South of Jewfish Creek
Friend & Subscriber,
I have been
publishing a website ( for seven months.
On this website I give investment advice and I sometimes write
about stocks which I think are ready to skyrocket in price.
So far, I have written about 12 different
stocks... and... every single one of them made a dramatic jump
in price. The smallest increase from the time I wrote about a
stock until the price of that stock reached its highest point
was 42%.
The very best pick I ever made was a stock
that increased in value by 350%!
Here, just for the record, are all of my 12
stock picks (arranged in alphabetical order) and what happened
to the price of those stocks after they became one of my
Biogenetic |
52%! |
Anergen |
100%! |
Biomerica |
179%! |
Endocare |
159%! |
Genta |
233%! |
Technologies |
154%! |
Communications |
350%! |
Systems |
100%! |
n-Vision |
100%! |
Laser |
50%! |
International |
44%! |
Vasomedical |
42%! |
However, recent visitors to my website have
been disappointed. Why? Simply because it's been quite some
time since I've written a new story about a stock I think is
going to skyrocket in price.
Is it because I can't find a new stock I like?
Is it because I have lost interest in the
stock market?
Is it because I have decided to retire and
spend all my time fishing and scuba diving down here in the
Florida Keys?
No, not that either. The real reason is...
I Have Been Too Busy Trading
To Take Time Out To Write
About Them!
Listen: I have discovered and perfected a
stock-trading system that lets me make from 5 to 15 trades
every day the market is open. My trading system is almost
automatic. It works like a Swiss watch. It is, I believe, the
most unusual... and... the
most profitable trading system ever developed in human
It Is Based
On Two Simple
Core Truths About
The Stock Market
1. |
good news about a publicly-traded company... will
usually... cause the price of that company's stock to
jump up like crazy!
2. |
good news... will not... make the price of that stock stay up! |
Let's put your imagination to work. I want you
to imagine you and I walk into a huge room where there are
about 10,000 other people. There's a guy on stage who says he
has some very important, late-breaking news about a
publicly-traded company.
He says he has Xeroxed 10,000 copies of a news
release which explains this new development. He has all 10,000
people in that room form a single line. Then, he starts
walking down the line passing out copies of the news release.
Now, let's say I've got some "pull" and I arrange
for you to be right at the front of that long line. You are the very first person... to get that release!
You look at the release and the headline says
something like this:
Grants Approval For
Celeron To Market
New Anti-Cancer Drug!
Wow! That sounds like good news for Celeron,
doesn't it? You read the first couple of paragraphs and
discover the ticker symbol of Celeron is CLER.
You pull your cell phone out of your pocket,
call your stock broker and tell him to immediately buy 1,000
shares of CLER. While you are doing this, other things are
happening in that room. The guy with the news releases is
still passing them out... and... the people who get that press
release are reacting in different ways:
t |
Some of the people are reacting very
promptly to the news in that release just like you
t |
Some people are calling their stock
broker and asking his opinion (what a joke that
is!) of the company written about in the news
t |
Some people crumple up the news release
and throw it away.
t |
Some people fire up their laptop
computers and go online and start researching the
t |
Some of the people in that line are
reporters and go off to write a story (based on the
facts in that news release) which will appear on the
TV evening news... or... tomorrow's newspaper.
t |
Some of the people have to go to another
appointment... so... they put the release in their
briefcase and take it with them so they can read it
later that evening. |
However, no matter what, the news contained in
that release will begin to affect the price of the stock...
In Minutes!
OK, let's say 30 minutes have gone by. You
check what's happening to the price of that stock... and... it's
going up like a rocket!
What do you do? It's simple: You keep riding
that stock up and sell out your position about 10 to 20
minutes later.
What happens next? The answer is simple: I
take you across the hall to another
big room that is jam-packed with another
10,000 people. There's another
guy getting ready to pass a news release about another
publicly-traded company.
Once again, everybody has to line up single
file in a very long line.
Once again, I use my "pull" and I
take you to the very front of the line.
Once again, you read the release, immediately
buy shares in the company written up in the release. And, once
again, you sell and cash in... in
less than an hour!
