Have you ever noticed that sometimes I
recommend the services and/or product of other people who
sell the same type of information I sell?
There is a reason for this. If a person is
really a serious student of marketing (or any other subject
for that matter) he'll want to study just about everything
he can get his hands on concerning his chosen subject.
Naturally, there will be some overlap when a person does
this. But also, the student will learn something new from almost
seminar they attend, every video or DVD they watch, every
new book they read, or every audio tape they listen to.
Another important consideration is, us human
beings don't always "get it" when one person tries to teach
us something. Most often, we have to be taught something
about 17 different times until we really "own" the
If you have read about my "Fusion Seminar
Package" in the envelope marked "Billions" on my website, you
already know you have been given...
The Chance Of A Lifetime
To Learn Unbelievable Online And
Marketing Secrets... At A Price So
It Breaks My Heart!
Another thing I'd like to say: When you set
out to learn about something, make sure you are learning
from someone who "walks the walk" and not just "talks the
talk". Many people are selling 'how to get rich on the Internet'
information... and... many of these people can't even pay
the rent from their so-called "Internet profits".
Well, in this newsletter, you're going to
get another opportunity to learn a lot of valuable
information about the Internet from somebody who indeed,
walks the walk when it comes to Internet sales. Their
Internet sales last year was $80,000,000. This year, it will
most likely exceed $100,000,000. I think it's safe to say
anyone who grosses in the vicinity of $100,000,000 on the
Internet is someone worth paying attention to, wouldn't you?
Anyway, they're having a seminar later this
month about how to increase Internet profits and
they have some of the best speakers in the world teaching at
that seminar. To show you how smart they are about this,
they are using ME as one of their featured speakers. If your
schedule and bank account permits, you need to go to this
I can already tell you who some of the
people are who are going to attend this seminar. They are
the WINNERS who just attended my last ("Fusion") seminar.
Winners want to know everything there is to know about the
important subject that interests them. Losers, on the other
hand, just snivel and whine when asked to pay the cost of
the education they need to make a great deal of money in a
short period of time.
Anyway, if you are indeed a winner, I want
to give you a link that will connect you to one of the best
sales pitches you will ever read about one of the best
Internet profit-making seminars you will ever have the
chance to attend.
I hope you click the link. I hope you read
the pitch. I hope to see you at the seminar.
Here's the link:
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert