North of Jewfish Creek
Monday, 3:33 p.m.
December 31, 2001
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
I wanted to wait until the last day of the
year before I started to write this issue of my newsletter.
I don't know exactly why. I had my subject all
picked out and I had plenty of time to write. I was going to
write about phone blasts and fax blasts (which I had touched
on in my last newsletter). Incidentally, in my last issue, I
wrote that most of these calls were made with the idea of
leaving a message on your phone answering machine or
voicemail... and... these calls were made at night when you
were most likely to be sleeping.
Turns out I was wrong about that. These calls
are made during the day. I dunno, I guess there's some sort of
law against making them at night.
Anyway, the research I've done on this so far
turns out to be fascinating and soon, I will be writing about
it in a very interesting newsletter.
But, not this one.
I don't know why... except... I just had a
feeling. In the back of my mind was the nagging thought there
was something more important I should be writing about.
And, it turns out, I was right. At least, I think I was
right. We'll get to that in several moments.
But first, I want to make a few observations
overall about my newsletter.
I started writing
my newsletter way back in 1986. And, in a matter of hours, it
will be the year 2002. That means, I am about to enter...
My 17th Year Of
Writing My Newsletter!
Can you believe that? It's actually kind of
hard for me to believe. You know, there's probably been
more change in those 17-years than any other 17-years
in history. Think about it: A first-class stamp cost 22¢ in
1986. Now, it's up to 34¢. That's an increase of 55%.
I remember how, way back when, I wrote
everyone should have a fax machine. I wrote something to the
effect the time had come that if someone asked for your fax
number and you said, "I don't have a fax," that was no
longer an acceptable answer.
I remember how I was dragged kicking and
screaming into the computer age. In fact, it was in my 100th
issue, after a bunch of brain-numbing research, I wrote a
"Gary Halbert Explanation" about how computers work. That
issue won me the "Communicator-Of-The-Year" award from the
Toastmasters Organization.
There's been so much change in the last
17-years, I could easily fill up this entire issue just by
waxing nostalgic.
But, I'm not going to do that.
However, please do
allow me just one more observation: If the last 17-years have
seen more change than any other 17-years in history, this year
(2001) all by itself...
Has Created More "Core" Change
In Our Lives Than All The Rest
Of Those 17-Years Put Together!
Yet, in spite of that, there's something which
has warmed my heart. Believe it or not, I received more
response from my last newsletter than any other newsletter
I've ever written! I got so many replies, so many compliments,
so many expressions of appreciation for my work, I was pretty
much overwhelmed.
It's had a curious effect on me. It has made
me decide to redouble my efforts to make this the most
valuable newsletter ever published. I think achieving that
goal would be great. But, I think the striving for that
goal is what's really important.
I'll tell you a secret: My best newsletters do
not result from a calculated attempt to figure what my
subscribers would most like to read. No, my best newsletters
come instead when I have the courage to write what I feel my
subscribers need to read.
Sometimes, that's hard. I almost decided
not to write what you are about to read. I'll tell you why
after you've read it.
Let's get started.
I was reading a recent issue of my friend Dan Kennedy's
newsletter when a sentence in his letter jumped right off the
page and lodged itself indelibly in my mind. It read:
"Tigers Starve Last In The Jungle!"
Here's why that observation hit me so hard:
For an awful lot of people, times are very tough. There are
more people out of work now (I think) than there has been
since I started publishing this newsletter. Profits from
retail sales are down more than most people can ever remember.
People are scared. In Argentina, there is a financial panic
and people are rioting. And, in this global economy, what
happens in one country affects what happens in all
countries. Hell, I don't need to dwell on our economic
situation. Just read your newspaper. Or watch the news on
network TV.
Anyway, it seems
to me if you and I want to survive and prosper in this
"storm-of-change" we are all experiencing, we better set about
developing a "Tiger Mindset." Not only that, if
possible, we should endeavor to confine our selling efforts to
other people with "Tiger Mindsets." People who are the
least likely to "starve" financially. Who are these people? I
define them as...
Players With
Look, it is easier to sell something to
someone with money. If you've got a $500,000 house for sale,
it doesn't matter how appealing the house is if the family
you're pitching it to has a pitifully low total income.