Over and over and over.
Up To 15 Times Per Day!
But wait! What if, when you check the price of
the stock 30 minutes after you bought it... the stock is
trending down?
What do you do? Simple: You sell out your
position immediately... and... you keep your loss down to a
microscopic level.
There's one more thing that could happen.
Let's say your stock keeps trading at more or less the same
price it was when you bought it... and then... it goes up like
a rocket!
Is this a win for you? No. Not with my system.
With my system...
If The Stock Isn't
Going Up 30 Minutes
After The News Comes Out...
You Dump It!
Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? Yes, it
is... know all the
First, you have to know where to get
the news. If you are getting your news from the Wall
Street Journal, Barron's, Dow-Jones Newswire, Bloomberg...
or... from 99.99% of the news services on the Internet... I
feel sorry for you! You see... you are aren't reading
Are Reading History!
first thing you have to know is where to get news that is... just breaking... and... 99.9% of all stock market buyers (and
brokers)... don't have a
you have to know how to tell... if... the news you are reading
will make the price of a stock jump or not.
where I shine. I'm not a stock market guy. I'm not a
registered investment advisor. I'm not a broker. However...
Am The Most Effective And
Expensive Copywriter In The World!
wrote the most widely mailed sales letter in history. It
revealed how you could purchase (from my company Halbert's
Inc.) a copy of your family crest and the history of your last
name. Ever hear of that letter? More than 600,000,000 of them
have been mailed and it's still going strong. The company that
eventually bought me out, was sold last year for 90 million
dollars... and... I know about someone who is willing to buy
that company... now... at an even higher price.
of which tends to depress me a little since, I sold out years
well. Ever hear of Tova and Ernest Borgnine? They have a
multi-million dollar cosmetic company... and... it was my
advertising that took their company from $20,000 per month...
to more than 12 million per year... almost overnight!
Quan? The Oscar winning actress? I did the advertising
campaign for her "Pearl Cream" product that appeared
on TV for six years.
could go on and on. I think it is safe to say I have created
more successful advertising than anyone in history. My monthly
newsletter (cleverly called The
Gary Halbert Letter) has been in continuous publication
for more than 12 years. It is read in 50 countries. I have
more than 3,000 fan letters and testimonials from people like
Chase Revel (the creator of Entrepreneur
magazine)... Robert Allen, best-selling author of Nothing Down (the best-selling real estate book of all time)...
Larry Williams (the world-famous commodity trader)... David
Ogilvy (found of Ogilvy and Mathers)... and... countless
have been written about me by Dow-Jones,
Nation's Business, and dozens of other publications...
plus... dozens of books. There was even an article about me in
the National Enquirer with a photograph of me standing in front of my
Rolls Royce.
My friends teased me a lot about that one.
Okay, So What?
Here's what: I don't study the market; I study
people. I am the
best in the world at writing "stories" which will
make people buy.
And you know what else? I am the best in the
world... at reading
stories (news releases)... and... telling almost
exactly... how those stories will affect the price of an
individual stock.
More: I have also made it my business to find
out how to buy and sell stocks in the fastest way humanly
possible. Much faster than you can make a trade with a regular
stock broker... or... a "so-called" online broker.
When you use an online broker, 90% of the time, you are not
just online... you are in
line! You know how long it takes me to make a trade?
Less Than One Second!
And you know what else? Even your stock broker
doesn't know how to do that.
Even if he did know, he wouldn't tell you. Know this:
Stock brokers don't know anything about how to make money in the stock market. If they did,
they wouldn't be brokers. They'd
be traders! Stock brokers are not experts in
They Are Salesmen!
One more thing: Sometimes a hot story comes
out before the market opens... or after... it closes. What
then? Well, a lot of time... when that happens... the stock
jumps up in price... even before... the opening bell. Let's
say a stock closes at $10.00. Then, at 8:00 p.m. a hot story
comes out... and... by 9:30 a.m. the next day (when the market
opens) the stock is already
selling for $15.00. Is there anyway to beat this scenario?
You bet there is!
With my system...
You Can Trade Stocks
45 Minutes Before The
Market Even Opens!
