a tie, the risks were staggering, and
every project was an adventure that hinged on the copywriter’s ability to SELL.
And the money you could earn was just
outrageously huge.
Yet, working without a net like that isn’t
everyone’s cup of tea.
But if you’ve got entrepreneur blood in your
veins, it’s the only game around. Done
right, you can earn a vast personal fortune working at your kitchen table in
your pajamas… and do it quickly.
And this was before the Web was even a
glint in any marketer’s eye. Today, you can
add two or three zeroes to the money
you can make with these tactics.
I’ve been a top veteran copywriter for over 20
years now… and I’ve stayed on top because of my gluttonous appetite for
learning new stuff. My “Bag of Tricks” is easily among the deepest and
most effective arsenals in the industry.
I earned my skills, often in the most painful
and unglamorous manner possible… but because my
learning curve was such a hard slog, I’m now one of the best teachers
on the scene.
My “Rant” newsletter is now in the
fourth year of being published monthly, snail-mailed to 16 countries all over
the globe (at last count), and considered “must reading” by most of the
players in the entrepreneurial niche of the direct marketing world.
I call myself “the most ripped-off
copywriter on the Web” because it’s true --
marketers have, for years, stalked my ads and
knocked them off for their own sales efforts. And my most legendary
direct mail letters, Web sites and print ads are used as “study guides” by
advanced, super-savvy businessmen world-wide.
I don’t speak at seminars very often, but when
I do I’m usually a featured attraction. I’ve been the keynote speaker for a
couple of Dan Kennedy Boot Camps, the most recent “Big Seminar” in LA put
on by the amazing Armand Morin, and many other major events. (Including
seminars by Carl Galletti, Ken McCarthy, Kendrick Cleveland, and even
Gary Halbert himself.)
My own seminars -- like the notorious “Copywriting
Sweatshop” and the ground-breaking “License To Steal” workshop --
sell out at $5,000 a seat.
My blog ( is read
by vast numbers of people from the red-hot core of the marketing world.
And I could go on with the self-promoting, but
I’m blushing.
Because, you see, I’m actually a fairly shy
guy… who was happy working behind the scenes as the notoriously-anonymous
“secret weapon” copywriter.
But working
with Gary changed all that. He forced me onstage, kicked my
butt to go after larger and more ambitious goals… and refused to quit
badgering me until I finally started the Rant newsletter, and started giving my
own seminars.
That’s the kind of guy he is. Never happy to
see anyone settle into a routine rut, where life can be slow and normal and
Screw that.
Life around
Halbert is NEVER normal.
The education in marketing and salesmanship
(and, yes, writing copy at a more visceral and more effective level) that I
received while working with Gary was dangerous… jam-packed with evil adventure…
and the most fun I’ve had in business.
It was also
worth millions of dollars and more.
He was a vicious mentor. And plopped me
behind the “Big Desk” in his Sunset Boulevard office way before I was
ready -- it was sink or swim, and as my head exploded with the work load he
piled on me I realized that the head growing back in the ruins of my
shoulders was an advanced, and much more savvy, version of my old self.
his first huge marketing seminar nearly killed me. That’s not a joke.
But pulling that event off changed the way seminars have been produced ever
And I went on to share the stage
with Gary for a couple of dozen MORE seminars, each one more outrageous
and more challenging and more growth-forcing than the last.
We were dancing as fast as we could on the
shaky cutting-edge of every major marketing breakthrough of the last
twenty years.
We wrote
some of the very first infomercials… back when sharp direct
marketers were picking up late-night scrap time on the new cable networks for
nothing (literally sometimes for free), filming hour-long pitches in the
afternoon and running them hours later. No one in the “normal” business world
even suspected the wealth locked up in those sloppy “wee hour”
We were among the first to divine the goldmine
of the “900” toll phone numbers (before they were taken over by the sex
industry, even).
And when I wrote a long-copy ad for the Web in
the early 1990s, there was NO ONE else even dabbling in the medium.
Gary and I have remained close friends, though
I could never work with him again. My heart can’t take it anymore.
Many people out there claim to be “action
central” in the marketing world… but Halbert really IS.
So… what’s
all this back-story got to do with you?
Plenty, if you’re ready to get moving with
your own wealth-building.
You see… Gary launched me on a learning
adventure that didn’t end when I left his employ. I went back and dabbled in
the “big mailer” world for a while (the “sex letter” control I wrote for Rodale
mailed to millions of names for five years -- after knocking off their best
writer -- and has become one of the most ripped pieces of copy in advertising
And I took on a handful of clients who were
willing to keep the leash off -- meaning,
they would mail everything I wrote, without censorship.
That allowed me to experiment
with dangerous concepts… and many of the print, mail and Web ads I created have
formed the hardcore base of the most effective “swipe files” around.
What I
bring to the table… is my ability to teach. If you’re getting
everything you need from reading Gary’s postings, or going to his seminars
(which I highly recommend doing), then great.
However… I’ve taught a vast population of
people how to write killer copy, and how to dominate their markets, over the
past four years… because of an embarrassing secret:
At Learning The Tough Lessons.
So I have to learn them again, over and
This tedious, bloody cycle of learning and
relearning has given me a rare insight into the
teaching process.
I know the pitfalls, intimately. And, more
important, I now know the shortcuts AROUND the pitfalls… so the people I
teach reach their goals in record time.
Minus the skinned knees and concussions I had
to suffer taking the long way around.
What I offer is not a “copy” of what I learned
from Halbert. Remember, I’d already established myself as a proven copywriter
when I met him.
No. I wouldn’t be who I am today without the
wild ride Gary and I shared over several years.
Nevertheless, what I offer is unique and different. After all this
time, I’ve earned a place at the Hall of Fame table, beside Gary and the other
veterans who’ve earned a little hard-won notoriety.
When Gary needs some honest, deep advice from
someone he trusts… he calls me. And when I need a reality check, I call Gary.
We’ve been Hot Seating each other for fifteen
And the winner…
Is You.
If you’re ready.
Gary asked me to create a special package,
just for his subscribers. And I have done so.
Let’s call this “The
Carlton Blackmail Package”… because that’s what he’s done. Twisted
my arm, until I agreed to give away the farm here.
I’ve got a few things on the bastard. But he’s
got just as much on me. We’re at a stalemate, each holding nasty
expose material neither wants daylight shed on.
If you’ve been following Gary for any length of
time, you know that he and I rib each other viciously. (What’d he call me last
year in a newsletter… a “lapdog”? And then complained to me that too
many people didn’t get the joke… because, as he said, I was so OBVIOUSLY one of
his best and closest friends, and why in the world would he seriously
disrespect a friend like that?) (I got him back, though. Our practical jokes
on each other go on for years, and they’re brutal.)
But all
that ribbing comes from deep mutual respect. Most people don’t
realize what a meeting among insiders in the business world is actually like.
(Which is why I recorded a bunch of phone calls I had with Gary and Dan Kennedy
and other insiders, called The Scuttlebutt Tapes -- I wanted to catch the way we
really talked to each other on tape, for posterity. Plus, it’s a vicious
education in real-world advanced marketing.)
We’re passionate about copywriting, and
about cutting-edge marketing. We’re SERIOUS about this stuff, because it’s the
engine that makes the capitalist system churn at full grind.
But we couldn’t handle the stress of it all
without a world-class sense of humor.
We do not take OURSELVES seriously at all.
We know we’re good. We know that what we teach
And we have fun teaching it all.
I tell you this to prepare you for what you’re
about to be offered.
Here’s what is in “The
Carlton Blackmail Package”:
First: You get the
industry-jarring course “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel”.
It’s the exact “insider” course I wish was
around when I was starting out. Learning even one or two of these
secrets would have short-cut my own success by... oh... ten years at least.
Probably more. (It can help you leap-frog over the learning process even
Included in this best-selling
manual are secrets most businesses never discover… such as:
The 10 instantly-effective
secrets of a copywriter who was forced to create successful ads... or starve!
(I call it “Gun To The Head Copywriting.”)
The amazing “Lazy
Businessman’s 3-Step Shortcut” to creating your first world-class ad.
(How to quickly turn your hidden salesmanship skills into white-hot sales
copy... even if you flunked English!)
