North of Jewfish Creek
Friday, 3:47 p.m.
June 12, 1998
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
No time for chit chat. Let's get right down to business.
Later this month, a few days after you receive this
newsletter, the following ad is going to appear in
Investor's Business Daily.
Here Are 3 Very Low-Priced Stocks You
Must Know About Before Midnight On Tuesday,
June 30, 1998!
All of these companies have made new and
amazing bio-med-ical, technological breakthroughs. All are
listed on the NASDAQ. Here are their ticker symbols:
(1) CORX
(possible Alz-heimer's breakthrough!)
(2) ENDO
(prostate disease relief and minimally
invasive surgi-cal technology which literally freezes
cancerous tumors!)
(3) SLIC
(most efficient laser ever developed which
can be used at operating room temperatures! Potential for
automotive, dental, medical, telecommunications, optical data
storage, DVD printing and military operations)
For exciting, free info go to...
Now, as you notice, the people who read that ad will be
directed to go to a website, namely Here is what they are going to
read when they get to that website:
Welcome to...
My name is Gary C. Halbert and I am about to reveal the
details to you of three low-priced stocks I believe have a
tremendous upside potential. I, myself, have purchased shares
in each of these companies.
However, that does not mean you should invest in these
stocks. Just because I believe the price of a certain stock is
going to go up, doesn't mean it is a dead certainty which will
turn out to be true. There are always factors in the near and
distant future which are virtually unknowable before they
manifest themselves. Therefore, you should never invest
any money in the stock market if the loss of that money would
cause you undue discomfort or inconvenience. If you invest in
any of these stocks, you could lose part or all of your
But, you could also make a bundle!
I'll reveal the names and details of my three stock picks for
this month just a few paragraphs from now. But first, it will
be useful if you understand a little about why I have chosen
to invest in these particular three stocks.
First, I have a rule for myself and, that rule is...
Buy Only Stocks Listed
On One Of The Three Major
Stock Exchanges!
The reason for that rule? Simple: You see, I realize I'm
never going to make any money by buying stocks. I'm
only going to make money when I sell my stocks.
And, when I'm ready to sell, I want to make damn sure whomever
wants to buy can easily find quotes and other details of the
stocks I want to sell. In other words, I have no interest (at
least currently) in messing around with any stocks...
unless... they are listed in the Wall Street Journal,
Barron's or Investor's Business Daily.
Believe it or not, that rule alone eliminates hundreds of
thousands of stocks. Here in America, aside from the three
major exchanges, you can buy OTC (Over-The-Counter) stocks,
"pink sheet" stocks (ask your broker if you're interested) and
stocks from all sorts of other sources. You can also buy
stocks listed on the Toronto Exchange and all the European and
Asian exchanges.
Not me. I buy nothing that's not listed on the NYSE, AMEX or
My second rule is...
Only Buy Stocks That
Have The Potential To Gain
50% Or More In One Day!
I've done a lot of research because I wanted to know what made
this small, elite group of stocks (there are 300 to 500 of
them every year) different from all the thousands of other
stocks which have never enjoyed this type of spectacular
daily gain. Here's what my preliminary research seems to
indicate: Of all stocks which gained 50% or more in one day of
Only 6.2% Were
Stocks Listed On
The AMEX Exchange!
No AMEX stocks for me. At least, I don't spend any time
researching them right now. Mushing on, I also discovered...
Only 4.9% Of The
Top Daily Gainers Came From
So, at least currently, I don't research NYSE stocks either...
because... the plain fact of the matter is...
88.9% Of All The
Big Daily Gainers
Come From The NASDAQ!
Now, let's talk about price. Of all NASDAQ stocks that gained
50% or more in price in one day...
Stocks priced at $1.99 or less represented 44% of the big
daily gainers.
Stocks priced from $2.00 to $2.99 represented 25.8% of the big
daily gainers.
Stocks priced from $3.00 to $3.99 made up 12.6% of the big
daily gainers.
Stocks priced from $4.00 to $4.99 made up 3.5% of the big
daily gainers and...
All Stocks Priced
$5.00 Or More Represent Only
13.9% Of The Big
Daily Gainers!
So, here's what I've decided so far: I'm (at least for now)
only going to concentrate on stocks on the NASDAQ which are
selling for less than $5.00. This selection criteria alone has
eliminated me having to examine 99.9% of all stock market
investment opportunities.
But, my friend, we ain't done yet. Not by a long shot. Just
because a stock is selling for less than $5.00 and listed on
the NASDAQ doesn't mean it makes the cut. Nope, all we've
identified here is the "preliminary pool" of stocks we are
even willing to look at. There are numerous other
hurdles even these stocks have to overcome before they qualify
as a "pick."
The first of the next hurdles is volume. If a stock has a very
thin daily volume, just the fact you invest in that stock will
make it skyrocket in price.
Conversely, if the daily volume is too high, way too
much of a mountain of money has to be moved to effectuate a
50% or more jump in price.
If you are at all active in the stock market, you are already
aware of the success of a small group of stock market experts
(they really are) who have an informative website and write
books on a how a "Motley Fool" should invest in stocks. I
recommend their material since it's very informative. Here's
an eight item checklist they use to select stocks worthy of
further examination:
1. Sales of 200 million... or less!'
2. Daily dollar volume of trading three million dollars...
or less!
3. Low share price between $5.00 to $20.00. They maintain
stocks priced at less than $5.00 are "junk." I disagree.
4. Net profit margin of 10% or more.
5. Relative Strength (study Investor's Business Daily
to learn what this means) of 90 or higher.
6. Earnings or sales growth must be 25% or greater this year
than it was for the same quarter last year.
7. Insider holdings must be at least 15%.
8. Cash-flow from operations must be a positive number.
All in all, this is a good checklist. My criteria are a bit
different but, not too much. However, there's something I
consider much more important than all of this put
together. Namely:
I Want The Companies I
Invest In To Be "Newsworthy"!
As I wrote in last month's issue of my newsletter it is...
NOT... some good or bad development which makes a stock price
go up or down? As I said, "It is the NEWS of some
development, not the development itself, that affects stock
You know what is so great about many of those smaller,
low-priced publicly-traded companies? Not only does a
low-priced stock have more "growing room," many of them remain
unexamined by the big institutional investors who are
insurance companies, pension funds and mutual funds. They
can't afford to mess with those "little" stocks. First of all,
there are more mutual funds than stocks (I find that
rather amazing) and often, one day's trading in a given mutual
fund is more than ten times the entire value of a small or
micro cap company. Many of those small companies have
spectacular "news" relatively no one knows about. Like a
company called Longport which has a portable skin scanner a
doctor can use to detect skin cancer in seconds...
before it is visible... and without a biopsy.
By the way, I have not invested in Longport because it is not
traded on any of the three major exchanges. But, if it was, I
would invest in it... because... not only do the stocks
I invest in have to get through my price parameters, volume
parameters and all the other hurdles...
They Must Also Have
A Terrific And Mostly
Untold Story!
Plus, these have to be stories... that... I have reason to
believe the mainstream investment publications are about to
OK, now that you know all that, here are the stocks I've
invested in this month:
Ticker Exchange
Cortex Pharmaceuticals,
(An Alzheimer's Breakthrough?)
This is a neuroscience company focused on novel drug therapies
for neurological and psychiatric disorders. Recently, a patent
application has been filed entitled "Facilitation of AMPA
Synoptic Transmission in Brain as a Treatment for
One of the three inventors is Gary Rogers, Ph.D. who is the
Vice President of Pharmaceutical Discovery at Cortex.
AMPALEX(R)(CX516) is the first compound in the AMPAKINE class
to be administered to humans. The drug is currently the
subject of three Phase I/IIa clinical trials. Anyway, here's
what I, Sir Gary of Halbert, find especially exciting...
