W-A-Y West of Jewfish Creek
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
It was a veritable orgy of ideas!
I'm talking, of course, about the first official
Sir Gary of Halbert brainstorming session. Remember how I
promised that 13 of the world's best minds would work on ideas
and promotions sent in by my subscribers? Well, as it turned
out, there were 27
world-class minds involved in the event!
It really worked out neat. Paulette and I
rented Sheraton Miramar's "conference bungalow" for
two days and it turned out to be the absolute perfect place to
hold a brainstorming session. For starters, the Sheraton
Miramar is a beautiful, stately old hotel by the sea in Santa
Monica that has been featured in several movies. And secondly,
the conference bungalow itself was utterly charming. We had
the whole room wired for sound and, on both days, for lunch,
we had a deli buffet on the patio on the ocean side of the
It sure was good of me to spring for all of
this, wasn't it?
Actually, it was my pleasure and it was a
genuine honor to interact with all those brilliant men and
women. And besides, as you already know, I am truly a Prince
Of A Guy.
So anyway, here are some thoughts that have
stuck in my mind as a result of that two-day conference:
MOST COMMON FLAW of all the ads and DM pieces that were
submitted is that many of them were difficult (some were
borderline impossible!) to read. You wouldn't believe it: over
and over we examined submissions that had the sales message
typed or type-written on a slime green background or some
other off-the-wall color that created a near terminal case of
Listen Dammit: Use Black
Type On White Or Yellow
Paper And Don't Mess With
Any Other Color
DON'T SEND A LETTER to do a man's job. Hark
unto me: It has been said you can sell anything by direct
mail. Well, that's sort of true. But really, when you're
selling data processing services or some other high-ticket
technical item or service, you can use a letter to pave the
way but, at some point, you have to sub in a real live sales
Look: One organization sent in a direct mail
package designed to sell utility companies on becoming part of
an advertising network of syndicated statement stuffer ads.
It's a good idea, a darned good idea, but how many utilities
are there? Probably only a few hundred in all the U.S. And,
since the universe is so small and each "sale" represents
so much loot, the transaction must
be consummated by a human.
You know, it seems to me that some
organizations are "hiding behind their mail" because
they're uncomfortable about making sales calls.
That shouldn't be so. If you've got something
good that will really and truly benefit your prospect, he'll welcome
a personal visit!
IS NOT WRITING: It continues to surprise me how many
people think owning a persona computer or a word processor is
an important ingredient in the success of anything. One
subscriber, in fact, wanted us to brainstorm how he could use
his PC to start a desk top publishing empire. You know what
that's like? It's like someone saying, "Hey, I just got
myself a typewriter. Now, tell me what else I need to become
another Hemingway."
How about half a brain?
There's a quote I like. It says, "Thought
should be a guide to action, not a substitute for it." So
it is with computers. Most people who want to write or publish
and then get a PC, they end up spending all their time
learning how to make it
work instead of perfecting their craft.
Listen up: Of all the ingredients necessary to
becoming a good
copywriter, a publisher or to become good at writing anything,
a word processor or a personal computer is, by far, the least
important ingredient in the entire equation.
I have spoken.
Here's a headline I like:
How To Get All The
Money You Need Even
If Your Bank
Just Turned You Down!
A question: Does anybody know anything about
some guy named Duvall and his "Mail Order Matrix"?
That was a question that came up during the session and nobody
knew anything about it.
Here's another headline I like:
17 Stocks That Are
Going To Die Right
Before Your Eyes!
FAX JUNK MAIL: Someone at the session (I
thinks it was my kid, Bond) suggested to one of the
supplicants that he should send his ads via FAX. Whoa! There's
gonna be some hell raised about this. Just recently, in the
L.A. Times, there was a story about a lawyer burning the
midnight oil and desperately waiting in the middle of the
night for someone to fax him a time-sensitive document.
Finally, to his relief, the machine came to life and spewed
forth a document. But alas. It wasn't what he was waiting for.
No. It was a #@!*@# ad!
Tell you what, friends: we already invade
their mailboxes, their phones, their homes and their airwaves
but, ads by FAX will not be tolerated. The difference is, when
you are receiving a fax ad, your machine is all tied up and
can't produce those critical documents you are desperate to
receive for which you bought the machine in the first place.
Back off!
insufferable egomaniac. I'll send him and his roundtable
something that's working like crazy and then reveal what fools
he and his "Genius Network" are when they tear my
masterpiece apart."
It didn't work, Joe England, Bud Jennings, Don
Beaver, Richard Potter, (thanks for coming), Dennis Spake,
Russell A. Whitney, Fred Rowe, Tom Liquori, (good having you
there), Gary Marguls, Gene Dowdle, Michael Duclos and all you
others who tried to pull one over on 'ol Guru Gary.
your mail: Nowadays, many doctors sort through
their mail before they let their staff touch it. What are they
looking for? Letters From Attorneys! They don't want their staff to know about any
pending malpractice suits or stuff like that. So, if you are
writing to a doctor and you can come up with a legitimate
reason to have your sales letter come from an attorney....
