W-A-Y West of Jewfish Creek
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
Oh boy!
What you are about to read is probably the
best news I've had to report since I started publishing this
letter. For some of you, what you are about to read will seem
like a message from heaven. For the rest of you, who don't
need this info immediately,
you'll certainly know someone who does
need it and, you can share it with them as an early Christmas
Alright, let's get to it. Unless you've been
living in a closet for the last few years, you are undoubtedly
aware that it's damn near impossible for a direct response
company to get a new merchant account. It's really a terrible
situation. So bad, in fact, that many people in our industry
have had to resort to dealing with total slimebags who make a
Chicago loan shark look like a saint.
Moreover, this situation has spawned a new
breed of rather sleazy opportunists who promise, for a fee and
a percentage, they'll get you a merchant account no matter how
many times you've already been turned down.
Personally, I listened to this same song and
dance so many times I've grown weary of it. We paid $500 to
some guy named James Elliot of Peachtree Financial and got
nothing for our money but an abusive phone call. We paid $400
to Kyle Keough & Associates and ended up with squat. We
were referred to a company called Mag Card but they couldn't
help us. Another guy called and said he could take care of us
for $15,000. Someone else offered to allow us, for only
$100,000, to buy a piece of a "bank-to-be" that
would issue a merchant account to any of its shareholders.
And so on.
So, perhaps you can understand why, when a
very nice young lady came to our office and said she could
maybe help us get a merchant account, I sloughed her off to
Paulette and refused to give her any of my time.
Well, lo and behold, guess what? This young
lady took some credit info from Paulette and, two days later,
we did indeed have a merchant account. But her fee... oh Lordy,
are you ready for this...
Her Fee Was A
Big Fat $150.00!
And that was it. No BS percentages. No
trickery. No hassles. Just a nice young lady who delivered
what she promised for a fair price. And, wonder of wonders,
there are no extra "processing charges" or any other
Mickey Mouse tacked-on expenses.
And know this: some people who've offered to
solve this problem for us wanted a rate of 11%! Yet, but
working with this young lady, we pay a simple, fair and just
rate of...
Now, I bet many of you are hoping I'll give
you this young lady's name and number, aren't you?
Fear not, I will. However, there are a few
other things you need to know: (1) the bank she works with
will not take telemarketing firms, (2) you may (we did)
have to make a reasonable security deposit in the form of an
interest-bearing CD, (3) your "financials" will be
closely examined and (4) I'll be looking over her shoulder at
the inquiries she receives and, if I'm able to recognize any
bad apples, I'll do what I can (considerable) to put the
kibosh on the deal.
Enough said. The lady's name is Joyce Gaines and her number is (213)
You know, I can see it now. Some scumsucker,
by clandestine means, gets a copy of this issue and reads what
I've just written and drool and spittle will begin dripping
from his mouth. His greed glands will be amped to the max and
he'll be thinking...
this dumb little twit doesn't know what she's stumbled
onto. I could be getting thousands for what she's
offering so cheap. I think I'll look into this and
knock her out of the picture and take this deal big
time!" |
Beware slimebag. As I said, I'll be looking
over her shoulder and, if you try any of this kind of crap,
you may just find that the amazing, semi-handsome Prince of
Print has a little unpleasant surprise for you.
Let's change the subject, shall we? Now, how'd
you like some more good news? Well, why not? It's Christmas,
isn't it? Listen: I've stumbled into something that's new (at
least it's new to me) that can unfreeze your mental
sludge and open up brand new vistas of profit for you. There's
probably a better name for it but, what I call it is...
Vanity Radio!
You are, of course, familiar with vanity publishing,
right? That's where some dork writes a book on the
"History of Caterpillars in Iowa" and, he discovers,
surprise... surprise... that no one will publish his book. So,
what he does is, he goes to a vanity publisher who pretends to
have read his manuscript with great enthusiasm and who charges
him an arm and a leg to print up 5,000 copies of this book,
all of which, (except those he gave to his friends), end up
collecting dust in his garage.
Not so with vanity radio. It actually is a
valid, viable way to advance your business endeavors...
Providing You Have
Something To Say Of
Some Interest!
Here's an example of how it can work. There's
a station in Glendale, California whose call letters are KIEV
and you can get them at 870 on your AM dial. Now, what they'll
do is sell you a block of time, at a very reasonable rate, in
which you can create your own talk show. The way I got onto
this was, I was running one of my ads in the L.A. Times,
"The Amazing Cash-Flow Secret Of A Desperate Nerd From
Ohio," and I get a call from a guy who says the subject
of my ad (my report "16 Ways To Sell Anything to Anyone
Without Ever Meeting Them In Person") would be a natural
for a radio talk show. He then goes on to tell me I can buy an
entire hour of radio time for only $1,200 and he'll arrange to
have me interviewed by one of the station's announcers.
What the hey? Always eager for another shot at
self-aggrandizement, I go for the deal and I send off a check
and show up at the station the following Saturday. A few
minutes before air time, the guy who's going to interview me
bursts into the room and says, "Let's go next door. You sit here and I'll sit there."
And we're off!
I'd already given this guy a list of questions
I wanted him to ask me and he did so while, intermittently,
giving out the telephone number the listeners could call to
order my report.
It worked out pretty good. I did enough
business to just about pay for my air time (actually, counting
the "back end", I'm probably considerably ahead)
and, as a bonus, they gave me a cassette of the show that I am
free to use in any way I choose except... I can't re-broadcast
There are some very interesting ramifications
to this situation. Let's say, for example, you're working on a
space ad or a direct mail package and you can't seem to get it
on paper exactly the way you want it. Maybe this is the
umpteenth time you've had to sit down and bat out a piece on
the same thing you can't seem to come up with any fresh ideas.
Or maybe you're working on a brand new project and you just
can't seem to get it flowing.
In any case, what you might want to try as a
novel approach is, to book yourself an hour or 1/2 hour on
KIEV or a similar station and arrange to have yourself
interviewed by one of their people. You make up a list of
questions you want to be asked and also, you let the
interviewer ask his own questions as they occur to him. And,
since this is a talk show format, you'll also be receiving
call-ins from people with additional questions.
In any case, when it's all over, you'll have
a 30-minute or a 60-minute tape recording of you
(hopefully at your best), talking about whatever it is you're
selling. most likely, you'll hear yourself saying some new
things, things you've never said before, or said perhaps quite
this way. That will occur because of the unexpected questions
that will pop up and because of the adrenaline inherent in the
Now, what you do next is, you get a transcript
of the show and you go over it with a fine tooth comb looking
for fresh ideas you can transfer over to your print campaigns.
So, the first thing you can use vanity radio
for is to get your brain unglued whenever you're stuck.
What else? Ok, since the announcer will be
constantly telling the listeners how to call and order what
you're selling, you also rake in some money... maybe even a
What else? Ok, let's say you're selling
something like financial services that require quite a bit of
explanation plus... quite a bit of validation and,
being on the radio will give you some.
So maybe, what you might want to do is make
dupes of the cassette of your show and send that cassette with
a cover letter to your best prospects. By the way, as a little
"insurance" you might want to "stack the
deck" by having some of your friends standing by to call
while you are on the air with questions, the answers of which
make you look especially good.
So, what you get from all this is...
help in creating your written sales pitch
credentializing |
You Get To Be A
Star For A Day!
Ah, but what's all this wonderfulness going to
cost you? An arm? A leg? Your sister's virtue? Not at all,
Kemo Sabe. What it currently costs (call KIEV for more exact
figure) approximates...
$1,200... for a full hour
$600... for a half hour
$300... for 15-minutes
...or if you just want to buy some 2-minute
spots (it would be silly) you can get them for about $200
apiece. So, if you're interested, here's the name and number
of the man to call...
Walter Zlotnicki
(213) 245-2388
Now, having said all that, let me say this -
the real reason I did the
KIEV radio show is, I'm getting ready to film a half hour
"infomercial" for cable TV and, doing it first on
the radio is a cheap way to "debug" the show. In
other words, you can use the facilities of KIEV or, you can
record somewhere else and, you just give KIEV the tape and
they'll play your show straight through without making any
And, speaking of radio, let me remind you of
something. Many years ago I learned that, whenever I'm running
full-page ads in newspapers and, I also "advertise my
advertising" by using radio spots that reference the
newspaper ads that, as a rule, it...