How to sell to more customers in a day than you could personally
meet in a year!
How to use the ancient “Function of Seduction” secrets in your
advertising to make people desperate to open their wallets and give you money!
(It’s the amazing “lost” secret of
great salesmen and all intensely-successful wealth-building marketing.)
How to find the
head-turning hook that reels customers into
your ad like crazy! (I’ll show you how to be
the one thing your prospect reads today that gets his blood pumping and
makes him crave what you’re selling. His adrenaline levels won’t go
down until he’s sent you money.)
How to nail the passionate “sweet spot” of your customer
with master-class sales copy! (You’ll gain instant trust because he feels
you’re “just like family”.)
The one envelope that no one in the history of civilization has
ever NOT opened!
How to write a
killer headline
that stops your intended audience cold! (Find the right
“trigger” words that will pinch your reader on the ass and force her to
drop everything to read your ad.)
Why your fortune depends on some basic “street savvy”... and how
to get it quickly even if you’ve led the most boring life in town. (A unique
secret to turning your overlooked personality and the way people actually
talk to each other into huge piles of cash!)
Very simple tactic to
your profits overnight! (An astonishingly easy technique well-used
by smart businessmen... but ignored by 99% of other marketers!)
How to close “high ticket” deals for obscenely-large amounts of
money -- even in an ad where your prospect can’t see or hold your product!
11 proven examples of
successful direct response concepts you can use immediately (no
matter what business you’re in)... plus a Proven Template for your own
mega-pulling sales letter! (An astonishing “how to do it yourself” shortcut map.)
Why your new “back end” will be the most profitable part of
every sale. (The quickest and most fun “warp-speed education” on
multiplying your income you’ll ever get!)
How to create your own perfect
product over a short weekend... so you can start earning your fortune
even if you don’t have a real business or anything to sell yet!
The Marketing Rebel’s “Million Dollar Bag of Tricks” -- 54
proven sales-boosting secrets straight from the trenches... where they bring in
massive cash-flow, every day, for the most successful businesses and
entrepreneurs in the world!
The cash-multiplying secret of “Operation MoneySuck”! (You
can skip going to college to get a master’s degree in business -- here’s all
you need to know, in a nice tidy 3-pages. The
secret of constant income and success that won’t quit.)
A quickie “Idiot’s Guide” to consumer psychology!
(Instantly understand exactly what makes your customer tick... and learn how
to tickle his “consumer hot buttons” to the point of frenzy.)
How to sell yourself!
(Yes, these over-the-top salesmanship secrets will change every aspect of
your life, no matter what you need -- be it love, money, respect or a
fresh start.)
And... The mysterious force behind every dollar bill in the
universe that can hook you into an almost magical stream of cash-flow! (Even conservative, prominent and
well-known business owners use this
spooky tactic. It’s the biggest “x-factor” in
rapid success, completely hidden from most people.)
That’s just a small sample of what
you’ll find. There are 18 sections in this copywriting course... each designed
to short-cut your education. And give you the exact super-detailed
roadmap you need to start writing your own earth-shaking copy and create
your own ridiculously-successful marketing campaigns.
There is also a special update included…
it was necessary because of all the hot new stuff happening on the Web. (I
remain one of the few “classic” veterans who is wired into the red-hot center of
Internet marketing -- it’s why I get invited
to speak at so many “Web-Based” seminars.)
Also included is a set of
4 CDs of me talking you through the entire
copywriting course (so you can listen in your car, or on headphones
at home -- many people find that listening helps them learn faster and retain
I don’t care if you’ve never written a word
of sales copy before in your life. Or if you’re just starting out. Or if
you’ve taken six other businesses straight into bankruptcy. Or even if you
haven’t got a clue what you want to sell, or where.
None of that matters.
thing that matters... is your desire to get on the bus. To start
writing ads that bring in sales and cash and new customers in a flood,
fast and furious.
This isn’t brain surgery. But you
cannot “figure it out” on your own. I’ve already spent the critical 20 years of
working hard, hanging out with the great mentors of advertising, making the
obvious mistakes and following through on jaw-dropping successes.
There is absolutely no sane reason why you should want to waste years of your
own life attempting to cover this same ground.
This is the course I would
have killed to own when I started out.
But Wait...
There’s More.
With this special offer we’ve
arranged… you will also receive a huge volume of my collected letters and ads
(including most of the now-famous home run fortune-making pieces that
have been ripped off so much online).
Consider this collection a “swipe file” of the best examples of
world-class advertising you’ll ever find in one place.
Clients have paid me as much as $100,000
(including royalties that still come in) to write a single letter.
They pay these kinds of staggering fees happily... because my stuff works.
They can mail a letter or run one of my ads in magazines for years,
gathering huge profits each time. My Web copy is like an automatic feeding
frenzy of profit. The fees clients pay me are a tiny fraction of the
fortune these pieces create.
collection is like having a private pass into Fort Knox. And, since I
explain and break down the techniques and choices I made in each piece...
You Can Easily
“Translate” These Monster Winners
Into A Killer
Ad For Your Own Needs!
Included are copies (with
complete detailed analysis)
of such notorious ads and letters like:
The “one-legged golfer” ad that scandalized the staid
golf magazines (but sold a ton of product for many years).
A prime example of how a single ad can work
over and over again, year after year, with almost zero changes to the copy.
The “sex letter” I wrote for Rodale Books that got me
blacklisted there... until they finally mailed it. It
slaughtered the control, and mailed to millions of names worldwide for over 5
years. (In it, you will discover the secret to “getting inside your customer’s
head”... and using his deepest desires to
trigger a sale.)
The multi-page “shock-wave” ads for Navy SEAL training videos
that changed the martial arts world forever. (And introduced the
buttoned-down “Wall Street” crowd to kicking ass using combat secrets few
civilians will ever find out about.)
The famous “wow” letter that arrived in mailboxes with a
dollar-bill attached to it. (Selling a ton
of information at $377 a pop.)
And many, many more letters and ads. All
deconstructed and fully outlined for you -- so
you know why I used certain words... how the guarantees were decided... the
thinking behind the concepts... how the letters pulled... and all the
important lessons learned (both good and bad).
This is mega-valuable stuff. You see
every word of copy used in these promotions... exactly as they were printed.
This absolutely is NOT raw theory -- it’s hard-core PROVEN copy and tactics and
secrets that actually grabbed real prospects... and pulled real orders.
You will see what I wrote, understand why I wrote it... and have the
opportunity to freely...
Rip Me Off For Your Own Ads And Letters
And Sales Pitches!
I’ve been offered $5,000 on the spot for
such a collection... but I’ve never been motivated to put it together
before. Now that I’ve finally decided to share my secrets... here it is. One
packed-tight collection of material that will
shock, titillate and educate the hell out of
you. And you’ll be stunned by the low price I ask. (More on that in
just a moment.)
will buy you a 12-month subscription to my white-hot newsletter “The
Marketing Rebel Rant” (normal year’s sub is now $250). If you don’t
fall in love with this irreverent, outrageous and
insanely-information-dense newsletter, then you aren’t breathing. It’s worth
the price for the entire package. It’s an ongoing, very personal mentorship
that includes eye-opening sections like:
► Salesmanship 101 (where you can learn what the most
irresistible salesmen on the planet know about closing the deal)...
► Lessons From The Vice Squad (things you won’t learn
in Sunday school about world-class marketing tactics)...
► Operation MoneySuck (how to get massive amounts of cash
flowing like water in your direction)...
And an interactive Shame And Success department (where I’ll
share super-valuable e-mail and real-time critiques with you).
Not done yet…
I will also send you
ALL back issues of the Rant -- three
entire years worth of newsletters… equal to an advanced course on
marketing, advertising and life all on its own. (That’s something that would
have cost you $600 to have received as a regular subscriber.)
This is hot stuff.
This is player material.
…and I’m only doing this because
Halbert insists -- you get...
Two Uncensored FREE Critiques -- Personally
Done By Me --
Of Your Most Important Ads!
This access to a pro writer for critiques is
priceless. I have a well-deserved reputation for being THE most
hard-nosed drill sergeant who’s ever helped another person learn to write. I am
brutal with my critiques… because it’s serious business.