AMPAKINES Are Also Being
Investigated For Potential Utility
In The Treatment Of Alzheimer's!
In fact, there is currently in progress a Phase I/IIa clinical
trial at the NIH for that indication! And, according to
numerous scientific papers AMPAKINES can increase performance
on memory tests in humans and animals. Plus, these memory
enhancing effects can be measured... within minutes...
of administration.
I don't know about all this. I'm not a scientist. However,
this company seems to be dead serious about their research...
and... if their research pays off, I think there's gonna be a
world-wide news flash that will skyrocket the price of
the stock.
Maybe it'll happen; maybe not. All I can tell you is, after a
lot of research, I'm convinced their stock is a good bet.
We'll see.
Ticker Exchange
(Prostate Disease Relief!)
company develops, manufactures and markets innovative,
minimally invasive surgical technologies which literally
freeze cancerous tumors. It was recently revealed how this
revolutionary temperature-based technology is being applied to
treat prostate cancer, the second most common cancer in all
men, and cancer of the liver. Recent study results from
Douglas Chinn, M.D. of Southern California's Alahambra
Hospital revealed...
96% Of His Patients Who
Have Received This Monitored
Temperature-Based Treatment
For Prostate Cancer Over The Past
They're doing a lot of other incredible stuff but, this is the
part that made me decide to buy their stock. Do you know how
many men get prostate cancer as they age? It's up to 80%! Do
you know how many "Baby Boomers" are turning 50 every day now?
Do you realize... aw hell... it's your money. Do what you
think is best. Don't follow my lead (I'm a "controlled"
risk-taker) if doing so will take you out of your own personal
"comfort zone."
How's that song go? "We may lose or we may win... but...
we'll never be here again..."
Ticker Exchange
Semiconductor Laser International Corp. SLIC
(A New Cutting-Edge Laser!)
CEO and President Dr. Geoffrey T. Burnham has been quoted as
saying, "I believe we are on the verge of a
sales-breakthrough which will lead to the placement of a
number of very large production orders. We expect these orders
will be received from some of the world's largest corporations
looking to employ our unique technology in their product
It's no wonder. At the 11th Annual Diode Laser Technology
Review Conference (that sounds like a fun group, doesn't it?)
held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Semiconductor Laser
International presented a poster paper showing overall
conversion efficiency of 56% for an 808 nm high power
semiconductor diode laser operating at 25 degrees Celsius,
which represents... the highest efficiency ever obtained by
anyone at these operating temperatures.
This is space-age technology with potential uses for
automotive, dental, medical, telecommunications, optical, data
storage, DVD Printing, and military applications. In fact...
This Company Has Reached
This Level Of Laser Efficiency In
Less Than One Year... Which...
Their Competitors With A Combined Total
Of 24 Years Of Research
Have Still Not Achieved!
Whatever. Once again, it's your call.
OK, that's it for now... except... for some legal stuff you
ought to know. First, I am NOT a Registered Investment
Advisor. I do not give individual investment advice. None of
the info you've just read is an offer or solicitation of an
offer to buy or sell any security. I believe the sources from
which I got all this info are reliable... but... I can't
guarantee that to be true. Even though some of this info came
from the companies themselves, I have no personal or business
connections to these companies whatsoever.
One other thing: I've been publishing a very elite newsletter
continuously for the last twelve years cleverly called The
Gary Halbert Letter. You might be interested in my
newsletter but, probably not. First of all, with a
subscription price of nearly $3,000 some people say it's the
most expensive monthly publication in history. Secondly, I do
not make info about my newsletter available via the Internet.
If you want to know what it's all about, why it's so valuable
and why it's read in over 50 countries, you'll have to call my
office and give us your name, your real address and phone
number. Then, after we are convinced you are a real
honest-to-God human being who doesn't have to hide behind a
computer, we'll send you a few sample issues and you can
decide for yourself whether or not it's for you. Also, we
don't use an 800# so you'll have to pay for the call yourself.