Hey, why don't you ask your broker how you can
do this? Go ahead. I dare you. You see, I already know what
he'll say. It will either be, "That's
not true,"... or... "Duh?"
Listen: There's much more to my trading system
which I am leaving out. I'm leaving that stuff out deliberately.
I've got stock trading "tricks" and secrets that
will blow your mind.
So, should you hire me to teach you this
Probably not.
You see, almost everyone I teach this system
makes money. That's
because my system just plain works! But, it's more than
that. I am very selective about the people I teach. I turn
down way more people than I accept. That's because most people
are "wired to lose." They trade with "scared
money." They take way too long to make a decision. They
can't focus. Here are three things you must have...
if... you want to make huge profits by using my system:
1. |
charge $3,700 (payable in advance) to teach this
system. Over and above that, you need at
least $5,000 (or more) to begin trading with.
Not only that, I don't want to train you if you have
to "scrape" the money together. If you've
got to max out your credit cards, borrow the money
from your brother-in-law or anything like that, you
will be trading with "scared money" and...
Win! |
2. |
TIME: You've got to have at least 90 minutes
every day you can use to focus exclusively
reading news stories and making trades... and... |
3. |
companies' balance
sheets? Want to see one of their glossy brochures? Want
to call a friend or a broker and ask what they think
about the stock you just read about?
You're Out!
my system, you've got to be fast, focused and fearless. |
Well, that's about it. If you've got the right stuff, I can
teach you something that will give you financial freedom for the rest of your
life. You won't need any employees. (One of my companies had 700 of them and
it made me crazy.) Actually, you won't need an office, a partner, a factory, a
product, or anything else that makes your life heavy. You can use this system
and make thousands of dollars from any location on earth. Add it all up and it
F R E E D O M !
Now, let's discuss something very important: How can you
determine if I am absolutely right about all this or not? Could it be I have
made some kind of mistake when I try and convince you I have honestly figured
out how to beat the stock market?
I've thought about this a lot and, here is what I've decided
to do: I'm not going to take credit card orders. I will only
accept payment by check... and... I am going to insist...
you postdate your check for 30-days in advance.
As soon as I receive your check, I will immediately contact you and start teaching you how to use my system.
I'll have you up and running and making profitable trades in about 10 days.
After that, you've still got 2-1/2 more weeks... before
I can even cash your check... to use the system and see for yourself if it
really works as good as I say it does.
If it doesn't, you can simply stop payment on your check or,
call me... and... I will be happy to send back your uncashed check. This way...
There's Simply No Way You Can Lose!
Sincerely, |
Gary C. Halbert
P.S. |
By the way,
if all this sounds good to you and, you've decided to accept
my offer... I would like to speak with you personally for a
few minutes... before... you place your order.
As I said earlier, I am very selective about the people I
choose to teach. I have a pretty good "feel" about
whether or not a person should get involved with the stock
market. A lot of people should not. It's not just a
matter of intelligence either. A lot of very smart
people just don't have the aptitude and "mindset" to
be a successful trader.
If I think that's true about you, I'll be honest with you
about it. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Nobody
is good at everything.
You know, I've always wanted to play the guitar. I've taken
lessons at three different times in my life. And guess what? I
still can't play a single note!
Does that make me a bad person? No. All it means is I
don't have any musical talent.
Anyway, let's get to the bottom-line. Listen: I only have one
employee (that's much better than having 700) and her name is
Theresa. She's been with me for nine years and, if you are sincerely
interested in my offer, give her a call and she'll set up a
time for you and I to talk on the phone for about 15 minutes.
That's all there is to it. Our telephone number is...
P.S.#2 |
There is
one more little detail. My stock trading system is so
good... that... if we end up working together... and... you use it exactly the way I teach you... you will make huge profits... or...
I Will Give You
Double Your Money Back!
That's right. The stocks I
invest in make gains from 10%, 20%, 40%... all the way up to 350%! Plus,
they do this in an incredibly short period of time. This is for real.
So, please call if you're interested. Remember, that's Theresa at (305)
Thank you. |
Copyright © 2003 Gary C. Halbert. All Rights
Reserved. |