But there's
another fact you mustn't overlook. Players With Money usually
have an important character trait most of the "sheep" out
there don't possess. Namely...
They Have The
Ability To Make A Decision!
And... without talking it over with
their spouse, their lawyer, their CPA, or their mommy.
Usually, Players With Money got their loot because their lives
are filled with independent thought and movement. These
people also possess another rare commodity. Namely... the
ability to recognize value. In other words, yes, it's
true these people are easier to sell than Joe Average but...
only if you offer true value!
Reflect, for a
moment, on what I sell. This would include a
high-priced, rather arrogant newsletter, expensive seminars,
expensive videos, audios, printed information packages, client
services, etc. Who won't buy my material? Basically,
stupid, lazy people who relate its value to how much it weighs
and how much "bulk" they receive. Who does buy my material?
The answer is easy...
Players With
Want some proof? I did a per capita analysis
of the readers of my newsletter by State. The ten States
with the highest per capita readership of this
newsletter are: (1) Vermont, (2) Texas, (3) Nevada, (4)
Colorado, (5) Alaska, (6) Arizona, (7) Utah, (8) Washington,
(9) California, and (10) Hawaii.
The ten States with the lowest per
capita readership of this newsletter are: (1) West Virginia (by
far the worst of all. [Could this have anything to do
with the fact I was born there?]), (2) Kentucky, (3)
Nebraska, (4) Mississippi, (5) South Dakota, (6) Tennessee,
(7) South Carolina, (8) Iowa, (9) North Dakota, and
(10) Louisiana.
These two groups
of States are separated by a dramatic difference in per capita
income. Want to know the difference in the average four-member
family income from the highest State (Vermont) to the lowest
(West Virginia)? It's a staggering $14,800. And get this:
The per capita readership of my newsletter in Vermont as
opposed to the readership in West Virginia is...
900% Higher!
Pay attention
here. This does have meaning for you. Remember what
Willy Sutton said when asked why he robbed banks? "Because
that's where the money is!" So, to get to the bottom-line,
here's what I'm suggesting: If you haven't done so already...
Start Thinking About Developing
High-Priced, High-Profit Products
And Services With Enormous Value!
And secondly...
Start Thinking About Selling Your
High-Priced, High-Profit Products
And Services With Enormous Value
To Players With Money!
Pretty simple concepts, aren't they? But,
simple or not, this kind of thinking can separate you from the
poverty of the brain-dead masses and catapult you into the
ranks of those lucky folks who enjoy total financial freedom.
However, to help you implement these concepts, I feel I need
to give you some tips on (A) What to sell to Players
With Money, and (B) How to locate them.
First, what are "PWM's" (Players With Money)
most likely to buy? Well, for openers, they are extremely
willing to shell out money for what they did not get in
school. Namely... an education. PWM's learn very early
almost nothing taught in school has any commercial value
whatsoever. For one thing, our school system teaches
absolutely nothing about how to be an entrepreneur. And, of
course, almost all PWM's are entrepreneurs. They have to be.
After all, being an entrepreneur is almost the only way to
make truly serious money either here or in any other country
in the world. So, what kind of education does an entrepreneur
need? He needs an education on "how-to-sell"...
because... none of his high school or college classes even
touched on this subject. PWM's make up the largest segment
of the market for books, seminars, video tapes, audio tapes,
lectures and anything else that can help them become more
skilled in the art of selling. They also make up the largest
share of the market for information on other money-related
matters... such as management, how to invest their profits,
international currency fluctuations, stock and commodity
speculations, reducing their tax burden and so on.
What else besides education are PWM's eager to
purchase? They are also eager to purchase... INSPIRATION!
I don't mean phony/baloney types of inspiration like the
horseshit sold by televangelists. Nor do I mean stupid tapes
with hidden "subliminal" messages (they've been proven not
to work) that supposedly bombard your mind with positive
"you-can-do-it" rah-rah types of messages. No, the type of
inspiration I'm talking about is the kind you get from
listening to the experiences of other PWM's who have made it
big by overcoming the same types of obstacles all of us have
to face with deadening regularity. True inspiration,
effective inspiration is more than just a hyper-excitable
speaker who is able to froth a room full of people into a
frenzy with empty "pump-up" catchy phrases.
For example, I think guys like Zig Ziglar do
some good but mostly, they leave people all dressed up with no
place to go. They get you all enthused... but... they don't
give you any specific blueprint that tells you how to
profitably harness that enthusiasm. If you want to get some
real inspiration, the best source is listening to a talk by a
person who started out with nothing except the handicap
of 12 or 16 years of schooling... and then... hearing him
explain step-by-step in minute detail how he overcame this
deadening handicap and went on to become a PWM in the field of
his choice.
By the way, speakers at multi-level rallies
give the illusion of doing this but, after they've got
you all enthused, they give you a specific plan that makes
them (not you) money... and... sends you (not them) off
into activities which are often illegal and always stupid.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. MULTI-LEVEL
MARKETING SUCKS! Not just some of it, all of it. By the
way, I heard in a speech by Dan Kennedy the average annual
income of an Amway distributor is a whopping $32.00!
Enough of that. Simply said, the kind of
real inspiration PWM's are willing to purchase is provided
by articulate experts who have become successes in their
chosen endeavors and are willing to share their knowledge.
Now you listen!
Just because these people have money doesn't mean they are
promiscuous with it. They will spend it... but... not
frivolously. Take automobiles for instance. You won't
find most PWM's driving Fords, Chevy's, VW's, etc. On the
other hand, I don't think many of them drive cars like
Ferraries, Maseraties and Jaguars either. Those cars represent
very poor value. They depreciate faster than a politician can
make excuses, they are extremely uncomfortable, they have
frequent and enormously expensive breakdowns and there is no
place on any American highway where it is legal to drive them
at the speeds they were intended to be driven. In other words,
instead of value, what they actually are is high-priced toys
usually bought by...
Children Of Players With Money!
My guess as to what most of the real PWM's buy
are cars like Cadillacs, Buick Roadmasters, Mercedes and Lexus
sedans. These are all automobiles that are safe, comfortable,
luxurious and have a very high resale value. In other words,
they represent an intelligent choice, not a stupid gesture.
What I'm trying to illustrate here is PWM's
will spend... and spend big... but... they won't spend
stupidly. Another thing to remember is, PWM's care about
substance, not window dressing. When I sell my
information, I don't "dress it up" much. My videos, for
example, are raw. I don't concern myself with "production
values," adding chintzy canned music to the sound track or
clever graphics and cute special effects. What I do
concern myself with is providing substance and, I hardly ever
get a complaint about my materials.
What else will intelligent, hard-working
Players With Money buy? Another big category is... services
that save time! All truly wise people realize time is the
most precious commodity they possess. And, it is this
commodity they are least likely to squander. Do you realize
many people who pay to have me write copy for them can do it
almost as well as I can? So why hire me? Because it frees up
their time to get on with the crucial job of running their
As a general rule, nobody with wisdom ever
does anything business-related he can hire someone else who is
honest and competent to do for him. Dumb people (losers) gloat
about all the money they save by doing things themselves
instead of paying someone else to do that same job. Smart
people (winners) are always ready to cheerfully cough up
fungolas to buy time. For example, I went to a Rolling Stones
concert in Miami. I sat center stage in the second row. My
tickets (obtained from a ticket broker) cost me ten times as
much as most of the people around me paid because... they were
willing to stand in line up to 14-hours to get the seats they
wanted. Poor me. I guess I blew around $8.00 per hour. What a
sucker I am!
Players value time. If you want to
market to them, consider a business providing meals (good
meals) delivered to them. Consider a business that sends
masseurs to their corporate offices to give executives and
employees a tension-reducing shoulder rub. Consider a car wash
business that does the job where the Player has his car parked
when he is working. Organize an executive typing service where
Players can dictate their correspondence into a phone and then
have the letters delivered to them for their signature.
The possibilities are endless.
OK, let's say I've
convinced you PWM's are your best target for making direct
response profits. So, if that's the case, how do we market to
them? We've got a lot of options. TV infomercials. Radio.