Triples Response
You do it like this: Let's say you're running
an ad that exhorts people to buy their Xmas trees from you
because... "You won't be cruel, just because it's yule"
and you'll give them a real bargain. So, on the day your ad
appears, you run a bunch of 60-second spots that go like
"Attention everybody
who loves Christmas! Would you like to have a real
live northern pine evergreen Christmas tree to help
make your holiday season mucho merry? Would you like
to buy your Christmas tree in the most convenient way
possible and get it at the cheapest price in town? If
so, read the Herald Examiner. Read it today. Just look
for the page with the big headline that says... 'How
to buy a great Christmas tree and still have enough
money left over to celebrate New Years.' That's today.
In the Herald Examiner. Once again look for the page
that says 'How to buy a great Christmas tree and still
have enough money left to celebrate New Years.' That's
today. In the Herald Examiner. Thank you." |
And heck, while I'm on the subject of radio,
let's go for more. A couple of weeks ago I was teaching at a
marketing boot camp (you should go to one) in Fort Lauderdale,
Florida and I met a copywriter named Bob Rutz. He told me
about an outfit called American Radio Network that has
midnight to 8 A.M. slots on stations in 4 major areas. Those
areas in California are: Riverside, L.A. & the
"Valley," and Fresno. They also have a station in
Hawaii. Now, apparently, they'll play your canned
1-hour show...
For Only $65.00!
They say that you own
each show and you can run it on other stations. Also, they get
4-minutes of your hour to run their
commercials. Also, according to my erstwhile researcher,
"Cruel Johnny Carlton," they also want you to come
in and do a test tape to make sure you're not pathological or
sound like Minnie Mouse. There's more: They want you to commit
to your time slot every week, they want you to attend
4-weekends at their studio (they're kidding, I hope) to learn
how to handle the studio. And, since they're not set up for
live shows yet, you definitely must
pre-tape or can all your shows.
Listen: I haven't checked all this out but it
does sound interesting. So, if you want more info you can call
them for their written information at (213)
468-0080 and, you can call Friday noon to 7 P.M. only, at (213) 468-0095 and ask for Jim Guthrie.
Who knows? Maybe this will come to naught and
be a total bust as far as you're concerned. Or maybe, it'll
work out. Give it a try, if it fits within your scheme of
Let's change gears and go on to another
subject. There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a
long time but, so far, I've never been able to make it fit
into the "theme" of any of my letters. Well, it
doesn't fit into the theme of this one either but, I'm going
to tell you anyway.
So there.
And, so anyway, years ago, I was sitting at
the feet of Ed Mayer, the "Dean of Direct Mail," and
he taught me many amazing things. Here's one I've never
forgotten: Ok, let's say you have a successful sales letter
that pulls in a certain percent of orders. Then, if you wait
3-weeks and then mail what appears to be a carbon
copy of your original letter with a note that says, "Here's a copy of my earlier letter - still waiting for your
reply," that you'll pull in about 60% to 70% of what
you pulled in with the original letter.
But here's the kicker: If you mail the carbon
copy version first, (without ever having mailed the original)
you'll pull in more than you would have by mailing the original!
Now, here's another direct mail idea that can
dramatically increase your response. Let's say you're mailing
a piece that includes a brochure. What you do is you convert
your brochure into an ad, run that ad in a prestigious
publication like a national newspaper and then, you have extra
copies of that ad printed up... and
printed on newsprint!
Then, you replace your brochure with the
newsprint reprint and, in your sales letter, you say something
"Dear Friend,
I'm sending you a copy of a recent
piece about how to cure poverty that appeared in
_________ ___________ _________."
Etc. etc. |
You'll get more readership, more believability
and more orders!
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert
Airhead of the Airways
P.S. |
Do you know any more stations across the country who use
this vanity radio idea? I'd like to know about them.
P.P.S |
1988 has been
good to me. I sure hope it was for you, too. I want to
wish you the happiest of holidays and a...
Merry Christmas!
A Happy Hanukkah!
And For Sure
A Happy New Year!
God bless you. |
Copyright © 2003 Gary C. Halbert. All Rights
Reserved. |