I treat you the SAME WAY I treat
myself -- because money is on the line. Your money, and the
success of your business. I would be committing a crime if I let you send out a
bad piece of copy.
So I tell it like it is -- the
exact way I critique my own writing. To keep pushing it away from mediocre
and toward world-class status… where amazing success and wealth
Is that enough to get your greed
gland salivating?
Well, guess what?
There’s more to this package:
I will also include one my
sought-after “Book of Critiques” -- something you otherwise cannot lay
your hands on without becoming a member of my elite Insider’s Club.
This staggeringly huge volume
contains several dozen critiques I’ve done for other people. It’s
a dense super-advanced education in the life-changing advice for which
I’ve earned a reputation as perhaps the best hands-on teacher alive.
will also throw in a “One-Half Off” certificate good for a
one-on-one “mini-Hot Seat” phone consultation with me, with no expiration date.
Two BONUSES: I will also send you,
as a bonus you can KEEP no matter what, two of those astonishing Scuttlebutt
Tapes I mentioned before -- “The Go To Guy”, with me and Halbert in an
“R”-rated discussion of a burning issue for marketing who want to go all the
way… and “Success Secrets That Scare Most People Half To Death”, with me
and Dan Kennedy.
You get both the CDs and the
transcripts -- something I’ve never offered before.
And, finally…
The Normal Guarantee Time For You.
Usually, I give you a full 3 months to check
everything out, and decide if you want to keep it or return it.
For Gary, that’s just not good
enough. So you can take a full 6 months to
decide. And, if you do decide this “blackmail” package isn’t for you
-- for any reason at all -- just return it for a fast refund.
No questions asked.
And you can KEEP the two Scuttlebutt CDs and
transcripts. My gift to you, just for taking the time to check this
package I’ve arranged especially for Gary’s subscribers.
I think that’s about it.
Oh wait…
are you curious how much all this will cost
Well… my Insider’s Club, where I
offer critiques and swipe files and the Rant and other goodies… is a flat $2,400
for one year. Expensive, yes.
Worth every penny.
It’s $5,000 to step foot into any
of my seminars.
Heck, to hire me as a copywriter
will set you back $20,000, plus a piece of the profit.
However, Gary has asked me (okay,
forced me) to price this little bundle of goodies much more modestly.
Therefore… the price for all of
the above, delivered via Federal Express Ground in a big damn box that will blow
your mind: Just $999.
Here’s what you need to do now:
There are two ways to complete
your order.
The easiest is to hit one of these two links
-- depending on whether you’re ording inside the US or from a foreign country --
which will take you to a Paypal order page created especially for this offer.
(Note: If the link you choose doesn’t instantly take you to the Paypal order
page, you may have to hold down your Control key while clicking on the blue link
Click here to pay by PayPal inside US
Click here to pay by PayPal outside US
The entire transaction will take
you just a few minutes, even if this is the first time you’ve ever used Paypal.
It’s brain-dead simple, and your order will be in my hands for processing within
2. Or… you can print the Priority Order Form
below, and fax it to 775-562-2655, or snail mail it to: John Carlton,
316 California Ave. #114, Reno, NV 89509.
You can use your credit card, or
write a check payable to Marketing Rebel, LLC.
And I’m done. The order page is
below, along with a few testimonials you may not have seen before -- just a
little third part credentialing, so you know I’m not making any of this stuff
I hope you give this “Blackmail”
package a look-see. There’s no risk
whatsoever -- if you’re not happy, for any reason at all (and you
don’t even NEED a reason), just return the material for a fast refund.
But keep the Scuttlebutt CDs. My
gift to you just for looking.
I gotta go.
Hope to see you soon on the
scrolls of the Rant. I promise not to be nice.
P.S. If you order right now, within the next
day or so, I’ll send you a note detailing
the time I made Gary cry. God, that was one of the best pranks I
ever pulled on him, getting him back for years worth of cruel and unusual
practical jokes…
P.P.S. Aw, heck… I’ll sweeten the deal even more.
If you order right away, I’ll also include a special report (unavailable at any
price elsewhere) called “The 20 Clicks”.
These are the exact notes I took during one of the very first seminars I did
with Halbert… and I kept detailed track of every marketing tactic he used while
doing Hot Seats with business owners.
People who have followed Halbert’s newsletter
for years have lusted after this report… because it
shortcuts the business of trying to “figure out
what’s in his Bag of Tricks” that allows him to so easily know EXACTLY what to
do in, no matter how complex or seemingly-impossible the marketing problem
before him is.
This is advanced insider knowledge, the stuff
of rumor and legend.
And I will send it to you, for free, if you
order right now.
So don’t dick around and let this
opportunity slip through your fingers. Either fill out the Order Form below
and get it back to me, or hop onto Paypal and get your order into processing
Remember, there’s no risk whatsoever.
The order form is below the following
“Over the last 14 days, what you taught me generated an extra
$20,979 in sales! Thanks again.” Jeff Gardner, TX (Update: “After a
full month, my take is now $70,000! Note to self: Follow John’s advice!”)…
“You know that new
‘hook’ you insisted I try in my sales pitch? It tripled response! This
translates into several hundred thousand dollars in sales over the coming year.
You are on my Christmas gift list for life, dude.” Lisa Wagner,
California… “I’ve written pieces that have pulled in
millions of dollars. Yet, when I sit down to write copy, I pull out my swipe
file of
John Carlton’s
stuff, and study it like my life depended on it. He is one of the few true
experts in advertising. Pure gold.” Caleb O’Dowd, Florida…
“My average order is 50%
higher (and more) since I adopted your idea. I love your outlook, and your
advice cracks me up while bringing in the results.” Tom Venuto, NJ…
“Dear John: Your strategies have made me hundreds of
thousands of dollars. I consider your copywriting to be so influential on my
success, that I’ve literally stalked your ads and sales letters, purchased
countless products and services to get on lists… solely so I could collect (and
study) the sales letters that you write. This practice has been like a
real-world ‘Harvard Business School’ education for me. And I know dozens of
millionaire business people and successful ‘guru’s’ that quietly keep an eye on
you, follow all that you do, and consider you a major influence on their
success.” Ben Cummings, Park Place Publishing, NY… “Thanks to
your tips, I just doubled response on my website! I’ve never gotten 5 hot sales
leads in one and a half hours before, such I just did this afternoon. This is
getting really exciting, fast.” Perry Marshall, Perry Marshall and Associates…
“John fought hard to get us to mail his sales letter
for our new book. He ruffled so many feathers pushing us past our creative
‘comfort zone’ that he got himself temporarily blacklisted... until, of course,
his piece not only knocked off one of our top writers, but also mailed
profitably for over 4 years to millions of names.” Sindy Berner,
Production Marketing Manager,
Rodale Books, PA…
finished a 1,000 trial mailing with new copy using Carlton’s concepts. Raked in
$22,000 the first week. It worked so good it was scary.” Dr. John M. La
Tourrette, OR… “I implemented your recommendations,
and almost DOUBLED my conversion rate on my website! Awesome.”
Blair Gorman,
New Zealand… “This guy turned our
business around literally overnight. Just John’s consulting abilities alone are
worth his outrageous fee -- the fact you also get one of the best copywriters
alive makes him the biggest bargain in business today. He throws himself into
every aspect of a project... so when the ad runs and the phones start ringing,
you’re prepared to capture every dollar.” Dr. Russell Horine, NuLife
Clinics… “I have 20 years of experience with B2B direct
response -- I eat salesmen for lunch -- so I bristled at
John’s suggestion that I
needed to rewrite my sales letter. Good thing I got over my rage… because
listening to John allowed me to penetrate over 10% of a very competitive
industry, and I’m still getting 2-3 calls a week. Thanks for pushing me so
hard.” Dan Page,
CO… “Studying John Carlton’s
writing, and adapting it to Japanese culture, has allowed me to dominate an
entire Asian market. It’s just unbelievable what you can do when you learn
what’s in John’s amazing bag of tricks.”
Markus Kuroda,
Japan… “I went from making about $500 a month from my
website… to pulling down over $2,000 each month. And it’s all because of your
advice on my copy. Nothing else changed.” Fernando Cruz…
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert
Copyright © 2005 Gary C. Halbert. All Rights
Reserved. |