Dear Dr. Jones,
As an attorney who has filed suit against 300 of
your fellow practitioners, I thought maybe you'd...... |
....then maybe you will at least get your
message read.
GETZ MASKS? Gary Waltershied thinks they could be sold to
people who ride the subway.
IMPORTANT SUGGESTION for catalog mailers: your front cover
(and probably your back one too) should contain teaser copy
instead of graphics. For example:
* |
Doctor Discovers
New Way to Lose Weight (see page 17)
Amazing New Sunglasses
Improve Your Mood (see page 4)
Weird Device From NASA
Research Makes Your Car Get 200 MPG (see page 22) |
etc., etc.
How about this: how about getting one of the
big compilers like Donnelley or Polk to give you a kick-out of
people who own a specific make and model of car and then send
those people a letter with a headline that says:
How To Get The Most
Out Of Your '57 Chevy!
Or your 1983 Buick?
Or whatever?
And then, of course, you sell them a book or a
mechanical device that fulfills the promise in your letter.
You like that one? I do.
YOUR PRODUCT featured in the movies: It may be easier than
you think, Call Don Camp, mention my name, and see if he can
help you.
(213) 281-6970
How about this for a headline for a real
estate course?
How To Beat The Other
Vultures To The
Widow's Doorstep!
THE DESTINATION NOT the trip: Much of the
advertising sent to me for brainstorming had the serious (and
perennial) flaw of extolling features to the exclusion of
benefits. Listen: if you and your honey are taking a vacation
to Hawaii, it's the part about the good restaurants and
nightclubs and lying on those warm beaches that you fantasize
about, not the plane flight,
sell the rewards, not the tools.
OF HAWAII, Joe Sugarman's seminar has been postponed,
probably until January. Joe called me a few days ago from a
hospital. It seems he and his wife were hit head-on by a
speeding drunk driver. Punctured lung, broken leg and other
assorted injuries.
Damn it to hell, anyway.
KNOW how to write successful bullets? Get the advertising
from Boardroom Books for "The Book of Inside
DID YOU KNOW you can now buy disposable videos for about
$5.00? If your prospect has a VCR and you have a complicated
story about a high-tech product, you might consider this
HERE'S ANOTHER TV related idea that is new to me. You know
how, when you stay at a hotel, you can pay to see certain
movies instead of the free regular programming? Well,
according to Ken Kerr, some localities have "Pay for
View" TV where people can pay to get your 30-minute
program (commercial) on how to lose weight or play better golf
or what have you.
READER'S DIGEST PENNY MAILING: Here's a story I told the
group that was told to me by the late, great Ed Mayer. Many
years ago, the Reader's Digest
was selling for a price that ended in 98 cents. I don't know
if it was $1.98, $2.98, or what. No matter. Anyway, somebody
came up with the idea of sending a letter with 2 pennies taped
to the top and the message, "We're so sure you'll want to
subscribe, we are taking the liberty of sending your change in
How did it do? The results were breathtaking!
This campaign worked so well the Digest had to get the Denver
Mint to create a boxcar full
of new pennies. The mailing eventually became so massive that
the nixies (each containing 2 cents) were worth 10's of
thousands of dollars.
But there was a problem. The Digest discovered
it cost more than 2 cents to open, remove and account for the
pennies inside each returned letter.
And, since it's against the law to destroy
money, they couldn't just throw the nixies away.
So what they did is this: they hired the local
Boy Scout troop to open the letters and remove the pennies.
And the scouts got one penny and the Digest got the other.
And that's how the Boy Scouts of
Pleasantville, New York paid for their new brick clubhouse.
I wonder? Could this be done once again by
another publisher?
You Bet It Could!
And, I also wonder, what if somebody got real
daring and sent a $5.00 bill to 1,000 of the best prospects
for his high-ticket product or service and weaved a story
along those same lines? Hmn?
There's a lot more that came out in that
two-day brainstorming session. You know, I sure wish all
of you had been able to come. But, fear not. I'm going to do
it again. Now listen: do you want
to be at the next one? If so, raise your hand and let me know.
Wow! All
in all, we brainstormed 99 different ads, direct mail packages
and marketing ideas. All the way from stuff from the AAA and
TIME-LIFE down to selling a key chain with a postage-paid
return address.
The Tapes Of Those
Sessions Contain Gold!
There are about 10-12 hours worth of master
recordings and I'm having them made up into a set called:
Brainstorm '87
Or something like that.
There will probably be about 12 tapes in the
set and all of the contributors (supplicants?), (victims?),
will receive, free of charge, the individual tape wherein I
and my "Genius Network" discuss his or her pitiful
I'm a sweet guy, ain't I?
However, if anybody wants the full
set of tapes, they're going to have to cross my palm with
Fair's fair.
is where you can get it(The Brainstorming Sessions)!
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert
"The Goyem Guru
of Galloping Greatness"