Magazine ads. Newspapers. Even the Internet is now a viable
option for savvy entrepreneurs. However, if I could use only
one medium amongst all of today's choices to reach PWM's, my
choice would be...
Direct Mail
Does that surprise you? Especially after my
last newsletter? Hasn't the "Anthrax Scare" eliminated (or
drastically diminished) the capacity for direct mail to make
big profits?
Not really. I must admit, it scared me. If you
have a valuable customer list, I think you would be wise to
discover as many alternate ways to communicate with them as
possible. Just like I did in last month's issue.
But, pound-for-pound, dollar-for-dollar, if I
were limited to one option... and one option only... (after a
lot of thought) I would still chose direct mail. Just
for the sake of argument, let's say you suspect I may be
right. If that's the case, how should you proceed?
Here we go! You whip out your credit card and
dial (847) 375-5000. This will get you through to the
corporate headquarters of "Standard Rate and Data Service" (SRDS)...
and... when you get them on the phone, tell 'em you want to
subscribe to their SRDS Mailing List Catalog. It's
updated bi-monthly and it's gonna set you back nearly $500.00.
Just do it. Bite the bullet and spend the
money. There's no alternative.
With me? Good! Now, what you will soon receive
in the mail (and you'll get a new one every other month) is a
big, thick book that describes almost every mailing list on
the market. It'll tell you the size of the list, the source of
the list, a description of the list, how much the unit of sale
was people on the list spent, what they spent it on and how
long ago they spent it.
What I want you to
do, as soon as you get the book, is take 10 or 20 hours out of
your life and start reading those thousands of list
You Will Be Amazed!
As you read the descriptions, do the math.
Multiply the number of people on the list by the average unit
of sales. Right now, I'm reading the masterfile list
description of a company called "Select Information Exchange."
Here is the description of that list:
"This is a file
of individuals with an avid interest in financial topics and
investment information. They have purchased (more than half
via credit cards) newsletters and/or financial service
products from SIE (Select Information Exchange) -- the
nation's leading financial subscription agency for over thirty
"This proven
file has been used by a multiplicity of different types of
mailers with a 50% 'continuation' record. Included are banks,
insurance firms, gold and silver coin companies, commodity
trading firms, stock & discount brokerage firms, tax shelters,
oil & gas, business, financial and investment advisory
publications, collectibles, fundraisers, catalogers and credit
card issues - and others.
"Space ads appear in a variety of media (i.e.,
Money Magazine, Barrons, Wall Street Journal, New York Times,
Investors Business Daily, Financial World, Personal Investor,
Better Investing). Regarding libraries, this list has the name
of the acquisitions manager (the individual in charge of book
Let's see now.
This masterfile has 2,495,000 names on it and the average unit
of sale is $375.00. Lemme drag out my trusty calculator and
see what that comes out to. Let's see... that's 375 x
2,495,000 which comes to uh... wait a minute... can that be
right? Lemme check that again. By golly it is right!
This is a list of folks who are extremely passionate about
investing... and... have demonstrated that passion by
spending... uh...
Over 935 Million Dollars!
And looky here! We can select them out by all
sorts of ways. The men from the women. The Canadians from the
Americans. The stock buyers from the options buyers from the
bond buyers, the oil stock investors, the traders who buy
low-priced stocks and so on. Hey, and guess what else? We can
even select by what ethnic group we want. If we don't won't
them all, we can say we only want the Chinese people on the
list. Or the French. Or the Germans. Or the Irish, Italian,
Japanese, Jewish, Korean, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Scottish,
English, Russian, Arabic, American... or... whatever.
Amongst the thousands of mailing lists you are
going to be reading about are people who bought cookbooks,
people who bought model cars, sewing supplies, gourmet food,
etc., etc. etc. But, what I want you to be looking for are big
lists of Players With Money... the people who have that
"Tiger Mindset"... needed to survive and prosper even in
today's harsh realities.
Not only do you want Players With Money, you
want PWM's who have what I call a "High Passion Index" about
Like golfers.