If, after knowing all this, you are still interested, you can
call us at (305) 534-7577 anytime, 24-hours-a-day,
Please note this website is all text. No bells and whistles.
No graphics. No photos. I hate all that crap. All it does is
slow me down when I'm doing research. I hope you feel the same
way. If you want great graphics, go to Disney. If you want
great info, come to me.
By the way, the info on the three stocks will be removed from
this website at midnight on Tuesday, June 30, 1998.
Hang in there. Just remember...
Things Always Look
Darkest Just Before They
Go Totally Black!
Now, of course, you're probably wondering if
Guru Gary, the veritable "Prince-of-Print" will actually have
the savvy to get that site up and running in the next couple
of weeks. Well, guess what, you pessimistic, little prick:
It's already up and running and, if you have a
computer, you can check it out right now. The address is:
OK, now pay attention: If you're gonna be able
to get away with referring to your readers as "pessimistic,
little pricks" you damn well better have something of extreme
value to lay upon them... else... the humorless twits amongst
them will rise up and smite thee... and... I sure wouldn't
want that to happen! (By the way, just for the record,
I want you to know I realize some of you are pessimistic, BIG
Hmn? I sense I may be stepping over the line
into a "danger zone" here so, I think I better get to the good
stuff zippidy quick. Here's the scoopola: You
already know what's on the website. That means you've got
maybe a week's head start before most of the rest of the world
even knows of the existence of the site.
Not only that, at one minute after midnight on
Tuesday, June 30, 1998 new content about one or more Nasdaq
stocks will be uploaded to that site. However, if you are a
Lifetime Subscriber or a paid-up current subscriber, you're
going to receive the next issue of this newsletter about a
week before I upload the new info... and... that issue
will reveal unto you what's gonna be on the website.
By the way, do you realize Endocare, Inc. (Nasdaq:
ENDO) has found a way to cure 97% of patients with prostate
cancer and the news of that achievement has not yet caught the
attention of the national media? You know, many of my readers
are more savvy about PR than me... and... I hope, for
humanity's sake, someone (I'd love it to be one of
my readers) makes sure this achievement gets the attention
it deserves.
It's not all just about money: Dozens (perhaps
hundreds) of people with prostate cancer are going to
needlessly die today because the media has neglected
this breakthrough.
Come to think of it, maybe things are as they
should be. After all, I for one, am very comforted that,
because of Viagra, Bill and Monica will never have to worry
about his ability to perform.
Please forgive me. Forget all that stuff I said
about a cure for prostate cancer. I lost my head for a moment.
Willie knows what's important and what's not. My apologies to
the White House.
Sincerely, |
 |
Gary C. Halbert
P.S. I'm very proud of my son Kevin Clifford
Halbert. A few years ago, he graduated from the toughest
college on earth (they have the highest per capita
stress-induced suicide rate among their student population
than any other college) and he has now become the man to know
if you need the best work possible in digital imaging. He's so
good, when Sinbad (the comedian and talk show host) was doing
his last special in Aruba, he paid Kevvy Baby to go with him
just as "insurance" in case anything technical started to go
wrong. He also does great fashion photography and you can see
his work at
And, he's the genius who got his ol'
man's website up and running without a hitch and in jiffy
quick time. He's also my "insurance" that nothing goes
wrong with my website (a lot can go wrong with a
website) and, I highly recommend, if you are thinking about
starting a website, going online, or doing anything digitally
related, you hire him at least as a consultant. He's the
cheapest insurance you can buy. Just ask me or Sinbad. Kevin's
number is (213) 851-8275.
I love you son.
P.P.S. It might be to your benefit to spread
the word about my website. Think about it.
Copyright © 2002 Gary C. Halbert. All Rights
Reserved. |