As a general rule, golfers have above-average
income and, a certain percentage of them will spend literally
any amount of money to take strokes off their game. Hark unto
me: As you know, my friend Joe Polish has something he calls
the SuperStar Audio Tape Series where each month he
interviews some clever person on some aspect of marketing.
Well, one of his interviews was with a guy named Jeff Paul...
and... you've got to have the tape and transcript of
this interview. I think it'll set you back $14.95 or something
like that and you can order it by calling (480) 858-0008. Once
again, please don't fight me on this. Just do it.
Let me tell you about Jeff Paul. A little more
than a decade ago, he was a Certified Financial Planner. He
was part of a small team that offered advice and seminars on
stuff like estate planning, living trusts and all sorts of
other financial wisdom. The only problem he and his team had
was, they couldn't get clients. So, Jeff started studying
direct marketing. He put what he learned to work... and... he
turned around a practice that was doing $5,000 to $10,000 a
month into a practice that was doing up to... $150,000 per
month. It worked so well, his partners naturally decided to
abandon these crass National Enquirer techniques...
and... they elected to go back to using the dumb-ass, stale,
conventional marketing techniques they were more comfy with.
So, Jeff quit.
He decided to dump his financial planning
career altogether and go full time into direct marketing.
After a year-and-a-half, he had managed to lose everything he
had. He lost his house, he was $100,000 in debt on his credit
cards, had no job, no income and no prospects. Jeff and his
wife, Peggy, and their three kids ended up in his
sister-in-law's basement living on a couch.
Then he made a little discovery.
As soon as he started to use this discovery,
his business went from a measly $1,000 per month to $13,000.
The second month he went to $26,000. The third month was
$49,000. Now, he has a two million dollar-a-year
business he runs from a 400 square foot office upstairs over
his garage.
What did he discover? He discovered the
crucial thing that matters is... your market. Yep, he
discovered it's the market that is the key to the whole
deal. He says, (and he's right) "You have to have people
who are hungry, people who are irrational, and I mean
literally irrational, that are passionate, that have money,
and they're willing to spend the money. They have to have a
dire sense of urgency, even desperation about something...
and... they have to be reachable!"
Then he says, "You have to find out what
they want and give it to them." He says if you do this,
"You don't have to fight. There's no battles. No challenges.
There's no mountains and obstacles to overcome. You've made it
easy, you've stacked all the deck in your favor."
Amen, again!
Jeff has sold to
various markets over the years. But guess where he found a
really enormous success?
Just what did he
sell them? A set of golf clubs which helped them achieve a
lower score. Just how much did he charge for his golf clubs?
$6,000 Per Set!
How did he sell them? With a long copy, direct
mail sales letter. That's right... no pictures... no
brochures... no nothing except copy.
As he points out, you couldn't do this with a
rational market. Golfers are irrational. They'll play in the
rain, the snow, they'll buy books, take lessons and, in
general, I bet they would jump through hoops of fire if they
thought it would take strokes off their game.
So, what you do
first is, you get that SRDS Mailing List Catalog
and read all those mailing list descriptions... and... you
find yourself a moneyed group of people who are nutso enough
about something to spend irrational amounts of money on
whatever it is. Then...
You Find Or Create A
Very Expensive Product
For These People!
Look, I'm not saying you should ignore
the "Anthrax Factor." I'm not saying it's going to go
away either. There's a lot of stuff which has changed in the
last few months. A lot of stuff which is not going to go away.
And, God only knows what "fresh hells" we are going to
be plagued with in the next 12-months.
But, we have to face up to every
challenge. We can do it too. There are more of us with
"Tiger Mindsets" here in the good ol' USofA than anywhere
else on earth.
Don't you forget
Sincerely, |
 |
Gary C. Halbert |
P.S. You want to know why I almost didn't
write this newsletter? It's because a lot of it, I had
already written in past issues. But, dammit, this is what
I thought really needed to be said. I feel these
concepts are so important, you need to be reminded of
them over and over. These concepts need to be literally
pounded into your head. (And, it's my job to be the
"hammer" that does this.)
I hope you agree with me. But, even if
you don't, guess what?
I Still Ain't Gonna Change!
Copyright © 2002 Gary C. Halbert. All Rights
Reserved. |